What causes uric acid in the blood? In what cases does it increase the level of toxic compounds in the blood and urine?

Almost every second person feels an increase blood pressure, lumbar pain, or discomfort in the joints. In trying to eliminate these symptoms, very often we treat the wrong diseases. And, as a rule, this does not bring any results, because the reason for their appearance is a change in the level of uric acid, which many have not even heard of. Let's try to understand the topic “uric acid in the blood is elevated, causes, symptoms and treatment”, and find out what actions need to be taken so as not to encounter such a disease.

Before understanding the reasons for the increase uric acid in the blood, you need to first find out what it is.

Uric acid is the end product of the processing of purine bases, the formation of which occurs in the liver. In the blood it combines with carbon dioxide, after which it is excreted in the urine. Among its important functions are the following:

  1. It is aimed at activating and enhancing the actions of adrenaline and norepinephrine. In turn, this leads to stimulation of the human brain and the entire nervous system.
  2. Uric acid is the strongest antioxidant. Its presence in urine blocks development cancer diseases.

Uric acid levels vary constantly, even in adults. Its amount is affected by the food you ate the day before, as well as the intensity of physical activity. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys or liver, its indicator increases sharply, and the excess can be deposited for internal tissues and organs, thereby clogging the human body.

Increased uric acid in the blood symptoms

Symptoms that accompany increased uric acid in the blood, can be very different. They manifest themselves individually in each person, and in most cases they are not even associated with this problem. The most common are: general malaise, as well as the rapid onset of fatigue. Red spots may appear on the skin, and a stone coating on the teeth, which is not typical. If high acid remains in the body long time, then this can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system: constant cardiac colic and regular pain in the head. Crash hormonal levels leads to the appearance of lethargy, which is replaced by severe excitability, as well as a depressive state.

In young children, symptoms of increased uric acid may appear as persistent rash on the skin. Most often, doctors begin to immediately treat dermatitis, or explain everything allergic reaction without paying attention to the real reason. IN school age Abdominal pain, frequent urination (as in daytime, and at night), stuttering or nervous tics.

There are many reasons that accompany an increase in uric acid levels, ranging from: proper nutrition, and ending with all kinds of diseases.

  • Regular grueling diets that can lead to failure excretory functions kidney
  • Red wine and beer contain large amounts of purines. Excessive consumption leads to kidney failure, and consequently to an increase in uric acid.
  • Taking medications such as Furosemide and Aspirin.
  • Regular use in large quantities meat and fish.
  • Elevated regular classes sports lead to accelerated process protein breakdown, which also affects the increase in acidity.

In addition to the reasons listed, the following diseases also affect uric acid levels:

  • Arterial hypertension. Flow of this disease can be greatly aggravated due to an increase in uric acid, as there is a severe disturbance in the functioning of the kidneys. In most cases, treatment aimed at the underlying disease automatically leads to a decrease in indicators. But sometimes there are times when it is also necessary to adhere to a special diet.
  • Gout. This disease is in any case associated with the kidneys. In this situation, the increase in acid affects the joints and can lead to atherosclerosis.
  • Various kidney diseases. Some can even lead to the formation of stones.
  • Increased cholesterol and lipoprotein levels.
  • Diseases such as acromegaly, diabetes mellitus and some others associated with endocrine system person.
  • Various diseases circulatory system. The most common are leukemia, hemolytic anemia and so on.
  • Psoriasis.

Of course, the list can be expanded and expanded, but the cases that we have listed are the most common. There are situations when uric acid levels rise without obvious reasons. Experts attribute this phenomenon to independent factors.

We've sorted it out for you main causes of increased uric acid in the blood, now let's find out , how to treat such a disease.

In order for treatment to give a positive result, it must be carried out in several stages:

  1. Using medications, need to get rid of pain, and stop the inflammation process. Ibuprofen, Ketorolac and others can help here.
  2. Treatment with diuretics. The most common are Cochicine, Allopurinol and so on.
  3. Observe dietary food. Reduce your consumption of foods containing proteins, stop drinking coffee and eating chocolate. Canned food and alcohol should not be consumed. Focus on dairy products, vegetables, fruits. Drink more water.
  4. Get physical therapy.
Uric acid in the blood is normal in women

When comparing readings uric acid in the blood, normal in women, men and children are different from each other. For women, these figures range from 150 to 350 mmol/liter. Such values ​​are typical up to 60 years of age. As age increases, the indicators for men and women become closer to each other.

Uric acid in the blood is normal in men

Uric acid in the blood: normal in men it is slightly higher and varies between 210-410 mmol/liter. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that men consume more protein foods to build muscle mass.

If you have uric acid in the blood is increased, then return it to normal indicators will help you choose the right one diet and nutrition.

  1. Review your diet. Reduce portions and eat 3-4 times. If uric acid is elevated, then under no circumstances should you fast or follow any diet other than a therapeutic one.
  2. Eliminate full consumption alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee, as well as various store drinks.
  3. Try to minimize the consumption of fatty and salty meat, fish, broths, smoked meats, and semi-finished products. You should also not eat legumes, radishes, or sorrel.
  4. Avoid sweets and rich foods.
  5. Drink at least two liters of fluid daily, preferring water.
  6. Review the amount of salt you consume per day. Start under-salting your dishes. Accordingly, stop eating sauces, marinades and canned food.
  7. Enter in daily ration more fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables. It will be good if you start consuming dairy products, fresh juices, as well as low-fat fish and meat.

If following a diet does not give any results, then you need to start drug treatment. But again, do not prescribe any medications for yourself. Before starting any treatment, you must be examined by a specialist. He will take into account your age and physical characteristics, and only then will he give the necessary recommendations.

Existing uric acid in the blood, with its increased concentration, is very dangerous, as it leads to the development of kidney failure and gout (a disease that affects the joints). The only way To get rid of such complications is to remove the acid using various methods.

In this article we will talk in detail about how exactly uric acid is removed, and what medicines are used for this purpose. We'll also talk about what exactly it leads to increased concentration of this substance in the blood.

Uric acid is colorless, dense crystals that are poorly soluble in ethanol and water. However, dissolution of uric acid is possible in glycerin, sulfuric acid (hot only) and alkali solutions.

The mechanisms of its production vary from mammal to mammal. Specifically in humans and other primates, it is the end product of purine metabolism. Uric acid is produced as a result of enzymatic oxidation of the so-called xanthine (under the direct influence of xanthine oxidase).

A small amount of acid accumulates in the brain tissue, liver and blood. Also, minimal amounts of uric acid are found in the urine and sweat of all mammals (including humans).

Due to the active participation of the enzyme purine, the rate of formation of uric acid increases significantly, which is why the disease hyperuricemia develops. Most often, the activity of the purine enzyme is due to frequent and abundant consumption rich in purine food.

Functions and contents in the human body

In the human body, uric acid is a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system. It inhibits the so-called phosphodiesterase, thereby improving the action of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine (epinephrine and, accordingly, norepinephrine). Simply put, uric acid enhances the effects of these hormones and prolongs (prolongs) their effects.

Uric acid also serves as an antioxidant substance that binds and destroys free radicals. That is, it helps cleanse the human nervous system of various toxic substances.

Uric acid in joints (video)

Reasons for increasing content

There are many reasons for the development of hyperuricemia. Unfortunately, not all of them can be prevented in advance (especially genetic ones).

In general reasons for increased uric acid levels the following:

  • weakening of the kidneys;
  • high consumption of fructose in food;
  • consumption of purine-rich foods;
  • frequent and plentiful consumption of high-calorie and fatty foods;
  • starvation;
  • metabolic diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • long-term diet with limited consumption of carbohydrate foods;
  • metabolic diseases (endocrine pathologies).

Why is high uric acid dangerous?

Excessive amounts of uric acid in the tissues of the human body leads to the accumulation of salts and the development of various damage to the joints and kidneys. Most often, the joints are affected by gout, which, if the developed hyperuricemia is not treated, subsequently leads to severe arthritis.

In general, hyperuricemia leads to development the following diseases (directly or indirectly, as additional factor) in humans:

  1. Arthritis and gout of the joints.
  2. Chronic inflammatory disease kidney
  3. Ischemia of tissues of the abdominal organs.
  4. Atherosclerosis.
  5. Urolithiasis of the kidneys.
  6. Metabolic syndrome.
  7. Loesch-Nychen syndrome.
  8. Kidney failure.
  9. Long-term use of diuretics and aspirin.

Due to the constant deposition of salts in this disease, it is not certain segments of the joints that suffer, but all joints at the same time. That is, if the patient does not agree to remove salts and uric acid from the body, he should expect the development of total arthritis (including damage to the jaw joints).

IN initial stages hyperuricemia does not pose a danger, since it can be relatively easily stopped with the help various means(including folk remedies that help). Lack of treatment in 98% of cases leads to severe disability of the patient or even death within 10 years.

Symptoms of increased content

Symptoms of increased uric acid levels are nonspecific and are often mistaken for completely different diseases. Hyperuricemia can only be reliably confirmed using laboratory tests.

Symptoms of High Uric Acid Levels the following:

  • sudden onset of arthralgia (joint pain);
  • muscle pain;
  • nervous tics;
  • bed-wetting;
  • increased sweating;
  • the occurrence of the above symptoms of biliary dyskinesia;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • fever;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

Norms and analysis for uric acid content in the body

To determine the level of uric acid, it is enough to donate blood (or rather serum) to biochemical analysis. In this case, blood sampling is carried out exclusively on an empty stomach (8-14 hours of fasting is sufficient).

Such research can be carried out at any private clinic or a public hospital. Unfortunately, if we talk about public clinics, then this type biochemical analysis is not available everywhere. The cost of such a procedure is 200-400 rubles (depending on the region).

Normal uric acid test values ​​for men are as follows:

  • age 12-60 years: 252-451 µm/l;
  • age 60-90 years: 244-471 µm/l;
  • age over 90 years: 205-491 µm/l.

Normal uric acid test values ​​for women are as follows:

  • age 0-12 years: 118-324 µm/l;
  • age 12-60 years: 133-390 µm/l;
  • age 60-90 years: 204-430 µm/l;
  • age over 90 years: 128-450 µm/l.

Which doctor should I contact for help?

It is strictly prohibited to remove acid and salts on your own, without first consulting a doctor. This can not only result in zero effectiveness and a waste of time, but also in the progression of the disease and the development of serious complications.

The initial consultation about this pathology should be carried out with a general practitioner or endocrinologist. If complications have already developed, consultation with a nephrologist (specializing in kidney diseases) and a rheumatologist (specializing in joint diseases) may be required.

After consultation, you cannot prescribe medications yourself (including folk remedies). Treatment should be carried out exclusively according to the recommendations of doctors. Moreover, in the presence of drug treatment, it is advisable additional treatment folk remedies should also be discussed with your doctor.

If the doctor prohibits the use of folk remedies, then you should not use them secretly. The fact is that many traditional methods treatments for such a disease are erroneous and may provoke increased formation of uric acid.

Dietary nutrition during the removal of uric acid involves a thorough review of the patient’s diet and the exclusion of many harmful products nutrition. Thus, they are removed from the patient’s menu for a long period of time. following products power supply:

  • red meat;
  • any legumes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • offal;
  • smoked meats;
  • restrictions on fried foods are being introduced;
  • table salt (it should be replaced with sea salt);
  • spicy seasonings;
  • sugar (it needs to be replaced with honey).

The diet of a patient with elevated uric acid levels should consist primarily of vegetables and fruit products. Cereals and berries should also be present; fasting is not allowed, as this in itself is the cause of hyperuricemia.

Drug treatment

Unfortunately, it is impossible to limit yourself to diet alone for hyperuricemia. The diet helps stop the flow of purine substances into the blood, but cannot cure an existing increase in their level.

For this purpose, drug treatment is used that can remove excess salts, purines and uric acid. Most effective drugs for the treatment of this disease are “Probenecid”, “Allopurinol” and “Blemaren”.

Probenecid removes urate from the blood plasma and cures the patient of gout (if any). The drug significantly accelerates the removal of acid from the blood, which not only treats the underlying disease, but also prevents acid deposition in the future.

Allopurinol reduces the production of urate in the body and significantly reduces the risk of gout. Treatment with this drug is long-term, sometimes exceeding 3 months.

Blemaren quickly normalizes uric acid metabolism and destroys uric acid stones. The huge advantage of Blemaren over the two previous drugs is that it does not affect the patient’s liver and kidneys and is the most safe medicine against hyperuricemia.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating hyperuricemia are not independent therapy and only complement drug treatment. In this case, be treated with folk remedies permitted only after consultation with your doctor.

One of the most effective ways To remove uric acid, use a decoction of lingonberry leaves. To do this, you need to add 200-250 grams of boiling water to 20 grams of leaves and let the broth brew for 30 minutes. You need to drink it three times a day, always with meals.

Nettle juice is also very effective. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from recently picked nettles and consume a teaspoon immediately before meals. The juice is effective only for a day (even in the refrigerator), after which it loses its medicinal properties.

Birch leaves help some patients. So to a tablespoon of pre-crushed birch leaves you need to add about a glass boiled water. After this, you need to let the broth brew for one and a half to two hours and strain it. You need to drink an infusion of birch leaves twice a day with food, a quarter glass.

We continue to talk about the main indicators of a blood test. In earlier publications we talked about blood protein - and blood cells - leukocytes, about decoding.

The topic of today's conversation is uric acid, important element, which is part of blood plasma.

Uric acid is formed in liver tissue. Cleansing the body of harmful substances, it passes through the kidneys and, turning into urea, is excreted in the urine.

Uric acid itself does not particularly affect organ function, but metabolic disorders can increase its level. This state is called hyperuricemia, happens, in particular, with liver, obesity and prolonged fasting.

Salts - urates - are gradually deposited in the joints and tissues; over time, severe articular syndrome cannot be ruled out.

Hyperuricemia has practically no initial external manifestations. It is extremely rare that accumulations of urate appear under the skin in the form of lumps and nodules. However, doctors, as a rule, do not focus on such salt deposits. The main diagnostic method is a blood test.

Diet instead of feast

An increase in uric acid levels almost always indicates a person’s eating habits. And this in turn can provoke the development of gout. It was not for nothing that it was called, since only noble and rich people, who were distinguished by gluttony with copious libations, suffered from it.

Normal uric acid levels for men are 210-420 µ/l, for women - 160-350 µ/l. With age, the rates increase; for patients over 65 years of age, the norm increases to 450 μ/l. If the indicator increases repeatedly, in addition to a blood test, an ultrasound of the kidneys and other examinations are performed.

When an increase is first noted, it is important to correctly determine the cause. Uric acid may be exceeded if, on the eve of donating blood, a person engaged in heavy physical work, did sports training, or had a heavy dinner of meat dishes with alcohol.

In these cases, without making, so to speak, hasty conclusions, after some time, having ruled out provoking factors, it is necessary to re-donate blood. If the indicator is increased during repeated tests, the patient will first be asked to follow a diet and maintain correct image life.

You will have to reduce your salt intake, give up meat and meat products, rich broths, fatty, salty, smoked foods, canned food, legumes, radishes, spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, mushrooms, chocolate, strong tea, coffee.

But fermented milk products, sour cream, cottage cheese, low-fat boiled fish, potatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears, plums, cherries will be very useful.

Watermelons are irreplaceable because they actively remove excess salts from the body, so during the vegetable season, arrange watermelon fasting days. In other months, kefir is suitable for such “unloading” - once a week.

Now let's talk about how and when treatment should be carried out.

Drugs that remove uric acid are prescribed only when articular syndrome occurs. This is severe swelling, redness and pain in the area small joints hands or feet, more often thumbs. Symptoms may be accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees.

The first attack of gout is a sharp, needle-like pain in the thumb legs, usually occurring at night. This is already a signal for a visit to a rheumatologist. And although the next attack may recur after several months, or even years, strict adherence to the diet and control of uric acid levels are still relevant, because gout is a chronic disease.

It is important to know that the disease has “allies” and often occurs within the framework of the so-called metabolic syndrome, that is, in combination with a tendency to diabetes mellitus and obesity. How quickly the disease develops depends on the level of uric acid and.

The main drug that removes uric acid is allopurinol or its analogues. Under no circumstances should you take these medications when acute attack gout! Only after it has been stopped - on constant reception or course treatment.

The dosage is determined by the doctor taking into account the level of uric acid in blood and urine tests individually for each patient. During treatment with allopurinol, you must drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Other treatments

In other cases, with a slight increase in uric acid, appropriate medications are dispensed with.

Magnetic therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy. For severe pain it is prescribed diclofenac, nise, nimesil or voltaren.

I would like to draw the attention of hypertensive patients - if the level of uric acid is elevated, taking diuretics is prohibited. Replace them with antihypertensive drugs, the pharmacological action of which already includes the normalization of uric acid, in particular, the drug losartan. Or use folk recipes.

Folk recipes

  • Pour 8-10 0.3 liters of water, place on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, boil for 10 minutes. Pour into a thermos and leave for 5-6 hours. This daily dose, drink it in small portions during the day on an empty stomach between meals. After 3 days, take a week break and repeat the treatment. Conduct such courses quarterly, then once a year.

Horsetail, knotweed, birch buds

  • Mix knotweed, horsetail and birch buds in equal proportions. Pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day after meals for 3 days, take a break for a day and continue the course for up to 3 weeks. Store the broth in the refrigerator.

Drink fruit juices, compotes, herbal teas. Tea from lingonberry leaf, it strengthens the kidneys and blood vessels, restores strength well, and is indicated not only for gout, but also for diabetes.

Infusion of lingonberry leaves

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink 3 times a day before meals, with the addition of honey.

Ginger with lemon juice

  • Grate 2 tbsp. spoons of ginger root, pour 1 liter of boiling water, add 50 ml of lemon juice, leave for an hour. Drink as a tea throughout the day with honey.

Infusion of birch leaves

  • After chopping fresh birch leaves, pour 2 tbsp. spoons with 2 cups boiling water. Leave for an hour and a half, drink a third of a glass during meals.

Apply raw mashed potatoes to areas of swelling. Leave it on for an hour, then, without rinsing, dry your feet.

Eat pumpkin porridge, drink pumpkin juice. Of course, an increase in uric acid is not gout. And throughout his life, a person, presumably, will drink a glass on a family holiday, and a mug of beer at a barbecue. The main thing is to know when to stop and remember that heavy meals and alcohol are factors that provoke the development of the disease.

Therefore, restrain yourself in diet, drinks, emotions, lead a healthy lifestyle with moderate physical activity, so that uric acid in your body does not go off scale.

IN human body There is no such thing as something unnecessary, it’s a matter of quantity. Uric acid in the blood is an essential component biochemical processes in protein metabolism. It is synthesized in the liver from proteins that come from the intestines with food.

Functions of uric acid in normal and pathological conditions

Sodium uric acid is necessary for two main functions:

  • it stimulates the brain by activating and enhancing the action of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • is strong antioxidant, which means it carries out antitumor “work” with cells, preventing them from degenerating.

The body is interested in maintaining a certain level of uric acid in the blood for the purpose of self-preservation. Excess is removed 2/3 through the kidneys, 1/3 with feces. The norm is different for children and adults.

Exceeding the upper limit is called hyperuricemia. According to medical statistics it is more often observed in men than in women. Hyperuricemia is possible in the form of an intermittent surge under physiological conditions:

  • in athletes during heavy physical activity;
  • in girls and women who sit for a long time starvation diet for weight loss;
  • when overeating foods of protein origin (meat, eggs).

When the cause ends, the level returns to normal.

However, a prolonged increase in uric acid levels in the blood leads to pathological conditions and requires treatment. Excess uric acid salts (called urates) turn into small crystalline formations and settle in the tissues of the joints. Cells immune system define them as “foreign agents” and try to destroy them while simultaneously changing the structure of the joint tissue itself. This is how a disease called gout begins.

In addition to the joints, salts enter the renal tubules and form stones in the urinary system. Kidney stone disease- one of the consequences of conditions when uric acid in the blood is elevated. A similar process of salt deposition can occur in the intestines, stomach, heart muscle, and eye tissues.

Reasons for the increase

High concentrations of uric acid in the blood can occur if:

  • many products come from food, from which synthesis subsequently occurs;
  • increased liver function for the synthesis of uric acid;
  • decreased excretory function of the kidneys.

Liver and kidney dysfunction occurs when chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation with the manifestation of renal and hepatic failure ( chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pyelonephritis, nephritis, diabetes mellitus).

Other causes of hyperuricemia are determined by a violation metabolic processes with indirect effects on the liver and kidneys:

  • obesity;
  • decreased synthesis of B vitamins (especially B12);
  • if the function of the parathyroid glands is reduced;
  • leukemia;
  • shift in acid-base balance the body towards acidosis (in comatose states, toxicosis in pregnant women);
  • long-term treatment with certain medications (anti-tuberculosis drugs, diuretics, aspirin, anti-cancer drugs).

With hyperurecemia, uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints with the development of gout.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms indicating an excess amount of uric acid in the body are manifested by diseases of various organs.

In children, a hereditary type of hyperuricemia causes various skin manifestations from diathesis to psoriasis. Large pink spots appear on the cheeks, chest, and forehead; they itch and bother the child. Next, the rash secretes fluid and becomes wet, which promotes infection. Pediatricians are looking for allergic component in illness. They're expecting a baby great difficulties in the organization of nutrition and treatment.

In men aged about 50 years, joints begin to ache, symptoms worsen at night. Most often it is 1-2 joints. Half of the patients are affected thumbs on the feet, less often on the knees, wrist areas, elbows, shoulders. Worried severe pain at the slightest movements, even when touched. The joint swells, becomes deformed, the skin over it is reddened and hot to the touch. Not yet old man loses his ability to work, cannot move.

The big toe joint on the left foot is affected

When urate is deposited in the urinary system, pain in the lower back and attacks of “shooting” pain in the groin and lateral abdomen are bothersome. Such patients are prone to developing infection in bladder(cystitis) with seizure of the ureters. The formation of stones leads to compression and forms a mechanical obstacle to urine output. Seizures renal colic become more frequent and more intense.

Dentists encounter increased deposition of uric acid salts when examining a patient’s oral cavity. There is a deposition of “tartar”, which provokes inflammation of the gums and disrupts the nutrition of the teeth.

Increased deposition of urate in the heart muscle and adrenal glands can lead to acute heart attack myocardium, cause hypertension.

Damage to the nervous system manifests itself increased fatigue, constant fatigue, insomnia.

Treatment methods

With the described clinical manifestations You should immediately check your uric acid level in your blood. The analysis is carried out in any clinic. Based on the ability of uric acid with some chemicals give colored compounds. Based on the nature and intensity of color using a photoelectric calorimeter, quantitation indicator.

The first measure for hyperuricemia to lower uric acid levels is diet. Reducing the intake of foods that can be used by the liver to synthesize uric acid helps eliminate one of the causes of the disease.

The following should be excluded from the diet: any fatty meat, brains, kidneys and liver, tongue, lard, smoked meat and fish products, rich broths, canned food, sausages, spicy seasonings, pickled and salted vegetables, chocolate, sweets, confectionery with cream, black tea, coffee, carbonated sweet drinks, juices from the store, alcohol. Legumes, mushrooms, rhubarb, and sorrel are not recommended.

Recommended: boiled lean poultry, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, hard cheeses), no more than one egg per day, vegetable oil, vegetables and fruits unlimited, green tea, weak coffee with milk, fresh juices, compotes, rosehip decoction. Preferably black bread or “Doctorsky” bread with bran, crackers and dry biscuits.

Basic dietary restrictions for patients with hyperuricemia

It is recommended to carry out fasting days every seven days: kefir-curd, fruit, watermelon. About a kilogram of food is divided into six equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can drink juices, rosehip decoction.

If diet does not help reduce symptoms and lower uric acid levels, then medications are prescribed.

Allopurinol, Sulfinpyrazone, Benzobromarone, Colchicine are drugs that block synthesis in the liver. These drugs must be taken for years. Dosage and courses of treatment are prescribed only by a doctor.

Traditional methods offer long-term use decoctions of herbs and fruits. They are brewed instead of tea and drunk several times a day. Currant leaves, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberry fruits, and knotweed grass are used. It is better to brew a tablespoon of dry plant material in a liter thermos overnight. You can choose and alternate those plants that you like best, or mix everything and use three tablespoons in the mixture.

The symptoms of hyperuricemia are similar to other diseases. Therefore, to avoid having to take unnecessary medications, you should always check the amount of uric acid in your blood. The analysis will help to establish the true cause of the ailment and prevent its further development.

Elevated uric acid levels are a serious signal from your body that is important to pay attention to. If you don't resort to timely treatment, then we end up risking getting sick urolithiasis, gout, renal failure and even a heart attack.

And, as you know, prevention is best treatment, so it is imperative to reduce the level of this substance in the body.

In this article we will look at treatment methods high content uric acid in the blood using folk remedies.

The role of uric acid in the human body

In every person, uric acid is found in the blood plasma; its appearance is due to the decomposition of products with a purine base. However, there is no need to worry, this is a normal process of the body.

As a consequence, this substance, if contained in normal quantity, helps neutralize free radicals, which has a positive effect on general condition and reduces the risk of developing cancer. In addition, uric acid can eliminate excess nitrogen.

We can come to the conclusion that, in normal quantities, uric acid is a very necessary and irreplaceable substance. But, as we said above, it happens that, under the influence of certain factors, the acid level becomes unacceptably high.

This means that our body gives a signal and we need to think about what kind of food we eat and what kind of lifestyle we lead. It would be right to listen to this signal and make changes to our usual way of life.

The level of uric acid in the blood in men can differ significantly from that in women. In addition, it may depend on age.

Interestingly, the number of this substance can fluctuate within a fairly wide range.

Below are the acceptable levels of uric acid in the blood, which should not cause any concern.

  • for teenagers and children under 14 years of age (regardless of gender) – 120-320 µmol/l;
  • for men – 210-430 µmol/l;
  • for women - 150-350 µmol/l;
  • for the elderly – 250-430 µmol/l.

Determining your uric acid level is quite simple. To do this, you need to do a biochemical blood test. The results will be ready within 1-2 days.

You need to go to the hospital on an empty stomach (you are allowed to eat eight hours before the test). In the morning it is permissible to drink only plain water.

If this is not possible, be sure to indicate in detail before donating blood for analysis exactly what medications you took and in what quantity. Moreover, for greater purity of the result, refrain from donating blood for analysis after radiography and ultrasound.

A few days before going to the hospital, you must adhere to a special diet. It is necessary to exclude any foods rich in purines.

For example, liver, meat and similar offal, all kinds of legumes. It is also advised to limit the consumption of all types of fish, drink less coffee and tea. Alcohol should definitely be excluded, as it can dramatically inflate the test results.

Why is it rising?

Increased uric acid in the blood, what does this mean in an adult? Deviations in the level of this substance in the blood can be caused by absolutely harmless factors, such as daily fluctuations (in the evening the concentration of this acid in the blood increases).

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the exact reason for the deviation in the level of this substance in the blood - what is it: simply the result of a strong physical activity, the consequences of diet or a sign of serious pathology. What pathologies cause excess uric acid in the blood? Let's discuss this in more detail.

If the amount of this substance is increased, the reasons may be:

As we have seen, the most various factors. This means that it is important to establish the exact cause of the deviation in the level of this substance in each specific case.

In addition to the very serious effect of excess uric acid in the blood on physical health, suffers no less mental condition person. At the same time, it develops:

People faced with such a problem often wonder how they can quickly, but at the same time effectively, cope with it without unwanted complications.

Uric acid in joints

What to do if uric acid in the blood is high? In this case, your doctor should prescribe you suitable treatment. The goal of such treatment will be not only to reduce pain, but also to eliminate the causes of the development of unwanted symptoms.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to combine both medical supplies, as well as following a diet that normalizes the amount of uric acid in the body.

If the amount of this indicator in the blood has increased, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

Be sure to include it in your weekly menu cranberry juice And carrot juice, all kinds of compotes, at least 2 liters of plain water.

Unfortunately, you will have to exclude the consumption of meat broths, and choose only fish or meat low-fat varieties, and even then they are allowed to be consumed only three times a week. Lean meat may be baked or steamed; frying is prohibited.

In order to achieve best results and as soon as possible, you should also completely avoid fried foods.

Moreover, prohibited foods include canned, pickled and smoked products.. They will have to be completely excluded from your diet. Salt consumption is allowed, but in limited quantities.

So, let’s summarize what you should not eat if you have high uric acid in the blood:

You should limit the consumption of coffee drinks, tomatoes, parsley, plums, butter, lard, and milk porridges. Let us remind you that drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.

However, what can you eat? Alkaline consumption is allowed and even recommended mineral waters, various fermented milk products(low-fat kefir, cottage cheese), vegetables and lungs vegetable soups, fruits.

It is most useful to use during treatment and for prevention:

If you have a noticeable overweight, you need to try as much as possible to reduce it, but not through fasting.

Why? This way you can dramatically increase the already high level uric acid content in the body.

It's best to get rid of extra pounds using fasting days, which are most conveniently carried out on weekends. In the morning, give yourself an enema from a decoction of calendula or chamomile, drink green tea and water all day lemon juice, and do the enema again in the evening.

For the next two days, eat steamed vegetables and other plant foods. It is very important to remember that such and similar fasting days can only be carried out with the permission of a doctor.

If the level of uric acid is not critically exceeded, it can be reduced with the help of prescriptions traditional medicine. They have been tested by time and have been used by people for generations.

Below are a few effective recipes, which can easily be prepared at home.

Make lingonberry tincture, pour boiling water over its leaves in the ratio of one teaspoon of leaves to one glass of boiling water. The tincture should be wrapped well and left for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, the prepared decoction must be carefully strained and taken one sip every hour.

Collect fresh leaves nettle, rinse them and squeeze out the juice. There is no need to dilute the juice. You need to drink this medicine one teaspoon three times a day.

Wash two medium onions and boil in one liter clean water(no need to peel or cut it). It is necessary to cook the onion for a long time, until the onion is well boiled.

After the resulting decoction has cooled, strain it thoroughly and take a small amount before each meal.

However, remember that such a remedy will give positive results only if taken within two weeks.

Make a decoction of birch leaves. To do this, take a tablespoon of leaves, pour a glass of boiled water and simmer over low heat for ten minutes. When the broth is thoroughly infused and cools down to room temperature, divide it into three parts and drink it within one day.

A glass of freshly squeezed sweets will help quickly remove uric acid. apple juice and slightly toasted butter apple slices.

Chestnut extract effectively helps regulate uric acid levels in the body. You can prepare the extract at home.

To do this, you will need fruits, flowers and plant bark (chop everything), pour 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes in a saucepan.

You need to take 20 drops every morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

Strawberries can be used as a preventive measure. The recipe is simple: in the summer you should eat as much as possible fresh berries strawberries Compote made from dried, fresh or frozen berries also perfectly reduces uric acid levels.

IN potato juice a lot of alkaline salts, so urinary urate is quickly eliminated from the body. Thanks to this, joint inflammation is relieved, pain is either significantly reduced or disappears completely.

Make an infusion of strawberries, knotweed and black currants. To do this, combine 1 tablespoon of knotweed herb, 2 tablespoons of strawberry leaves and 2 tablespoons of black currant leaves.

Pour the collection with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. After thoroughly straining, cool it and drink 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Foot baths with calendula, chamomile and sage. 200 g dried herbs pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Add the infusion to a warm bath.


However, it can provoke the development of much more serious illnesses Therefore, it is very important to follow recommendations regarding proper nutrition and traditional medicine recipes.

In addition, to improve your well-being, you should remember about active image life, daily physical exercise, since they not only give positive emotions, but also improve the metabolic processes occurring in the body.