Why is there pain in the middle of the chest? Bone, viral and post-traumatic causes of chest pain

Cardiovascular diseases Today they occupy a leading position among dangerous and common diseases in the world.

The basis of such diseases is most often identified genetic predisposition, as well as the wrong lifestyle.

There are many cardiovascular diseases and they occur differently: they can arise as a result of inflammatory processes in the body, intoxication, injuries, birth defects, metabolic disorders, etc.

However, the diversity of causes for the development of these diseases is connected by the fact that their symptoms may be common.

Chest pain as a precursor to heart disease

A symptom such as an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and pain in the chest area may portend a disruption in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

If the pain is burning in nature, then this condition indicates a spasm coronary vessels, leading to poor nutrition of the heart. This kind of pain in medicine is called angina pectoris.

Such pain occurs as a result of:

  • physical activity,
  • at low temperature,
  • often in stressful situations.

The phenomenon of angina occurs when the blood flow stops meeting the needs of the heart. muscle mass in oxygen nutrition. People call angina pectoris " angina pectoris"The doctor recognizes this disease literally at the first visit of the patient.

Diagnosing deviations in this case is difficult, because for setting correct diagnosis Monitoring for the development of angina and additional examinations (for example, daily ECG monitoring) are necessary. There is a distinction between angina pectoris and angina pectoris at rest.

  1. Angina at rest. Usually not associated with physical activity, It has General characteristics with severe attacks of angina, may be accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath. Often occurs at night.
  2. Angina pectoris. Attacks of such angina pectoris occur with almost a certain frequency, which is provoked by exercise. When the load is reduced, the attacks stop.

However, there is also unstable angina, which is dangerous for the development of myocardial infarction. Patients with unstable angina in mandatory are hospitalized.

Heart disease that causes chest pain

According to the patient's description of pain in the chest area experienced doctor draws a conclusion about the nature of the disease. In such cases, the cardiovisor device helps determine whether this deviation is associated with the disease. of cardio-vascular system.

Diagnosis of chest pain

Clarifying the duration, localization, intensity and nature of chest pain, as well as reducing and provoking factors, is very important.

Previous abnormalities in cardiac function, intake potent drugs which can cause spasms of the coronary arteries (for example, cocaine or phosphodiesterase inhibitors), as well as the presence of embolism pulmonary artery or risk factors for coronary heart disease (travel, pregnancy, etc.) are of considerable importance.

A family history increases the likelihood of developing coronary artery disease, but there is no point in clarifying the causes of acute pain.

Additional research methods

The minimum evaluation of a patient with chest pain may include:

  • pulse oximetry,
  • chest x-ray.

For adults, screening for markers of myocardial tissue damage can be performed. The effectiveness of such tests with medical history data, as well as an objective examination, allows us to formulate a preliminary diagnosis.

Blood tests may not be available during the initial examination. If the markers indicate myocardial damage, then they cannot state that the heart is damaged.

Diagnostic administration of nitroglycerin tablets or liquid antacid under the tongue cannot reliably differentiate gastritis, GERD or myocardial ischemia. Each of the specified medical medicines able to reduce signs of disease.

Treatment of chest pain

Medication and therapeutic treatment chest pain is carried out in accordance with the diagnosis.

If the causes of chest pain are not fully understood, the patient is taken to the hospital for an in-depth examination to monitor heart conditions. Until a correct diagnosis is made, only opiates can be prescribed.

Prevention of heart disease

To prevent the occurrence of heart disease, doctors have developed several recommendations:

  1. Walk more, regularly do feasible and simple physical exercises. It is not recommended to start classes physical exercise With heaviest loads, and before starting such training, it is imperative to consult with doctors so that the chosen program only brings benefits to the body.
  2. Try to support optimal weight bodies.
  3. Must be kept under control possible factors development of atherosclerosis, - for example, increased arterial pressure, amount of cholesterol, etc.
  4. Meals should always be regular and nutritious; the diet should contain more protein foods and vitamins and minerals.
  5. It is recommended to visit your doctor regularly and carry out the necessary laboratory tests.
  6. Remember Golden Rule health: it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Prediction of chest pain symptom

Predicting a symptom that subsequently develops into cardiovascular disease, very difficult. The fact is that everything depends on providing first aid to the patient.

The appearance of pain in the chest area is influenced by various factors. The reasons lie in pathologies of varying complexity. If there is a pinching in the middle of the sternum, a person suspects -.

In addition to a heart attack, there are many pathologies that affect the occurrence of chest pain. If the pain is periodic and severe, you should consult a doctor. It is necessary to prevent complications that can negatively affect a person’s life.

The nervous system is capable of transmitting pain to other parts of the body, so it is not always possible to identify the cause only by its location

The pain syndrome can spread from the abdomen to the neck. Pain syndrome varies depending on the cause:

  • Sharp and sudden pain. They may depend on body position, as well as physical activity.
  • Cutting, dull or sharp pain.
  • The pain is felt in the form of a burning sensation.
  • Constant but mild pain.
  • Pain that changes its character.

The cause of pain cannot always be determined by knowing the quality and its location. Because the nervous system can transmit pain to other parts of the body. Pain sensations may move away from the affected area of ​​the body. Such pain is called radiating pain.

During diagnosis, doctors conduct interviews, and some descriptions of pain can provide significant information in determining the diagnosis. The patient may report the following pain:

  • Pain extends to the spinal region
  • Pain accompanied by shortness of breath
  • It hurts to breathe when inhaling
  • Pain when coughing

Pain occurs when respiratory process- this usually indicates a disease associated with the lungs. However, such localization of pain often indicates the presence.

Causes of chest pain

In the middle part it can pinch and prick as a result of many diseases. Negative sensations occur with pathologies:

  • Hearts
  • Lungs
  • Digestive system
  • Chest

The most dangerous is stabbing and sudden - it can signal a heart attack or. IN in this case You must consult a doctor without delay.

Symptoms may include: compressive pain and burning in the chest area. When experiencing the above sensations, it is necessary to call ambulance.

IN next video see which three tests will help determine the source of pain:

Cardiovascular diseases causing pain in the chest in the middle

Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract

Pathologies in the digestive system often cause pain under the chest. Such diseases are:

  1. Ulcer of the digestive organs
  2. Diaphragmatic abscess
  3. Pancreatitis
  4. Cholecystitis

Diseases digestive tract can cause not only pain, but also nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Lung diseases

Pleurisy, tracheitis and pneumonia have a beneficial effect on the appearance of chest pain. It appears when prolonged cough. Coughing, in turn, can cause damage to the intercostal muscles and diaphragm.

Spinal diseases

Constant and paroxysmal pain is possible with osteochondrosis. Painful sensations may subside with rest.

Manifestations of pain can occur with radiculopathy. They are identical in nature to the sensations associated with osteochondrosis.

Diseases that cause pain can also be: intercostal neuralgia, diaphragmatic hernia, congenital disorders of the spine and pathology thyroid gland.

Chest pain, how to cure it

If chest pain is caused by angina pectoris, then a Nitroglycerin tablet will help

Chest pain is treated depending on the disease that caused it:

  • If pain occurs with angina pectoris, you must take it. It is dissolved under the tongue in one or two tablets. Usually the duration of action of this pill is a couple of minutes; if the pain does not subside, you need to call a doctor at home.
  • Osteochondrosis, which causes pain, can be treated with a special set of exercises and the prescription of restorative medications.
  • Respiratory organs that have become inflamed and caused pain are treated with anti-inflammatory and cough suppressants. medicines.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is treated by prescribing painkillers and vitamin B.
  • The disease cardioneurosis can be restored with the help of microelements that restore the nervous system.
  • To strengthen nervous system a special massage is prescribed. Experts also prescribe herbal medicines that eliminate chest pain in the middle.
  • Ulcers of the stomach and other organs associated with the digestive system are treated with drugs whose effect is aimed at healing the defect. A diet is also prescribed that excludes fried and spicy foods.

All medications and specialized exercises should be prescribed only by your doctor.

First aid

If a heart attack is suspected, it is necessary to provide the victim with an influx of oxygen and call an ambulance

Immediate help for chest pain depends entirely on the disease that caused it:

  1. If the cause of the pain is a heart attack, then provide the victim with an influx of oxygen and call a doctor at home.
  2. Osteochondrosis. If pain occurs, take an anesthetic or anti-inflammatory tablet and rub the chest with a non-steroidal ointment.
  3. Ulcer. If a person felt sharp pain If you have a stomach ulcer, you need immediate medical attention.
  4. Heartburn. Pain that occurs when severe heartburn, is eliminated by taking Peptobismol.
  5. If the cause of pain is injury, then the patient is placed on the injured side and the chest is fixed. Then they call an ambulance or take you to a traumatologist.

Pain when inhaling, what causes it

Along with numerous pathologies, pulmonary diseases, are the most common causing pain when breathing. Discomfort occurs when the pleural membrane is damaged. It consists of nerve endings, when damaged, pain occurs.

Pain when inhaling can be felt by people who suffer from tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy and bronchitis. It also becomes difficult to breathe if the chest is damaged. Pain during breathing can cause rib fractures.

Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels are the least common causes of discomfort when inhaling.

Causes of pain when inhaling can be:

  • Stomach ulcer
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • Damage to the thyroid gland
  • Availability foreign body in the digestive organs

Pain may also occur when breathing due to pregnancy. The appearance of breathing discomfort requires a medical examination.

The state of health of any person largely depends on his. The right diet nutrition helps restore all functions of organs and systems of the body.

Regardless of what disease provokes chest pain, it is recommended:

  1. The menu should contain dishes that have a beneficial effect on recovery cartilage tissue.
  2. Products containing calcium and fiber are required.
  3. You need to eat food 4-5 times a day. Small portions help prevent gain excess weight, which reduces the risk of diseases associated with the spine.
  4. Salty, smoked and sweet foods should be consumed in the smallest quantities.
  5. Use sufficient quantity water.

A good prevention of diseases that cause chest pain can be correct image life. It is necessary, first of all, to abandon bad habits and actively engage in sports. Affects well-being good dream and lack of stress.

Chest pain in women - features

Sometimes women may experience chest pain due to mastopathy

Breast cancer is often the first thing that comes to mind for women who feel pain in and around the breasts. Cancer does cause pain, but only for late stages development. With this disease, there are other signs: noticeable formation on palpation, as well as spontaneous discharge from the nipples.

A factor influencing chest pain in women may be mastopathy. Usually it is present directly in the mammary gland, but sometimes the pain can radiate to other areas of the chest.

Diseases related to the thyroid gland are more common in women; they also cause discomfort in the chest area.

Pain in the chest muscles can occur due to excessive physical activity. Women are more likely than men to experience stress and nervous exhaustion– this can lead to the development of pain in the sternum in the middle.

Chest pain in men - features

Men may feel pain in the chest area due to hormonal changes in the body.

When hormonal levels change, pain usually occurs around the nipples. A person’s chest swells, and with every touch he experiences discomfort. Men's breasts swell due to enlargement female hormones. Changes in hormonal levels are often associated with impaired brain function.

The cause may also be diseases of the genital organs, kidneys and liver. This deviation may occur in school age. In this period, hormonal background has not yet formed and strengthened.

Gynecomastia also becomes common cause discomfort in the chest. It occurs with obesity and leads to excessive deposits fat in the chest area.

A person who is concerned about the sensations needs to be examined in specialized clinics. It is worth eliminating discomfort with the help of proven medications that were prescribed by a doctor.

Any pain causes discomfort, but if this sudden pain in the chest, severe anxiety is added to the discomfort. What could it be - a heart attack, heart attack, or maybe intercostal neuralgia? What to do in this case - wait until the pain goes away, go to see a doctor or call an ambulance?

The sternum is a flat bone located in the center of the chest that articulates with the ribs. The sternum consists of three parts: the body itself, the manubrium and the xiphoid process. With excessive physical exertion, all of the above parts can become displaced. With injuries or bruises, the pain in the injured area of ​​the sternum certainly intensifies. The same pain sensations are observed when pressing on the sternum and bending the torso.

In fact, the causes of pain in the chest can be very different, from heart failure to lung diseases or pathologies abdominal cavity. As a rule, like this unpleasant symptom manifests itself as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis, stomach ulcers or injuries, and therefore it is important to pay attention to the nature and localization of pain in order to promptly identify the existing problem and respond correctly to it. Let's figure out what pain in the chest in the middle can indicate?

Causes of chest pain

All causes of pain in the chest can be divided into:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the bronchopulmonary system;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • neurological diseases;
  • injuries.

1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Often, it is heart disease that provokes pain in the middle of the chest. As a rule, these are serious diseases such as heart attack or angina. Regardless of what kind of disease strikes a person, he feels a sharp pain in the middle of the chest, which radiates to the left side.

A distinctive feature of angina is the compressive, pressing pain, which simply fetters a person, preventing him from moving. It’s not for nothing that such an attack is called “angina pectoris.” With angina, pain can occur not only on the left side, but also in the sternum. At the same time, the patient feels the presence foreign object in the upper chest. The pain may radiate to left shoulder, hand or shoulder blade, and is accompanied by a burning sensation. To calm an attack, you need to put a Nitroglycerin tablet under your tongue. In just a minute the attack will subside.

Pain that signals the development of myocardial infarction manifests itself somewhat differently. Typically this is sharp pain behind the sternum, which intensifies with physical activity and can radiate into inner surface left hand or left shoulder blade. As the attack progresses, such pain may engulf lower jaw, shoulder and neck, and tingling or numbness will be felt in the left arm. During a heart attack, the nature of the chest pain is sharp, burning and tearing. In addition, such pain is accompanied by cold, sticky sweat, suffocation, anxiety and fear for one’s life. At the same time, the patient’s pulse quickens, his face turns pale and his lips turn blue. Painkillers and Nitroglycerin do not help in this situation. When faced with a myocardial infarction, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance, because this condition threatens a person’s life.

If there is continuous pain in the chest, mainly in the upper part of the chest, this may be an indicator of an aortic aneurysm. The aorta itself is large vessel, which comes from the left ventricle of the heart. Vessel dilation, or aneurysm, can occur for many reasons. In this case, pain is observed quite long time, and with physical activity they increase significantly. The slightest suspicion of an aortic aneurysm requires immediate hospitalization. To overcome the existing disease, surgical intervention is necessary.

Also, pain in this part of the chest is sometimes the cause of a disease such as pulmonary embolism, characteristic of the right ventricle of the heart. The pain in this case is severe, reminiscent of angina pectoris, but it does not radiate to other areas. The main symptom of pulmonary embolism is an increase in pain with each breath. Painkillers help relieve pain, but even after taking them pain syndrome does not subside for several hours. You cannot do without urgent medical help.

2. Pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system

Dull chest pain may be a wake-up call talking about serious illnesses respiratory system. For example, this symptom often accompanies complicated bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia or tracheitis. Characteristic feature pain in such diseases is increased discomfort when inhaling, and sometimes the inability to take a deep breath.

It is not difficult to explain the cause of such pain. The fact is that the inflammatory process in the lungs affects the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, which causes pain with every muscle contraction in the respiratory system. An additional symptom in the case of these inflammatory diseases stands elevated temperature body, as well as a strong, long-lasting cough.

3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Stomach pathologies often lead to this type of pain. This symptom appears especially often during exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, ulcer duodenum or abscess of the diaphragm. In these cases, aching Blunt pain in the center of the chest is complemented painful sensations in the back and intensifies when pressing on the stomach area.

In addition, pain in the heart area may appear after eating (especially if a person has eaten a lot fatty foods), or vice versa, with increasing hunger. Such pain develops due to the general innervation of the stomach and can be a consequence of diseases such as pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

A feeling of pain in the middle of the chest may be due to strong contractions of the gallbladder. Intense pain in the sternum, radiating to the left side, may be a symptom of a lesion bile ducts and bubble. Painful sensations somewhat reminiscent of heart pain occur when acute pancreatitis. Often chest pain It becomes simply unbearable. A person often mistakes it for a heart attack, without taking into account the lack of spread to other organs. Only with the help intensive treatment In a hospital, suffering can be alleviated.

4. Neurological diseases

Stitching pain in the chest during movement, sudden turns of the body and deep breaths are not always related to a diseased heart. It may well turn out that they are caused by neurological diseases, which include intercostal neuralgia, thoracic radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Nerve roots, connecting the ribs to the spine, are compressed and irritated during the movement of the chest, which causes a sharp dagger pain in the sternum.

The symptoms of these ailments are extremely varied: the pain can be aching, stabbing, dull or pressing. It does not subside when at rest and intensifies when moving. Moreover, over time, the nature of the pain may change. Moreover, antispasmodics and painkillers in this case do not bring relief.

5. Injuries

Previous injuries, chest bruises, rib fractures or vertebral displacements can also provoke pain of varying intensity in the middle of the chest. Even if the injury did not lead to a fracture, it is quite possible that there was compression of the blood vessels and disruption of blood flow to the muscle tissue. The consequence of this is swelling and It's a dull pain in the chest. And from additional symptoms There may be a bruise and discomfort when palpating the painful area.

Other reasons

There are other causes of pain in the middle part of the chest. Pain in the sternum may be a consequence of an enlarged thyroid gland; disturbances in the structure of the spine are also reflected by pain in the middle part of the sternum.

How to distinguish neuralgia from angina pectoris

In the event of an attack of angina pectoris, the patient feels how the pain simply “spreads” throughout the chest, and in the case of neuralgia it is localized in certain place. Moreover, in a state of rest, neuralgic pain immediately subsides, but the intensity of pain in the heart does not depend in any way on physical stress. At the same time, by taking a Nitroglycerin tablet, the pain associated with angina pectoris will subside. If it is a heart attack or neuralgic pain, the drug will not eliminate the pain.

Symptoms requiring an immediate call to the emergency room

With all the symptoms described above, it is very difficult for a person to independently understand the causes of discomfort and pain in the chest. However, there are a number characteristic features that require emergency medical attention. So, you need to call an ambulance if:

  • a dagger pain appeared in the chest, from which you could lose consciousness;
  • chest pain radiates to the lower jaw and shoulder;
  • pain lasts more than 15 minutes, and does not disappear even at rest;
  • when inhaling, there is a feeling of constriction in the chest, which is complemented by an unstable pulse, dizziness, nausea and vomiting;
  • sharp dagger pains with intermittent breathing, high temperature and a bloody cough.

If you feel at least one of the symptoms described above, do not try to understand its causes. Just call an ambulance and take horizontal position. Before the doctors arrive, try not to take painkillers (only Nitroglycerin is possible) so that they do not affect the diagnosis. And further. Do not try to refuse hospitalization if the attack has already passed upon the arrival of specialists. Remember, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Pain is a symptom that signals a person that something is wrong in his body. It can be localized anywhere. If pain occurs between the breasts in the armpits, then this symptom should not be ignored. Only doctors who first establish the cause of the unpleasant symptom can diagnose it and treat the disease.

Pain between the breasts can occur in men and women at any age. The reasons for this could be anything. Some people begin to blame their hearts. Others think about lung problems. However, only a doctor can find out exactly what is the cause of unpleasant chest pain.

Pain in the armpit and between the breasts: causes

It should be understood that the causes of pain in the armpit and between the breasts are very diverse. Sometimes they can be localized in the area of ​​the diseased organ, and sometimes radiate to other places. Thus, to find out the cause of the pain, you should contact medical diagnostics. Doctors may identify one of the following causes:

  • Dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system: costochondritis, rib fractures.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: spasms in the esophagus, gallbladder disease, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcers.
  • Lung diseases: acute bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuralgia.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis of the joints, coronary vasospasm, cardiac arrhythmia, ischemic disease, ischemia cardiac origin, pericarditis, angina pectoris, mitral valve prolapse syndrome.
  • Anxiety, panic fear or fears nervous tension, stress.
  • Neuralgic diseases.
  • Causes of uncertain and uncharacteristic origin.

Chest pain can occur at any age. This is due to numerous reasons for their appearance. Often this symptom occurs in people over 65 years of age. In men, pain can occur after 45 years. Children are the last to experience chest and armpit pain.

Hernias in the diaphragm

Doctors thoroughly examine the patient to find out the causes of pain. Sometimes it consists of a hernia in the diaphragm. The area itself is composed of nerves, making it an innervated organ. Appearance diaphragmatic hernia may cause characteristic pain.

The disease can be identified by the following symptoms:

  1. Frequent belching.
  2. Dysphagia.
  3. Chest pain.
  4. Sensation of volume in the epigastrium.

The spread of a hernia throughout the chest is accompanied by severe pain in this area, as well as discomfort in the interscapular region and left shoulder. This may give rise to false suspicions that the person has heart problems.

WITH similar symptoms There are adults after 45-56 years. If it appears in a child or teenager, then you should consult a doctor urgently, since this could be something serious.

Often similar symptoms indicate chest injuries. Pain can occur when bending, turning the body, and also when inhaling. When pressing or palpating the injured area, the pain intensifies and may for a long time don't pass. Only at rest does a person stop feeling pain, which gradually goes away.

Diagnosing the problem

Problems arise when diagnosing a disease, especially if there are no other obvious symptoms or the diseased organ is not in the chest. Diagnosis is carried out primarily instrumentally until additional laboratory tests are required.

If the pain bothers you for a while and then goes away on its own, then you can talk about functional reasons its origin. Symptoms that appear in addition to pain become important. This helps to pay attention to a specific area of ​​the body.

Doctors sometimes cannot determine accurate diagnosis. Even if assumptions are made, this does not mean that the diagnosis is correct. This makes the patient’s condition dangerous, especially if we are talking about a serious illness.

The doctor is required precise setting diagnosis. The patient himself must be prepared for what may be required. surgery. Depending on the disease, doctors prescribe one or another treatment, which may include surgical operations. However, sometimes it’s just a matter of psychological reasons illness, which requires only the help of a psychotherapist and the use of sedative medications.

We pay attention to the most important thing for pain between the chest and armpit

There is a certain procedure that doctors perform to identify the cause of pain between the chest and armpit. They pay Special attention on the most important indicators that can indicate what triggered the symptom. Let's look at the main indicators on the website:

  • How does pain manifest itself?
  • The nature of the flow of sensations is considered.
  • Do any ways help reduce pain? What are they?
  • How long does the pain last?

Diseases that may have the same symptoms - expressed by pain between the chest or armpit - still differ in duration and strength this symptom. Based on such signs, doctors can pay special attention to the organ that is characterized by a similar duration and severity of pain.

In addition to diagnosing the body, an anamnesis is collected, which can also help in identifying the cause. Examining the entire body will be problematic, therefore, in order not to waste time, doctors assume in advance based on the patient’s symptoms and complaints what the cause of the illness may be. That is why conversations are held with the patient, an external examination is carried out, and the nature of the pain is observed.

Where and how does it hurt?

What types of pain are there? It is already known that they can vary in duration and strength. How and where can it hurt with a particular disease?

  1. The pain between the breasts and the armpit can be sharp or dull, lasting from a few seconds to 2 hours. It could be serious symptom, which indicates pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, or aortic aneurysm. These diseases are life-threatening, so the patient should be hospitalized immediately.
  2. Pain lasting 1 minute may indicate heart disease.
  3. Pain lasting several hours indicates possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Damage to the musculoskeletal system is accompanied by acute pain that lasts more than 2 days.
  5. Burning pain after eating indicates problems with the esophagus. This may cause belching and heartburn.
  6. Pain in the intercostal space, which appears on both sides of the chest and is dull in nature, often indicates problems with the respiratory system and lungs.

Other types of pain can be squeezing, aching, burning, etc. All of them indicate that the patient should see a doctor who can identify the disease and prescribe treatment.

Who is at risk?

Almost anyone can experience pain between the chest and armpit. The reasons are so varied that absolutely everyone can be at risk. Even children can experience similar symptoms, which only indicates a serious illness.

However, pain in the chest area often occurs in adulthood and old age. This includes persons who have previously had chronic diseases organs located in the chest are exposed to negative impact environment and also have bad habits:

  • They smoke.
  • They drink alcohol.
  • Have high blood pressure.
  • They have hereditary diseases.
  • Perform heavy physical loads on the body.
  • They are worried stressful situations and nervous tension.

People who have diseases associated with chest pain are at risk.

What pains are dangerous to human health?

The reader should be attentive to the sensations that arise in him armpit or mammary gland. There are pains that signal danger for human body. What are they?

  1. Cardiac pain: myocardial infarction, unstable or acute angina, dissecting aortic aneurysm.
  2. Pulmonary pain: severe pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism.

Such pain can be easily identified by the patient’s complaints, as well as by using medical devices. So, holding x-ray or electrocardiographic examination allows you to accurately determine the nature of the pain.

If a patient does not see a doctor for a long time and does not establish a diagnosis of his condition, then the disease may develop. The condition will worsen, leading to even more severe symptoms.

Pain may indicate rib fractures, which can be detected by palpating the chest, or shingles. Treatment occurs only after a diagnosis is made, which can only be correct after medical examinations. Here medications are prescribed, compliance correct mode day and nutrition. Just doing everything medical recommendations allows you to get rid of the disease and, accordingly, pain between the chest and armpit.

How to treat pain between breasts?

Treatment for pain between the breasts depends on the patient's condition. If an attack suddenly occurs, the person may lose consciousness and fall into pain shock. The skin of his face and lips will turn pale, his pulse will quicken, his eyes will be frightened. It is at this moment that you need to call an ambulance and provide emergency:

  • Lay down in bed and raise your legs slightly.
  • Release from constricting clothing and give a Nitroglycerin tablet.
  • Take him out of the room extra people so that they do not irritate the patient.
  • Give it a sniff ammonia if a person loses consciousness.

You should not do:

  • Set the bones yourself if a chest injury occurs.
  • Leave the patient alone.
  • Apply warm compresses, because for various reasons pain they can both help and harm.

Medical treatment consists of identifying the cause of pain between the chest and armpit, and then eliminating the disease:

  1. Pulmonary pathologies are treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and immunomodulators. The patient remains in bed, drinks a lot of fluids, takes inhalations, and gives up smoking and alcohol.
  2. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are eliminated proper nutrition, in a healthy way life, walks on fresh air, activities breathing exercises, as well as medications that thin the blood and dilate the coronary vessels.
  3. Fractures of the chest bones are eliminated by immobilizing the patient and fixing his damaged areas. Ice is applied, massage with special creams, massages and gentle stretches are performed.

Treatment depends entirely on the cause of pain between the breasts. This is determined by the doctor, and he also conducts the treatment.


The prognosis of pain between the armpit and chest depends entirely on how quickly the patient seeks treatment. medical assistance how to correctly diagnose his disease and correctly treat it. This has a significant impact on life expectancy. How long do people with chest pain live? It all depends on the diseases that provoked them.

There are diseases that are fatal. There are reasons that require emergency care. And there are diseases that are not fatal, but may have complications that threaten fatal. The result is the same - death without treatment.

There are two types of chest pain - pain behind the sternum, inside the chest, and pain when pressing on the sternum. Pain in the chest behind the sternum or radiating to the sternum may indicate a disease of an organ located in the chest or below the costal arch, since signals about disorders through spinal cord reflexively transmitted to the chest.

Pain in the sternum, not accompanied by constant other symptoms, often indicates a process affecting the sternum itself. Before dealing with pain in and behind the sternum, you should determine what the sternum is.

The sternum is a flat, oblong bone located in the center of the front of the chest. The ribs are attached to it on both sides by means of cartilaginous formations. The second ends of the ribs are attached to the spine. Top part The sternum is connected to the clavicle, and at its lower end there is a xiphoid process that is not connected to the ribs. The xiphoid process is a cartilage that hardens with age and by the age of 30–35 grows into the body of the sternum. The xiphoid process, along with the solar plexus, is one of the most important centers of nerve clusters in the human body.

Pain in the sternum that appears when pressing on it may be a consequence traumatic injury direct force on the body of the sternum or on the xiphoid process. Sometimes at the time of fracture the pain can be very sharp, a hematoma can form at the site of injury, and the mobility of the chest during breathing is limited by painful sensations.

Injuries can lead to pain in the lower part of the sternum, in xiphoid process– the so-called sliding costal cartilage syndrome. With this syndrome, pain can intensify with the slightest muscle tension - with any movement, deep breath, coughing, sneezing.

Tietze syndrome

Internal organs can also cause chest pain only when pressed.

Most often, the cause of pain in the sternum, which manifests itself when pressure is applied, is disturbances in the articulations of the ribs with the sternum, when painful points form in the area where the muscles attach to the ribs. This occurs because with prolonged tension of the muscles at their attachment points, an inflammatory process begins in the periosteum.

This disease of the sternum is called Tietze syndrome. It is also called costochondritis, perichondritis, etc. The syndrome is considered not so much a serious as an uncomfortable disease; more common in teenagers and young adults

Pain in the chest when pressed in the middle indicates not only Tietze syndrome, but may indicate the presence of diabetes.


  • hypovitaminosis and calcium metabolism disorders;
  • coughing;
  • trauma and surgery;
  • introduction of infection into torn ligaments;
  • long-term loads on the upper shoulder girdle and chest, causing microtraumas in muscles and ligaments;
  • one-time physical influences on the structures of the chest, in particular, bruises received by athletes during training;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • age-related changes in osteochondral tissue,
  • surgical intervention in the chest area.


  1. When you press on the place where the rib attaches to the sternum, you feel quite severe pain.
  2. A small swelling about 3-4 cm in size, painful on palpation, with a dense surface on one side, in the lateral part of the sternum at the junction of the rib, when one cartilaginous pad is affected.
  3. Acute attacks of pain in the anterior part of the chest, often with pressure, moving downwards.
  4. Pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the 4th - 6th ribs
  5. Exacerbation of pain with any movement, including deep breathing.

Sometimes the inflammatory process in cartilage tissue can manifest itself as pain in mammary gland, when pressing mainly on one side. Therefore, if one mammary gland hurts when pressed, then you should check yourself for possible pathological processes at the site of attachment of the ribs. This type of pain is non-cyclical, most of which is associated with pathology in the musculoskeletal system.

Otherwise, pain in the mammary gland is associated with pathological processes in the gland itself.

Tietze syndrome, especially in early stages, is diagnosed mainly by MRI and on the basis of clinical symptoms.

Diseases of internal organs

Pain that appears when pressing on the sternum is associated with a lesion internal organs and even with psychogenic diseases. In such cases, it may radiate to other areas of the chest and be accompanied by clinical signs one disease or another.

Most often, when pressed, chest pain can appear due to disorders in the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, with degenerative processes in the spine.

So why does it hurt? rib cage when pressing on it?

  1. With osteochondrosis, pain can manifest itself in the sternum itself or in the form of intercostal neuralgia. Pressure can increase pain, and warm-up exercises can reduce it. Associated symptoms are a feeling of numbness in the hand, headache and back pain.
  2. Sometimes the appearance painful sensations in the lower part of the sternum, when you press on it, it speaks of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - stomach ulcers, for example, when inflammation in fat cells can reach the sternum. But in this case, there are also symptoms of digestive disorders - nausea, heartburn and others.
  3. If, when pressed, the chest hurts inside, and more often without it, the pain radiates to left side- a shoulder blade, an arm, and breathing increases the pain, these are signs of heart disease - angina pectoris. Short-term acute pain in the chest that occurs during stress (physical or nervous) is a sign of angina pectoris. Pain that occurs when a person is in calm state or even sleeping is a sign of resting angina. In any case, a nitroglycerin tablet quickly relieves the attack. If nitroglycerin does not help and the pain continues, we may be talking about a heart attack or obstruction of the coronary arteries.
  4. Prolonged pain, usually upper third sternum, sometimes lasting several days, is a sign of a thoracic aortic aneurysm.
  5. Chest pain is also caused by diseases of the respiratory system. It can be inflammatory processes in the lung and bronchi, tuberculosis, different types tumors and injuries. Accompanied by cough, weakness, sweating, fever.

Thus, we can conclude that the appearance of chest pain is not a clear sign of any specific disease. The illness can be very serious and requires immediate medical attention.

To find out why the chest hurts when pressed, especially if there are other symptoms, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but you should immediately consult a doctor for qualified help. Often, complex examination and even urgent intervention are required to make a diagnosis and answer the question “why”.