Colliculitis in men: classification, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Effective treatment and prevention of colliculitis

The ability to have a full sex life without misfires and unpleasant consequences For modern man is almost at the top of the list of priorities in a relationship. In ancient Chinese philosophy of Taoism important place devoted to the rules of sex or the “tao of love”, according to which frequent uncontrolled ejaculation of a man is a waste of his sexual energy. Urologists around the world disagree about the advisability of using Eastern practices, and some even claim that the practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, prolonged delay in ejaculation over a long period of time, can cause serious illness called colliculitis.

This diagnosis means inflammation of the colliculus - the seminal mound or tubercle(lat. collicus). This elevation is located in the prostatic part of the urethra (closer to the urethra) and performs the most important function: the sensation of orgasm occurs when sperm passes over the surface of the tubercle, saturated nerve endings And blood vessels. Also in the thickness of the colliculus there is a small cavity - the so-called prostatic uterus, into which the openings of the vas deferens and multiple small ducts open prostate gland.

When and why does the disease occur?

The inflammatory process in the urethra is caused by pathogenic bacteria, sexually transmitted pathogens, and the seminal tubercle is always involved in it. Based anatomical features, the seminal mound is susceptible to infection of both ascending and descending types.

Colliculitis occurs in 3 forms:

  1. the primary form of infection, when infection occurs when it enters the urethra pathogenic microorganisms during sexual intercourse (including oral, anal sex);
  2. in the secondary form (reactive infection), the tubercle is involved in inflammatory process surrounding tissues - the prostate gland, the posterior wall of the urinary canal, the epididymis. Also, with reactive colliculitis, infection through the hemato- and lymphatic pathways is possible in the presence of an inflammatory process various organs: intestines, joints, gall bladder, tonsils, dental caries;
  3. true colliculitis - due to a failure of innervation and blood circulation in the tissues spermatic tubercle with congestion of organs reproductive system men. They occur with a sedentary lifestyle, frequent constipation and tension in the rectal sphincter, and prolonged abstinence from ejaculation in the presence of arousal.

Like any inflammation, colliculitis can be acute or chronic.

When can a man suspect inflammation?

Colliculitis does not have independent symptoms as such, because it often occurs together with other inflammatory processes in the urethra. But the following symptoms may suggest this diagnosis:

  • discomfort in groin area, feeling of presence foreign body, sharp, shooting pain in the groin area with irradiation to the scrotum, lower abdomen, inner surface hips, down to the knee;
  • bloody impurities in urine and semen, which should greatly frighten a man;
  • the stream of urine is thin and interrupted (due to swelling of the tubercle tissue and blocking of the urinary canal);
  • unexpressed, muffled sensations during orgasm, decreased libido;
  • painful ejaculation, unpleasant burning sensation, tingling during ejaculation;
  • spontaneous erection, which a man cannot control, and during sex, on the contrary, decreased erection;
  • involuntary ejaculation during defecation.

Symptoms of inflammation occur due to constant irritation during colliculitis of the nerve endings of the tubercle, which are responsible for transmitting impulses to the spinal centers of ejaculation and arousal. The impulse is transmitted permanently, and the entire nerve chain malfunctions.

Diagnosis of the disease

If one of the symptoms occurs (usually this), a man should immediately consult a urologist. The doctor conducts a clinical examination, collects anamnesis, paying attention to Special attention the patient's sexual history. Mandatory diagnostic procedures for a patient with suspected colliculitis, urethroscopy is - instrumental method studies of the urinary tract, as well as blood and urine tests for the presence and type of pathogenic microorganisms.

How is colliculitis treated?

Colliculitis treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and includes etiotropic, immunostimulating, analgesic therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, treatment traditional methods. Antibiotics are used to defeat pathogens latest generation wide range actions.

Constant monitoring of the progress of treatment of colliculitis is carried out by the patient undergoing regular laboratory research. The approach to treatment must be strictly individual: each patient has his own combination of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and folk recipes.

In rare cases, when colliculitis is advanced, as a result of which the seminal tubercle grows and blocks the urethra, a decision is made to perform transurethral electroresection - removal of the hypertrophied parts of the tubercle with an electric knife. This surgery, but if the course is favorable, the patient can walk the next day.

Positive dynamics in the treatment of colliculitis can be observed when using folk remedies. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice, parsley decoction, blue cornflower infusion are widely used - these means support general complex medical procedures, taking them orally.

Care should be taken to use products using alcohol (tinctures), mud and concentrated extracts, applying them topically, although they give positive effect. In the non-acute stage of inflammation, it is possible to use warm sitz baths with calendula infusion, rectal suppositories with propolis, microenemas on mineral water with eucalyptus infusion, mud tampons and applications to the perineum.

It should be remembered that an active passion for traditional methods of treatment can aggravate clinical picture, if carried out without the supervision of a doctor.

Throughout the treatment of colliculitis with various, including folk remedies, a man should abstain from sexual intercourse, eat well and properly, increasing the amount of fiber in the diet and slow carbohydrates, “live” food, avoid stressful situations, hypothermia lower limbs, pelvic area. You should stop drinking alcohol spicy food, smoked meats, limit sugar intake.

To prevent the occurrence of colliculitis, a man should use the following rules prevention: good sleep, healthy and thoughtful sex life, venereological alertness, warm, comfortable clothes that do not compress the pelvic organs, early contact with a urologist at the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease.

Greetings to all! Alexander Burusov, an expert at the Viva Men men's club, writes to you. Today on our agenda is colliculitis. In this article we will talk about complications of this disease, and also consider effective methods his treatment.

The seminal tubercle or mound (“colliculus seminalis” in Latin) is a compaction of connective and muscle tissue on the back urethra, important which for male body consists in its direct participation in the processes of erection and ejaculation.

Colliculitis, i.e. inflammation of this organ usually occurs against the background of pathological processes in the urethra or prostate gland. It can begin with infection venereal diseases or due to infection from other inflammatory foci in neighboring organs. Inflammation can also be caused by stagnation in the blood supply to the pelvis, caused by a sedentary lifestyle, numerous interrupted sexual intercourse, injuries and age-related changes.


Besides common symptoms characteristic of inflammation genitourinary organs such as pain and discomfort when urinating, discharge various kinds and blood in the urine; with colliculitis, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are also observed. The seminal tubercle also performs an important function in holding and draining urine. Its inflammation can lead to blockage of the urethra and pathological urinary retention in the body.

Ignoring the problem for a long time leads to chronic stage colliculitis and leads to the impossibility of restoring sexual functionality and normal urination, since a long and advanced inflammatory process causes degradation of muscle tissue, its replacement by coarsened connective tissue. To eliminate sexual dysfunction caused by advanced colliculitis, as well as congenital organic defects, surgical intervention is used.

Colliculitis not only reduces a man’s quality of life, dooming him to sexual inferiority and daily torture associated with urinary problems, but also weakens the body as a whole, increasing the risk of the inflammation spreading to other pelvic organs.


After a clinical examination and review of the medical history by the attending physician, in addition to general analysis blood, laboratory tests of urine, smear and bacterial cultures are prescribed to identify the causative agent of infection. To confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent of tissue damage, urethroscopy is performed.

Treatment methods for colliculitis

Depending on the cause of inflammation established as a result of laboratory tests, a comprehensive drug therapy antibiotics and/or antifungal drugs. Painkillers and immune-supporting drugs are also used.

For effective fight with inflammation can also be prescribed instillation of the urethra with antiseptic solutions. If muscle tissue atrophy is detected, instillations with rosehip, sea buckthorn, and vinylin oils are prescribed. These procedures, which involve administering medications through the urethra, are performed on an outpatient basis.

Used to relieve swelling and stimulate blood circulation shading(cauterization) of the seminal tubercle with silver nitrate. These procedures should be prescribed and used with caution to avoid traumatic burns to the colliculus and urethral walls.

In difficult cases, when the disease is advanced and atrophy of the seminal tubercle has occurred, surgical intervention is indicated - transurethral electroresection. By removing the growth due to inflammation connective tissue Normal urination is restored and problems with sexual functionality are eliminated.

As prescribed by a doctor, almost the entire range of modern physiotherapeutic procedures, which help relieve inflammation and swelling and restore normal blood supply to the pelvic organs.

The prognosis for the treatment of colliculitis is favorable due to the development of medical technologies. But this doesn't mean you can ignore inflammatory signals. With timely and accurate diagnosis, it will be possible to avoid resections and lengthy unpleasant treatment procedures.

Traditional medicine

For mild forms of inflammation, warm baths with infusions of calendula, chamomile, cornflower, eucalyptus and parsley, as well as microenemas with mineral water, can be used as an auxiliary therapy.

Taking decoctions from herbal infusions, and Fresh Juice cranberries can be a good stimulant during treatment for colliculitis.

Rectal suppositories with propolis with a 10-day course of use can help in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. They stimulate blood circulation and increase the effect of drug treatment.

Prevention of colliculitis

For good health genitourinary system First of all, it is recommended healthy and safe sex life. It is important to avoid interrupted sexual intercourse, observe the rules of hygiene and, at the first signs of infection, consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the recommendations for narrow-profile treatment of inflammatory processes caused by infections and fungal infections.

It is also important to ensure proper operation gastrointestinal tract, through diet and exercise, eliminate constipation and gas formation. You should not expose yourself to hypothermia or excessive physical exertion. Strengthening the immune system, combating physical inactivity and refusing bad habits will significantly reduce the risk of colliculitis in men at any age.

Colliculitis is a disease manifested by inflammatory processes on the posterior walls of the prostate of the male ureter. In its standard form, it is a small protrusion that is located immediately in the prostatic zone of the urethra.

Its length is about two centimeters, its height does not exceed four millimeters. Various infections that enter this zone begin to develop quite acute inflammation, involving the colliculus itself in the process.

The symptoms of such a disease directly depend on the level of development of the inflammatory process.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of colliculitis is considered to be an inflammatory process occurring in the seminal tubercle and caused by infections with pathogenic bacteria, which may include gonococcus, chlamydia, streptococcus, mycoplasma, and staphylococci.

It is customary to distinguish between two variants of infection – primary and secondary. In the first case, infection can be acquired during intimate relations, when an infection enters the ureteral canals. In the second option, the inflammatory process develops due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the infectious zone. They can enter from the kidneys, pass through the blood or lymphatic vessels.

Doctors highlight another reason for the appearance of this disease - disruptions in the blood supply. This occurs due to congestion in the pelvic area, which is caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Interrupted sexual intercourse also influences the development of the disease.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Men especially characteristic symptoms no colliculitis. Because pathological processes disappear with simultaneous damage to other organs and tissues; some signs characteristic of prostatitis or other diseases of the genitourinary system are noted:

  1. Pain in the groin area, radiating to the scrotum, inner thigh, lower abdomen. There may be discomfort in the rectum, accompanied by feelings of fullness or the presence of a foreign object.
  2. During ejaculation, slight tingling, pain and even burning occur, the whole process is disrupted.
  3. When urinating, due to the blocking of the lumens of the canal, the stream will be weak and intermittent, the process is accompanied by pain.
  4. Traces of blood appear in urine and semen.
  5. With constipation or hard stools, spontaneous ejaculation of semen may occur.
  6. Erection becomes uncontrollable, painful and inadequate, and simply absent during sexual intercourse.

Necessary research

Having discovered the first signs of the disease, you should immediately visit a venereologist and other specialists. The doctor will prescribe clinical examination, interview the patient about all existing complaints, clarify the duration and frequency negative manifestations, the presence of pathologies of a concomitant or chronic nature.

During laboratory research, blood and urine tests are performed, a urethral smear is taken for microscopic examination and culture on a nutrient medium to detect pathogens.

PCR diagnostics are performed and seminal fluid is taken for testing.

The main method of instrumental examination for colliculitis is. This is an examination of the ureteral canal using a device that helps to visually examine all parts of the urethra.

The doctor is able to determine significant increases in collicular size, swelling, looseness, and bleeding of the mucosa. Sometimes on the collicle there are quite small formations in the form of bubbles that grow.

At the time of ulcerative damage, erosions and ulcers covered with fibrin plaque can be distinguished. During an atrophic disease, the colliculus even decreases in size.

When the disease is accompanied by prostatitis or vesiculitis, examination can reveal purulent accumulations in the vas deferens.

Purpose of treatment course

Treatment of colliculitis is prescribed taking into account the nature of the existing pathologies. If present bacterial process, then special medications are prescribed that have a wide range of effects. As a supplement, painkillers are prescribed.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes procedures for his patient - infusion medicinal compositions to the ureteral canal. Microenemas are performed, suppositories are placed, and hormonal and vitamin complexes are taken.

Taking the course therapeutic treatment, necessary:

  • abstain from sexual relations;
  • eat properly and balanced;
  • minimize stressful situations;
  • exclude cases of hypothermia of the legs and pelvic area;
  • examine your sexual partner and, if necessary, treat him.

In the past as therapeutic method cauterization of the affected areas with a solution of silver nitrate was used. Today modern medicine This method is highly questionable.

Such a procedure may not only not improve the patient’s condition, but also damages the tissue, which then leaves traces of scarring.

Painful manifestations worsen, the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment decreases, orgasm disturbances occur, and infertility may occur. It is not recommended to use a laser on the colliculus.

Modern medical specialists summarize all known methods practical treatment, excluding those that can cause at least some harm to the body. In consultation with your doctor, you can use folk remedies that will play a role additional funds treatment.

In some cases, oil and fat preparations made on the basis of Vaseline oils, sea buckthorn, rose hips, fish oil. If the therapeutic treatment does not achieve the desired results, then surgical intervention is prescribed. In this case, the affected areas of the colliculus are excised with an electric knife.

Remember that any treatment must be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor. This takes into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, treatment of associated pathological changes. The consumption of alcohol-containing drinks and spicy foods is completely excluded.

People's Pharmacy

With its help you can provide positive impact for treatment. The tincture of cornflowers has proven itself to be excellent.

Must be used very carefully alcohol infusions. Care should be taken when using mud therapy or using concentrated extracts.

Each remedy will give its positive result, but you should know exactly how and in what dosages they are used.

If the disease does not occur in an acute form, warm baths and microenemas based on mineral water. Mud tampons placed on the perineum also work.

Possible complications

If treatment is not organized in a timely manner or carried out on your own, then the following may occur in the urogenital tract:

  • disturbances in the emission of urine;
  • impotence;
  • infertility.

There is no need to delay treatment procedures. Having identified the first signs of the disease, you need to visit a doctor and begin a course of treatment, because colliculitis is easier to defeat with its initial stages. Long-term inflammatory processes can impair the functioning of the spermatic tubercle even after the inflammatory process is cured.

Preventive measures

There is nothing complicated here. The measures are the same as those used during the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. main feature– protection during sex with the help of condoms. In addition, you need to fulfill some requirements:

  1. Conduct preventive examinations to identify and treat certain diseases. This is especially true for identifying infectious diseases, which can usually be transmitted through sexual intercourse. This examination is especially important before marriage.
  2. You shouldn't join intimate relationships with a woman if she is menstruating or is spending treatment course from any infectious diseases.
  3. You should be wary of casual sexual contacts with untested partners.
  4. Correct pathological diseases.
  5. Maintain regular sexual relations and safe sex.
  6. If a condom is damaged during sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use Miramistin. The drug is poured into the urethra, the area of ​​the head of the penis is pressed with your fingers, and held for fifteen minutes. After this procedure, you need to urinate.
  7. If possible, avoid excessively prolonged sexual stimulation that remains unresolved.
  8. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and harden the body.
  9. If you feel suspicious signs in the form of pain or itching, you should not engage in self-treatment.
  10. The body needs to be given sufficient physical activity. Jumping rope is recommended. All this helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Paying attention to your health, visiting preventive examinations, showing interest in test results should be inherent in every person. After all, every deviation from the norm, even a minor one, indicates that there is a possibility of a serious illness that should begin to be treated in the initial phase.

Colliculitis- inflammation of the seminal tubercle. Seminal tubercle(colliculus, lat.) is a small elevation 1.5 cm long prostate (closest to bladder) parts of the urethra (urethra).

Thus, the seminal tubercle (collicle) is some obstacle to the process of urination and ejaculation.

At the height of sexual arousal, the seminal tubercle enlarges and becomes rigid (erects). This is facilitated by a dense vascular network and numerous nerve endings in the seminal tubercle.

Irritation of the nerve endings (receptors) of the seminal tubercle (collicle) during ejaculation enhances orgasm (orgastic sensations) and, according to the biofeedback mechanism, contributes to the contraction of smooth muscle fibers of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland.

At the top spermatic tubercle there is a slit-like opening leading into a small cavity in the thickness of the prostate gland. The name of this cavity is prostatic uterus- indicates the common origin of the prostate gland in men and the uterus in women. To the right and left of the slit-like opening of the entrance to the prostatic uterus there are small openings of the ejaculatory ducts (one on each side). Numerous small excretory ducts of the prostatic glands open to the right and left of the seminal tubercle.

Causes of colliculitis

    primary colliculitis. Primary colliculitis can occur when the seminal tubercle becomes infected during oral sex, anal and genital intercourse.
    When bacteria and viruses enter the posterior (prostatic) part of the urethra (urethra), in the vast majority of cases the seminal tubercle is also involved in the inflammatory process;

    secondary involvement in the inflammatory process of the seminal tubercle (reactive colliculitis).
    Reactive colliculitis occurs due to infection from surrounding tissues: the posterior part of the urethra (urethra), prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymis.
    Reactive colliculitis can occur hematogenously (with blood flow) and lymphogenous (through lymphatic vessels) in the presence of an inflammatory focus in distant organs: tonsils, carious teeth, gallbladder, kidneys, joints, rectum, etc.;

    true colliculitis. True colliculitis is formed when nerve conduction (innervation) and blood supply to the area of ​​the seminal tubercle are disrupted due to congestion in the pelvis.
    Congestion in the pelvis causes incomplete or prolonged (prolonged) sexual intercourse with a long delay in ejaculation, constipation and associated straining, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Symptoms of colliculitis

Symptoms(manifestations) colliculitis depend on the type infectious agent, activity (severity) of the inflammatory process, condition of adjacent organs (urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, rectum), reproductive and motor activity, regime and working conditions.

During an infectious inflammatory process, a constant nerve impulse occurs in the seminal tubercle, leading to overirritation of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation, which causes

  • increased frequency of spontaneous (spontaneous) erection, with weakening of erection during sexual intercourse;
  • discomfort(discomfort) in the groin area, sensation of a foreign formation in the area anus.
    In acute colliculitis, stabbing, burning, shooting pain occurs in the groin area.
    The pain radiates (sends) to the lower abdomen, scrotum, perineum, and inner thighs. In acute colliculitis, pain affects the area from the knee to the navel;
  • a characteristic symptom of colliculitis is a “erased” (dull) orgasm;
  • a symptom of colliculitis is discomfort (discomfort) or pain during ejaculation;
  • involuntary ejaculation (ejaculation) during bowel movements;
  • in some cases, an intermittent, weakened and thin stream of urine is noted. A thin and weakened stream of urine is a consequence of swelling of the tubercle and blocking of the urethra;
  • admixture of blood in the first portion of urine (hematuria), semen (hemospermia).

Like any inflammatory process, colliculitis can be acute and chronic.

Treatment of colliculitis

IN Spa clinic men's health To treat colliculitis, complex balneophysiotherapeutic procedures are used in combination with antibacterial therapy on sensitivity, homeopathic and phytotherapeutic remedies.

The use of medicines from natural mineral and herbal raw materials according to the prescriptions of doctors at the Men's Health Resort Clinic allows for the delivery of medicines through the urethra and lymphatic tract (bypassing the liver) specifically to the seminal tubercle.
This technique improves metabolic processes at the cell, tissue and organ level, has a membrane-generating and membrane-stabilizing effect (restores damaged cells of the seminal tubercle), and significantly reduces the treatment period.

Our successful experience in sanatorium-resort treatment shows that the use of medicines based on natural raw materials is an important physiological (corresponding to human physiology) component of the full restoration of the structure and function of the seminal tubercle, allows you to quickly and permanently eliminate pathogenetic basis(root cause) of colliculitis.

The duration of treatment for colliculitis is 7-12 days, depending on infectious factor and activity of the inflammatory process.

Survey and healing procedures are performed from the first day of contacting our Clinic.

The scope of clinical and laboratory examination is described in detail on our website in Program No. 1.

You can perform the necessary clinical and laboratory examination at your place of residence or in our Clinic by appointment.
The results of the examination are valid for 2 months from the date of completion in the absence of a change of sexual partner.

All physiotherapeutic procedures are performed by professionally trained and tactful staff of the Clinic, painlessly and in comfortable conditions.

Contraindications to physiotherapeutic procedures are general contraindications to physiotherapy: oncological process in the body, epilepsy, schizophrenia, hypertonic disease 3 degrees, cardiac and respiratory failure and other therapeutic diseases in the stage of decompensation.
Indications and contraindications for each physiotherapy procedure are described in detail on our website in the article “”.

A comprehensive sanatorium-resort approach to the treatment of colliculitis allows you to cover all the causes and manifestations of the disease, in most cases completely remove the infectious pathogen from the body and achieve a pronounced and lasting effect in a short time, as sparingly and effectively as possible.

During the treatment of colliculitis medical indications sexual rest (lack of sexual intercourse) is recommended.

It is possible to plan conception no earlier than 2 months after finishing taking antibiotics based on the results of a clinical and laboratory examination.

During the treatment of colliculitis, the consumption of carbonated, energy and alcoholic drinks (including beer), smoked, spicy and spicy foods is contraindicated.
It is necessary to limit the intake of sugar, chocolate, cakes and sweets.

A return to normal eating and drinking alcohol is possible 3-5 days after the end of treatment for colliculitis.

During the treatment of colliculitis, it is necessary to limit physical activity in the gym, at work, etc.

During the spa treatment the best physical activity is a health path (dosed hiking taking into account the natural landscape).

The resort's men's health clinic provides accommodation and accommodation assistance to men and married couples for the period of examination, treatment and seasonal prevention diseases.

Living conditions and the possibility of transfer are discussed in detail on our website in the article “Accommodation”.

We work on weekdays and holidays, seven days a week:

Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 20:00,
Saturday, Sunday, holidays from 8:00 to 17:00 Moscow time.

The resort clinic for men's health operates in the voluntary health insurance system and provides paid services.

We accept men from all cities of Russia, near and far abroad.

Respect and tolerance for the different habits and religions of our Patients allows us to achieve comfort and high efficiency treatment.

You can count on our full response and support if any wishes or doubts arise.

  • Cost of consultation with a urologist for the purpose of “Checking for EVERYTHING”

If any health problems arise or are present, your women can always contact a gynecologist at the Women's Health Resort Clinic.

Prevention of colliculitis

There is no specific prevention of colliculitis. However, compliance with a number of conditions will allow you to avoid infectious infection and congestion in the pelvis:

    Refrain from intimacy with a woman (wife, friend, assistant secretary) during menstruation and treatment of infectious diseases gynecological diseases. If it is impossible to avoid sexual intercourse, you must use barrier contraception(condom).

    Refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral) with unverified women. Women who have undergone a qualitative examination for the presence of sexually transmitted infections are verified.
    Oral contact can cause infection with Trichomonas, yeast fungi (Candida), human papilloma viruses, herpes types 1 and 2, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, spirochete pallidum (syphilis), gonococcus (gonorrhea).

    Abstain from anal intercourse without barrier contraception.

    In the absence and/or rupture of a condom, technologically obligatory correct use miramistina: instillation (infusion) into the urethra, squeeze the urethra (urethra) in the area of ​​the head of the penis with your fingers and hold, wait for 15 minutes, urinate.

    Avoid prolonged sexual arousal that does not end in orgasm.

    Screening for sexually transmitted infections before marriage (including civil marriage). Cost of examination

    If discomfort or pain occurs in the perineum and groin areas, discharge from the urethra, itching and/or “irritation” of the glans penis and other complaints, do not resort to self-medication.

    Do not use alone medicines previously prescribed by your doctor for similar symptoms. This will avoid the microflora becoming addictive and developing treatment-resistant forms of bacteria.

    Sufficient physical activity. During high workload and complete absence Jumping rope and Kegel exercises (rhythmic contractions (retractions) and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum and anus) are enough time for yourself. Kegel exercises performed while waiting at a traffic light, meeting, at the workplace, and jumping rope when performed regularly are a wonderful way to improve local (in the pelvis) blood circulation.

    Timely prevention and treatment of chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis.

    In case of an emergency, call your urologist.

Questions and answers

Question: Is there a need for examination after oral sex , if I changed my partner? At that moment there was no time for help.
Answer: At oral sex possible transmission of gonococcus (the causative agent of gonorrhea), trichomonas (trichomoniasis), spirochete pallidum (syphilis), gardnerella, leptothrix, mobiluncus (associated with dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) of the genitals), human papillomaviruses, cytomegalovirus, viruses hepatitis A,B,C,D. Not proven, but very likely transmission through oral sex ureaplasma and mycoplasma (causative agents of mycoplasmosis). At oral sex exchange of banal opportunistic flora (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, etc.) is possible, which can provoke (cause) exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, urethritis, vesiculitis, etc. Thus, conducting a full examination after oral sex with a urologist is a reasonable step for a man who thinks about his health and the health of his women. Service cost

Question: There was discharge white and my penis hurt. I saw a doctor only a month after the first symptoms. The doctor said that I had urethritis and prescribed treatment. At the moment, my urethritis is chronic. I recently noticed a smell rotten fish. Got treatment again. Six months later, the smell appeared was treated again and now it is gone, but the doctor has already made a diagnosis chronic prostatitis. The question is, can I infect a girl with urethritis or gardnerellosis? And can I plan for children?
Answer: Urethritis as the disease is not sexually transmitted. Gardnerella is transmitted and can cause bacterial vaginosis, inflammation of the uterine appendages, cystitis and other diseases in women. Thus, it is reasonable to plan a pregnancy after complete sanitation of the genitourinary system.

Question: I am interested in the introduction of the gel hyaluronic acid into the head of the penis for treatment premature ejaculation. I have already tried all other methods and there is no result. If you are doing similar operations, I would like to know the price and what you need to bring with you to the consultation.
Answer: This procedure at the Resort Men's Health Clinic is conducted by doctor Surkhaeva Elvira Kadirovna. The required scope of examination is standard and includes a smear for urethral flora, PCR smears for chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, testing for hepatitis (HBsAg, antiHCv), HIV, syphilis (RW). You can perform the necessary examination at your place of residence or in our Clinic. The cost of introducing hyaluronic acid into the head of the penis is 15,000.00 rubles. Please leave a request with your phone number so that the Clinic staff will call you and find a time convenient for you.

Question: Can male sperm contain bacteria that cause adnexitis? And can a man be a carrier of salpingoophoritis?
Answer: Sperm healthy man may contain small amounts of bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci). These bacteria, against the background of decreased immunity in women, can cause a nonspecific inflammatory reaction in the form of colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), endocervicitis (inflammation of the cervical canal), endometritis (inflammation of the uterine cavity), salpingoophoritis (inflammation fallopian tube and ovary).

Question: I received a ticket to your clinic from the trade union committee. Is it possible to arrive two days later than indicated on the tour package and depart two days earlier?
Answer: Arrival for treatment later than the date indicated on the voucher and early departure from the Clinic are possible.
However, we draw your attention to the fact that shortening the duration of treatment and restoration of performance will not allow achieving the expected results and durability of the effect of sanatorium treatment.

Question: Is it possible to combine treatment programs for urological and therapeutic diseases? What will be the expected cost of treatment and the expected effect?
Answer: Combining programs for the treatment of urological and therapeutic diseases at the resort is possible and desirable and allows for the treatment and improvement of the male body as a whole.
When combining several treatment programs, the estimated maximum cost is no more than 15% higher than the cost of the main treatment program.

Question: What is needed for treatment?
Answer: It is advisable to have copies of doctors’ reports and the results of previous examinations and treatment.
If desired or necessary, it is possible to perform necessary examination in our Clinic.

Question: Is it issued sick leave for the period of examination and treatment at the Men's Health Clinic?
Answer: The resort clinic for men's health does not issue sick leave (sick leave).

Question: According to the policies of which insurance companies of the voluntary health insurance system do the doctors of the Resort Clinic for Men's Health accept patients?
Answer: We accept Insured Persons at SOGAZ and Ingosstrakh under policies issued by these insurance companies. You can find out detailed information about which medical institutions your insurance company works with by calling hotline Your insurance company. If the Men's Health Resort Clinic is not on its list, you can leave a request and, perhaps, your insurance company will meet you, enter into an agreement with us, and we will be happy to accept you.

Question: How to get treatment in a clinic under the policy?
Answer: To conduct examination and treatment at the Men's Health Clinic under your policy, you must contact your insurance company to receive a cover letter.
If you have a cover letter, a policy from this insurance company and a passport, you will be able to perform the necessary examination and treatment in our Clinic.
Sincerely, Chief Accountant of the Resort Clinic for Men's Health.

Before asking a question, please read the article corresponding to your question and the answers to the most frequently asked questions!

Colliculitis is one of the complications of prostatitis. This Latin name inflammation of the seminal follicle, or tubercle. Colliculitis as an inflammatory process causes discomfort and unpleasant sensations, and therefore cannot be ignored.

Inflammation of the seminal tubercle is one of the frequent complications prostatitis.


The seminal follicle in men looks like a small tubercle up to 1-2 cm long, 0.5 cm wide and 0.5 cm high. Topographically, it is located on the posterior wall of the urethra in the area of ​​the prostate gland. In the seminal tubercle, the ducts of the efferent canals from the seminal vesicles open. It is abundantly supplied with nerve endings and largely determines the occurrence of orgasm in men.

Due to its close location to the posterior wall of the urethra, some doctors consider inflammation of the seminal tubercle in men not an independent disease, but one of the forms of posterior urethritis.

This is not surprising, since colliculitis often develops after suffering:

  • prostatitis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • urethritis;
  • epididymitis.

Inflammation of the seminal tubercle is caused by infectious agents and occurs due to the spread of the process from the affected organs to back wall urethra. More often this happens during sexual intercourse, as well as with constipation and a sedentary lifestyle (provoking stagnation in the pelvis). Rarely, but there are still cases when the infection gets inside the seminal tubercle with blood flow from other internal organs.


Colliculitis manifests itself very individually. Symptoms of inflammation may be absent, erased, moderate or severe.

Colliculitis has the following symptoms and signs:

  • pain in the groin area, sometimes radiating to the thighs or scrotum;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the rectum;
  • discomfort when urinating;
  • blood in semen;
  • spontaneous erections;
  • lowering the threshold of sensations during orgasm.

Symptoms of colliculitis most often depend on the degree of its neglect and concomitant diseases.


Urethroscopy is one of the informative methods diagnosis of the disease.

Identifying colliculitis, even with symptoms, is a rather difficult task. Complaints with this complication are nonspecific, so a thorough additional examination is required. Treatment and diagnosis are carried out by a urologist, who, in addition to interviewing the patient and clinical examination, prescribes a number of additional examinations:

  • urethroscopy;
  • PCR analysis to identify pathogens;
  • general urine analysis;
  • bacterial culture of urine or seminal fluid.

An additional examination simultaneously reveals the disease, the complication of which is colliculitis.


Colliculitis requires the prescription of etiotropic drugs - antibiotics. Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics most often has insufficient effect; it is necessary to prescribe narrowly targeted drugs that act against a specific pathogen.

Treatment of colliculitis is well complemented by:

  • physiotherapy;
  • urethral instillation;
  • quenching with silver nitrate.

No matter how simple the treatment of the disease may seem, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

In case of hypertrophy of the tubercle, its electrical resection is necessary. It will improve urination and partially relieve other symptoms of inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

For treatment, you can also use folk remedies that complement the main therapy well. So, colliculitis goes away faster with simultaneous treatment:

    • fresh cranberry juice;
    • infusion of blue cornflower flowers;
    • decoction of parsley roots.

    If the course of colliculitis is not acute, from folk remedies can help:

  1. Warm baths with infusion of calendula flowers.
  2. Microclysters with mineral water and infusion of eucalyptus.
  3. Rectal suppositories made from propolis.

Colliculitis during therapy requires complete sexual rest, good nutrition and prevention of hypothermia. For prevention similar cases subsequently, strengthening local and general immunity plays an important role.

Treatment of colliculitis without eliminating its immediate cause will be ineffective. It has its own specifics, so it should be carried out only under the supervision of a urologist.