Alkalinizing foods walker table. Why acid-base imbalance prevents you from losing weight

Macrobiotics and alkalizing foods are on the agenda!

1. I remind you about the harmful things. Refined grains, processed sugar, coffee, artificial sweeteners, juices in packages, fried foods, meat and dairy products, and especially finished products(such as sausages and ham) is a colossal stress for our body, namely overheating and complete acidification, according to macrobiotics.

2. Attention - Acidosis! If we eat too many acidic foods (see above), this can lead to serious complications health. So, for people with diabetes, the general diagnosis is Acidosis, or a condition in which there is an increase in the acidity of the body. And the process during which nutrients necessary to maintain alkaline state, cannot be obtained from the foods we eat and are extracted from our reserves, bones or other vital tissues, which completely damages the body's ability to repair itself and detoxify.

3. IMPORTANT! Already in 1931 (!) Otto Warburg received Nobel Prize for his work on cellular respiration, which was the basis for his further conclusions that cancer forms when cells lack oxygen and grows only in anaerobic (oxygen-free) or acidic, conditions!

If normal, healthy cell can no longer absorb the oxygen necessary to convert glucose into energy, then “detrimental” changes occur to it: instead of respiration, the process of glucose fermentation begins. Lactic acid produced during fermentation reduces cellular acid-base balance(pH) * and disrupts the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. In other words, the main cause of cancer is acidification. human body.

* Acid-base balance is the ratio of acid and alkaline in fluids within the body. This means blood, lymph, intercellular fluid, saliva, gastric juice, bile, urine, etc. To maintain this stability, excess alkali or acid is released into the urine, saliva or excreted in the breath.

4. Besides, we can get better from foods with a high acidifying index! For example, we get better from cheese not only because it is fatty, but mainly because it has a high acidifying effect.

For example, almonds contain 70% fat, while pork contains only 58%. But pork acidifies instantly, it has a high acid index, and almonds alkalize!

5. And I remind you once again that STRESS acidifies our body and being in nature, contemplative practices, awareness of Beauty (well, this is a must :)) have soothing and relaxing properties and alkalize the body.

Alkalinizing practices:

  • embrace
  • classical music
  • playing with a pet, especially puppies
  • massage
  • stay in nature
  • contemplation of flowers
  • singing and playing musical instruments

Top 7 Alkaline Foods for Your Daily Diet

1. Lemons!

Most people believe that lemons are sour fruits. Maybe it's because of the sour taste, or citric acid, but in reality, lemons are the most alkaline food. Lemons are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and electrolytes. Read about the obligatory water with lemon and why it is so useful.

2. Apples.

The pH level of apples is 8.0. In addition, they contain various minerals and vitamins that are optimal for our immune system. Also contain enzymes that support natural hormonal balance body!

Root vegetables such as beets, carrots, turnips and others are literally packed with extremely high mineral content. You can steam them, boil them, fry them and, of course, eat them raw in salads.

4. Alfalfa sprouts.

These amazingly tasty little ones are true alkaline powerhouses and contain a lot of... essential vitamins and minerals.

Green leafy salads (about them) - cabbage, chard, greens and spinach, romaine and others. Spinach is the coolest of all! It contains a lot of vitamin K, folic acid and other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. It goes well with another alkaline champion - lemon!

Not only does watermelon have a great alkaline pH of 9.0 and is sooo delicious, it's an excellent source of fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and lycopene. Watermelon consists of 92% water and perfectly quenches thirst. Watermelon season is coming! Hooray!

7. Hooray, cucumbers!

95% consist of water - clean, structured and alive! Contains potassium, sodium and zinc. Cucumbers contain a substance called tartronic acid. This acid affects metabolic processes and prevents the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. That's why cucumbers are so popular fasting days, during which you need to eat at least 1.5-2 kg of cucumbers. Cucumbers have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

We wish you all health and radiance, both internal and external!

Olga MindfulBeauty

Acidification of the body is an increase in acidity levels above normal due to Not balanced nutrition. Acid-base balance affects health indicators. It affects development chronic diseases, deterioration of immunity.

In addition to its nutritional functions, food can acidify and alkalize the body, which occurs during metabolic process. This leads to an imbalance in the acid-base balance (normally it should be 7.3-7.5), which manifests itself in an increase in these indicators.

When the acidity level increases, acidosis occurs, and alkali causes alkalosis. These conditions are characterized by metabolic disorders. Their appearance is influenced by the components contained in food. Products plant origin have low performance, A fatty food, sweets significantly affect the change in acidity.

Alkalinization of the body is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • temperature drop;
  • weakness, chills;
  • lack of energy and vitality;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • headache;
  • stomach cramps, ulcers;
  • dryness, redness of the skin, acne;
  • joint problems (pain, crunching);
  • caries, gum sensitivity.

This process is reflected on the emotional background depressive state, nervousness, insomnia, increased irritability.

When alkalization occurs, circles appear under the eyes. Soreness occurs in the muscles, and the eyes become inflamed. With acidosis, the white of the eye acquires a light pink tint, with alkalosis it becomes dark, closer to red.

If signs of a pathological condition appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Harm and benefit

It is important to maintain the acid-base balance within normal limits. Exceeding these indicators is fraught with health consequences and provokes the development of diseases.

Acidosis causes metabolic disorders and prevents oxygen from reaching cells. Affects:

  • insulin production;
  • condition of blood vessels;
  • fat deposits.

These factors cause the development of diabetes mellitus, hemorrhagic stroke, obesity, oncology, osteoporosis, arthrosis, and rheumatism.

The resulting acid washes magnesium and calcium out of the body. This has a destructive effect on the bones and forms salt deposits in the kidneys. Muscles hurt and weaken, bones and teeth are destroyed, and headaches appear.

Japanese scientists have proven that cancer cells live and develop in the absence of oxygen, which leads to acidification of the body. Alkalinization, on the contrary, as experiments have shown, breaks down a cancerous tumor.

There is an opinion about the benefits of acidification, which is associated with an increase in hydrogen protons. Over the years, the cellular water that nourishes them is produced in smaller quantities. Protons are powered by harmful substances- biliburin and acid. To improve well-being and fight various diseases, it is necessary to maintain a state of acidosis and increase its level. For these purposes, researcher Bolotov created a balm based on concentrated acids.

A sufficient number of hydrogen protons relaxes muscles, strengthens smooth muscles, and reduces blood pressure.

Alkalosis increases protein synthesis, energy production, mineral metabolism, which has a positive effect on general condition. Hemoglobin levels increase and improve brain activity and performance, vigor appears.

Excessive increase in alkali is harmful to the skin, leading to dryness and sagging. For healthy condition the balance of these substances should be maintained.

Foods that promote acidification of the body

The main source of increase in acid, alkali are food products. The content of sulfuric acid, carbohydrates and fats in food contributes to acidification. Organic salts, potassium, magnesium - alkalization.

Our blood is saturated with alkali and has a low pH acidity. When there is disharmony in the nutritional system, a disruption occurs metabolic processes and natural activities of the body.

Average (acceptable moderate consumption): canned fruits, boiled beans, corn, chicken, turkey, sugar, wheat, cheeses.

Average: olive oil, legumes, dates, figs. Pears, tangerines, beets, kiwi, melon, grapes, greens.

The most harmful acidulants are: soda, cocoa (chocolate), alcoholic drinks, sweets, confectionery, canned foods, marinades. Their excessive consumption leads to decreased performance, insomnia, dark circles under the eyes, muscle weakness, cracking joints.

Normalize balance:

  • distilled water;
  • almond;
  • avocado;
  • greenery;
  • bananas

You can improve oxidative processes with cold douches, running, gymnastics, breathing exercises. Lactic acid, which is a breakdown product of glucose, leads to increased acidity in the blood.

How to avoid violations and restore balance

To avoid acid-base imbalance, you need to stick to a balanced diet and monitor your intake. useful elements. If signs of a malfunction appear, consult a doctor to get tested for pH levels, then carry out treatment, follow the recommendations for recovery.

You can check the level yourself by purchasing litmus paper at the pharmacy. Research is carried out on saliva and urine. An indicator above 7.5 indicates alkalization, below 7 indicates acidification.

When leveling the balance, it is necessary to cleanse excess acidity. It is excreted by the kidneys and intestines, and comes out through sweat. You should increase the amount of fluid consumed to at least 2 liters per day, do enemas, limit the use cosmetics to control sweating.

Must be adhered to fruit and vegetable diet, include in the diet foods that normalize the balance of elements, maintain immunity. Exclude from food junk food, affecting pH levels in the body.

You can combat imbalances at home with baking soda. You need to dissolve half a teaspoon of powder in warm, unboiled water and take it daily on an empty stomach. Sodium bicarbonate helps cleanse toxins, remove excess acid and solve many health problems. This remedy is used in folk medicine for many years.

Which is better: acidification or alkalization

For normal functioning All systems of the body must maintain an equal ratio of both states. When indicators deviate from the norm, violations occur biochemical processes, the immune system begins to work incorrectly. When acidified, it is not able to suppress infections and viruses.

Proponents of alternative treatment methods favor acidosis, believing that this condition can eliminate many diseases. IN official medicine the opinion is refuted. The harm of oxidation is confirmed by scientific research experience.

Nutritional Features modern people bring little benefit and often harm the body. Plant products are treated with chemicals and consumed more alcohol.. People approach food less selectively and do not think that it can affect the quality and duration of life. Acid-base imbalance causes many diseases and pathological conditions. If you suspect that the pH level is exceeded, you should be examined and adjust your diet.

According to Dr. Guerero, acidosis can damage cells in the body. Nutrition that provokes acidification reduces the quantity and quality of collagen and elastin, which leads to premature aging and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin good quality necessary to keep your skin looking young. Too much a large number of acids in the body can cause demineralization, which leads to dry and wrinkled skin, thin and brittle nails, and split ends. Dr. Guerero says acids damage red blood cells - red blood cells: they change shape, clump together and die too early. Red blood cells should look like round, flat discs that move freely through the plasma. They must be negatively charged on the outside and positively charged on the inside. When red blood cells are charged correctly, they do not stick together, but rather repel each other. Unfortunately, when acids deprive some red blood cells negative charge, they begin to attract and form clumps. Normally, this should only happen if the person has cut themselves and the body needs to stop losing blood. In other cases, blood should flow freely.

When red blood cells are out of order, the skin is usually the first to suffer.

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the skin, but, being sticky and heavy, cannot supply the outer layer of skin sufficient quantity oxygen. From a lack of oxygen, the skin becomes dull and grayish. You may also feel low energy if your blood is overloaded with damaged red blood cells that are no longer able to carry oxygen. It's no surprise that people often wake up tired after eight hours of sleep and need coffee to perk them up.

If you circled more than four symptoms, your body may be acidic. Check this by doing a urine pH test daily for five days in a row (for a more accurate result).

Take the test immediately after waking up.

Foods that boil the body

There are many types of foods that cause acidification in the body, the most common being those of animal origin. They not only contain acids, but also form them during digestion.

Acidifying foods can be eaten in moderation, but when the body continually resists acidification, they can become poisonous.

In a state of acidification, the body will constantly extract calcium from the bones and store acids in fat. If you don't have excess weight, you are in a worse position than fat people. Where are the acids stored in this case? As is known, skinny people can get sick very quickly. This means they need to be super healthy to feel good and have beautiful skin.

As you might guess, most of the acidifying foods are traditionally considered unhealthy: sugar, white flour products, foods high in trans fats and saturated fats, meat, dairy products, sugary drinks, chips, alcohol. Surprisingly, fruits also produce acids when digested, thanks to high content sugar in most of them. Yes, these sugars are natural, but they also stimulate acidification in the body and provide food for harmful microbes.


Q: I've heard that acid-forming foods are harmful. Should they be completely excluded from the diet?

A: No! These foods and drinks can be consumed in moderation. However, while following the Diet for healthy skin they will have to be limited to three servings per day, no more.

Two servings are two glasses of wine or coffee and salmon or chickpeas for dinner.

Eat animal protein in small portions (about the size of your palm), especially if you eat meat.

When dining out, it is usually difficult to control portion sizes of meat dishes, so choose less acidifying ones. protein products: chicken, trout, young veal, beans or lentils. Acid-forming fruits should be consumed in moderation—two or fewer servings per day.

Pork should be excluded from the diet, as it has a strong oxidizing effect.

Q: My father has alkalosis. What it is?

A: Alkalosis is the opposite of acidosis. In other words, this increased content alkalis in the body. Alkalosis is relatively rare and can be caused by taking medications for ulcers and heartburn.

This disease can also be caused by regular vomiting, diarrhea, or hyperventilation (breathing helps the body rid itself of acids and rapid breathing may cause alkalosis). Symptoms of alkalosis include hyperstimulation nervous system, leading to tetany, muscle spasms/convulsions and increased nervous excitability.

Violation of the acid-base balance in the body is serious problem V modern world. Biologist Otto Warburg was the first person to link the acidity of the blood with the likelihood of cancer diseases. It was thanks to him that oncologists around the world began to use alkaline chemotherapy, which effectively destroys cancer cells. Products that alkalize the body have a similar effect. The scale of the problem is easy to imagine when you know that a shift in blood pH by just 0.1 reduces its ability to carry oxygen by 7 times! You can easily find out the acid-base balance of your body if you buy litmus papers at the pharmacy. During your second trip to the toilet, measure the pH of your urine; if its value is less than 7, your body is acidified; if it is above 7.5, it is alkaline. Obviously, the acidity of the medium will be between 7.1 and 7.4 units.

Living in megacities, we are exposed to negative factors environment, pesticides contained in food, as well as the polluted atmosphere that have become part of our existence. In pursuit of slimness and beauty, we go on poor diets that lead to disorders internal functions body and individual organs. Many illnesses lead us down a path of life full of pain and discomfort. There is a way out of all this - change your bad habits and false ideas about healthy eating- eat alkalizing foods.

We present you a list of products that acidify and alkalize the body, in the form of tables.

Fruits and vegetables

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cranberry- 1
Ripe banana- 2
Grape- 2
Cherry- 2
Raisin- 2
Date fruit- 2
Fresh apple- 2
Dried apple- 2
Other berries- 2-4
Avocado- 3
Orange- 3
Watermelon- 3
Melon- 3
Other fruits- 3
Peach- 3
Plum- 3
Currant- 3
Cherries- 3
Prunes- 3
Grapefruit- 4
Figs- 4
Lime- 4
Lemon- 4
Papaya- 4
Banana green2 -
Sweet plum2 -
Fruits in jam1-3 -

Vegetables, greens

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Green peas- 2
Onion- 2
Fresh beans- 3
Broccoli- 3
Potato- 3
Pepper- 3
Parsley- 3
Radish- 3
Asparagus- 3
Cauliflower- 3
Spinach- 3
Carrot- 4
cucumbers- 4
Tomatoes- 4
Beet- 4
Celery- 4
Baked beans3 -
Dried beans1 -
Dry peas2 -

Cereal products

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
White rice2 -
Starch2 -
Corn flour2 -
Wheat flour2 -
Corn2 -
Rye2 -
Rye bread1 -
White bread (loaf)2 -
Bran bread1 -
Barley1 -
Oat groats- 3
Amaranth- 1
Brown rice- 1
Quinoa- 1
Millet- 1


NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Cream2 -
Butter2 -
Hard cheese2 -
Soft cheese1 -
Whey- 3
Cottage cheese- 3
Soy milk- 2
Kefir- 1
Curdled milk- 1
Goat milk- 1
Goat cheese- 1
Milk- 1

Nuts, eggs, oils

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Peanut3 -
Walnut3 -
Peanut2 -
Almond- 2
Cashew2 -
Linseed oil- 2
Rapeseed oil- 2
Olive oil- 2
Sunflower oil1 -
Seeds1 -
Egg white4 -
Whole egg3 -

Meat and seafood

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Boiled lamb2 -
Lamb stew1 -
Bacon1 -
Ham2 -
Beef1 -
Game1-4 -
Turkey2 -
Chicken2 -
Beef liver3 -
Pork2 -
Pork lard- 1
Chickens3 -
Fish2-3 -
Mussels3 -
Cancers4 -
Oysters4 -

Drinks and sweets

NameDegree of acidificationDegree of alkalization
Alcohol (any)4 -
Green tea- 2
Coffee2 -
Lemonades4 -
Herb tea- 3
Black tea1 -
Sugar2 -
Honey1 -
Cocoa3 -
Chocolate3 -
Sweeteners3 -

How to normalize the acid-base balance of the body

Stick to it simple rules in order to acid-base body balance returned to normal:

  1. Drink more drinks with the addition of lemon. Add in the morning lemon juice V plain water and stay warm in the evening lemon tea. Although lemons are acid product, they are metabolized and release alkaline agents into the blood.
  2. Pay attention to Aloe Vera juice. This juice recently appeared in stores across the country, the price is only 40 rubles, and the benefits are enormous. In addition to a portion of the rejuvenating carageenan contained in the pulp, you will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Baking with baking soda is the easiest way to alkalize your food. You'll get quick effect in the form of relief from heartburn, which means an acid-base balance will reign in the stomach. If you are committed healthy image life - just sometimes mix soda with water - just don’t overdo it.
  4. Greens and sprouted foods will directly improve your well-being. Make salads and fresh juices from them. In addition to helping your body fight for pH balance, chlorophyll-rich products supply calcium to the body and increase bone mass.
  5. Coconuts are a wonderful food due to their ability to strongly alkalize the blood. Many products can be prepared from this nut: coconut juice, milk, butter or plain pulp. They are an excellent source of energy, improve digestion, intestinal functions, support tissue repair, dissolve kidney stones, promote weight loss, enhance immune system and much more. They are a popular ingredient.
  6. Reduce your stress levels. Stress intensively damages our body. When you're nervous digestive system turns off, and the removal of toxic acids stops. Practice yoga, meditation, deep breathing and any other anti-stress activities to help the body release harmful acids from adipose tissue.
  7. Acupuncture. In Russia, only 4 years ago, the practical benefits of acupuncture were recognized by introducing a new medical specialty - acupuncturist. One of the editors of the site underwent acupuncture during the treatment of exacerbation of pancreatitis and shared with us information that they greatly help to calm down and normalize the digestive system.
  8. Create the right balance of acidifying and alkalizing products: 20:80. Don't forget that most products are neutral, which means this goal is very easy to achieve.
  9. Physical exercises are good for removing all toxins from the body. Make sure your level physical activity normal, otherwise case, try to conduct more active image life, which may involve increasing household loads: hiking, climbing stairs, cycling to work.
  10. Taking bioavailable multivitamins. Pharmacy shelves are saturated various types vitamin complexes, each of which is extremely beneficial for the body. Their use will ensure that

That's the more I study various problems, related to health, the more evidence I find that all diseases come from our food. And today’s post is another, very clear example this. Today we’ll talk about acidification of the body or “acidosis”. The process of acidification of the body itself, as well as many negative consequences associated with it have been repeatedly scientifically confirmed and proven by scientists different countries and at the very different time. So, personally, I can’t even call it a theory to acidify the body...

Everyone knows that our body mostly consists of various fluids, including blood and gastric juice, lymph, urine. They are all very different, but there is still one thing that unites them - they all have a pH level. What is acid-base balance or, in other words, pH level? In general, the pH level reflects the level of concentration of hydrogen ions in body fluids - the more H+, the lower the pH level and vice versa, the less H+, the higher the pH level. The abbreviation “pH” is also no coincidence - it is an abbreviation for “Power Hidrogen”, which translated means “the power of hydrogen”. So, different liquids also have different pH levels: for example, gastric juice (pH = 1.7) and urine (pH = 6-7) are acidic, and other liquids are slightly alkaline (for example, blood with pH = 7, 4). Of course, each person, each organism with its characteristics must be considered individually, but in general the indicators are quite constant for the majority.

Today, as part of an article about acidification of the body, we will dwell in more detail on our hard worker - blood. For the proper functioning of the entire body, its pH must be maintained in the range from 7.3 to 7.44. And so, what factors do you think can change the acid-base balance of the blood to a greater extent? Of course, this is our diet!

What foods acidify our body the most?!

Any product has a NEAP indicator (net endogenous acid production - net internal acid production). To put it simply, this is the acid load of our food. It consists of the ratio of components that form either an acid or an alkali. There are products that are closer to a neutral acid-base indicator, but there are also those that have a pronounced acidic or alkalinity index. We will talk about alkalization in one of the future articles, but today under our close attention products that acidify our body. And who do we see here - all the same “favorites” that I have been fighting for several years now:

1. Meat and everything meat products, fish;

Almost each of the above products on our blog is devoted to a separate article, or even more than one - the mechanism of action on our body, methods of refusal or painless replacement with harmless analogues are described in detail. So, I suggest you familiarize yourself so that you can know your enemies by sight!

Monitor the acid-base balance of your food:

To do this, below is a table of acidity and alkalinity of various products:

How does the body fight acidification?

Of course, our body is very adaptable to everyone external influences the system has several mechanisms through which it independently regulates the acid-base balance of the blood. All these mechanisms are closely intertwined and the functioning of one is impossible without interaction with the other. So, the body’s protective barrier consists of:

1. The buffer system is a truly brilliant thing; I never cease to be amazed at the structure of our body. The buffer system is a chemical substance that reacts very sensitively to excess acids or alkalis and absorbs hydrogen ions in case of excess or releases in case of deficiency. This is the first and most rapid stage of the body’s defense, which instantly returns the blood pH level to acceptable values. The acid-base balance of the blood is mainly affected by 4 buffer systems: bicarbonate, phosphate, protein, hemoglobin.

2. Respiratory system - the work of this protective barrier is inextricably linked with the operation of the bicarbonate buffer system. To make it more clear, I’ll tell you a little about this buffer system: its power is about 65% of the total buffer tank blood. The bicarbonate buffer system consists of carbonic acid (H2CO3) and its acid salt (NaHCO3). This ratio is always maintained at 1/20.

Now let's go to simple examples Let's trace the entire system of regulating the pH balance of the blood using the buffer and then the respiratory system. Suppose the body enters strong acid(HCl) and then the following reaction occurs:

NaHCO3 + HCl = NaCl+H2CO3

At the same time, the excess sodium chloride is easily excreted by the kidneys, and carbonic acid, under the influence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, the excess of which is quickly eliminated by the respiratory system, i.e. respiratory system. This is why when there is an excess of acid in our blood, our breathing becomes faster.

Now let's look at an example of the intake of alkaline products into the body (using NaOH as an example). Here the reaction is different:

H2CO3 + NaOH = NaHCO3 + H2O

The decrease in carbonic acid concentration is compensated by a decrease in excretion carbon dioxide light (carbonic acid is formed as a result of the interaction of CO2 and H2O). With excessive alkalization of the blood, our breathing rate decreases.

3. And finally, the last barrier to protect our blood is the renal system. It maintains the necessary pH balance of our blood by removing or retaining acids and alkalis in our blood. When the blood becomes acidic, the kidneys excrete excess hydrogen ions in urine, and when the blood becomes too alkaline, the kidneys retain H+.

Why is such acidification of the body so scary?!

The destructive effect of acidification affects absolutely all organs and systems:

1. When the body’s defense mechanisms can no longer cope with the onslaught of an “external enemy”, in order to prevent the blood pH from going beyond the specified limits, the body sacrifices itself, washing out alkalizing elements such as iron, calcium, etc. from the tissues and skeleton. Hence the whole spectrum problems associated with musculoskeletal system:

- accelerated development of osteoporosis;

- muscle destruction;

- dysfunction of the joints;

2. Constantly acidic urine reaction, as a result permanent job the renal defense system creates ideal conditions for the formation of kidney stones;

3. The acidic reaction of saliva destroys teeth;

4. Acidification of the body promotes rapid division cancer cells. This fact was proven almost a century ago! An article has been published on our blog real healing from cancer by eliminating any acidifying foods from the diet, you can read it.

5. The appearance of overweight as a result of excess acid in the body.

6. Another scientifically proven fact is that acidification of the body leads to heart attacks, strokes and necrosis of the limbs;

7. Excess acid in the body leads to various skin diseases- psoriasis, eczema, allergies.

8. Acidification of the body can cause a lot more various diseases, among which the state chronic fatigue, problems with concentration, gout, diabetes and etc.

Briefly about the most important things:

Friends, let’s summarize, acidification of the body or scientifically “acidosis” is a very dangerous process that primarily depends on your diet! I am sure that the acidifying foods listed in the article and which I called dangerous for many people make up almost half of their usual diet. Apparently you will have to sacrifice something - maybe limit your meat consumption, or maybe give up white store-bought bread and start baking healthy bread yourself, or even better, take a closer look at both the first and the second... We also wrote, in which we listed the main aspects that you need to pay attention to when it comes to acidifying the body.

I’m answering my favorite argument regarding the self-cleansing of the body - yes, the body can cope with an excess of incoming acid for some time, but these systems are not capable long time cope with the wild amount of “garbage” that rains down on us every day from the shelves of our stores. This is comparable to boxing without breaks, when one of the boxers constantly hits the other, and he doesn’t even have the opportunity to sit down and move away from the blows, so to speak, to come to his senses! So, our body is not your opponent in boxing, who needs to be knocked out as quickly as possible, it is, first of all, your true friend and a very finely tuned mechanism, so treat it with dignity!