A sarcoma lesion appeared in the lungs. Adipose tissue sarcoma

Sarcoma tumor is a malignant neoplasm connective tissue, which is present in almost all organs and systems. Unlike cancer, which is formed from mutated epithelial and endothelial cells, sarcoma metastases form already on early stages. This is due to the active growth and reproduction of muscle and connective tissue fibers.

Secondary foci of oncology develop as a result of the spread of sarcoma cells from the primary neoplasm. IN oncology practice Doctors distinguish between two main methods of spread of cancer foci: circulatory and lymphogenous.

In the human body it flows through the lungs and liver greatest number blood. That is why they are predominantly diagnosed in these organs.

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Metastases in different types of sarcomas

Metastases in bone sarcoma

Osteosarcoma develops in two main variants:

  1. Local. occurs within nearby organs and systems. Thus, tendons, muscles and joints are involved in oncology.
  2. Metastatic. Secondary lesions are diagnosed in distant organs. In such cancer patients, in addition to traditional ones, tumors of the bones and brain can be detected.

Signs of the presence of secondary lesions in bone sarcoma are a progressive increase in the volume of the primary node and an increase in symptoms of intoxication.

Metastases of uterine sarcoma

Secondary tumors of the female reproductive system on late stages form metastases in regional lymph nodes, small and large pelvis. The number and size of such foci depends on the stage of the oncological process. The main way mutated cells spread is through blood vessels.

Clinical picture of this disease consists of a combination of local manifestations (violation menstrual cycle, bleeding from the uterus, constant discharge from the genital tract, pain) and common features (low-grade fever, anemia, weakness and fatigue).

Metastases in soft tissue sarcoma

Sarcoma, which develops in the growth zone of muscle fibers, can progress in two forms. The first type of neoplasm is characterized by locally destructive growth and the absence of metastases. In the second option, the tumor forms distant oncological foci through blood vessels.

In terms of the frequency of secondary injuries, the lungs occupy the leading place. Also, the tumor can be localized in the liver, bones and lymph nodes.

Symptoms of the development of metastases in soft tissue sarcoma consist of a gradual deterioration in the general well-being of the cancer patient, which occurs against the background of an increase in muscle hardening.

Sarcoma metastases to the lung

The secondary focus in the lung tissues is asymptomatic. Only 20% of cancer patients with this pathology feel subjective symptoms on initial stage growth of oncology. Signs of sarcoma metastases in the lungs include:

  • Periodic cough that is dry in nature. The intensity of the attacks gradually increases. In this case, there may be blood particles in the sputum.
  • Progressive shortness of breath. This is a sign of a significant mutation size.
  • Chronic rise in body temperature to subfebrile levels.
  • Pain and stiffness in chest movements.
  • Systemic intoxication of the body.

Each sarcoma has its own characteristics of metastasis depending on the location of the primary malignant node.

Sarcoma metastases in the lungs

Secondary neoplasms of the lymphoid system

Almost for all types cancerous tumors The primary spread of the mutation to regional lymph nodes is considered typical. These organs are always the first to respond to both infectious penetration, and for malignant tissue degeneration.

Signs of sarcoma metastases to lymph nodes include:

  • Enlarged lymph node.
  • Painlessness and density of the affected area.
  • General malaise and loss of appetite.
  • Periodic hyperthermia.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Feeling of “chronic fatigue”.

Treatment of patients

For all sarcoma tumors, the most acceptable method of therapy is surgical excision of all modified tissues. In the presence of metastases, anticancer treatment is usually concentrated on eliminating individual symptoms and transferring the disease to stage .

Improving the quality of life of a cancer patient is achieved through systemic administration of cytotoxic drugs. The dosage and duration of chemotherapy is determined by the oncologist individually for each clinical case.

Some patients report slight improvement after radiation therapy. Ionizing radiation causes a slowdown and stabilization of tumor growth, which helps prolong the patient’s life.

Sarcoma metastases are not always amenable to high-quality diagnosis, which greatly worsens the prognosis and chances of survival for the patient. Establishing a reliable diagnosis requires computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. A biopsy of the primary lesion can also indicate the spread of oncology by identifying the stage of the mutation.

Valery Zolotov

Reading time: 4 minutes


This is a malignant oncological formation that affects lung tissue and metastasizes to other organs. Unlike others malignant tumors, sarcoma is characterized by increased aggressiveness, a high rate of growth and division of atypical cells.

As a rule, this oncological formation affects the connective tissue. There are two main types of sarcoma, which are classified according to the degree of malignancy.

Lung sarcoma is rare disease however, it is characterized by a high degree of malignancy.

Causes of the disease

Unfortunately, despite all the achievements modern medicine In the field of oncology, the causes of this disease have not been fully established.

However, there are several factors that can trigger the development of this cancer.

  1. hereditary predisposition. This neoplasm can begin its development in childhood precisely due to damaged genetic code;
  2. bad habits. Especially smoking. This bad habit has a direct impact on the lungs. Direct contact of connective tissue and harmful chemical elements contributes to the emergence malignant tumor;
  3. poor environmental conditions. The air of a modern city contains a large number of carcinogens. Exactly these chemical substances are the main cause of malignant neoplasms;
  4. radioactive exposure. Especially high doses radiation have Negative influence for all functions of the body.

It often happens that lungs arise without visible reasons. In this case, doctors are at a loss, however, the above factors are typical for almost all patients. As you may have noticed, most of them are controlled. This means that a person can independently significantly reduce the risk of this disease.


The symptoms are practically no different from those of a cancerous tumor. For this reason, it is quite difficult to determine sarcoma.

  • rapid loss of energy, body fatigue, shortness of breath, which is caused by disruption of the heart;
  • dysphagia. The patient has difficulty eating. This is a sign that the esophagus has been penetrated;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • the voice becomes hoarse;
  • convulsions;
  • increased occurrence of infectious diseases, which is caused by decreased immunity and inflammatory process in the lungs.

As a result of tumor metastasis to other organs, symptoms may vary. They will depend on which organ is affected.


Unfortunately, diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the patient at an early stage of tumor development practically does not feel symptoms. When contacting medical institution A number of studies will be carried out:

Treatment of the disease

There are several types of treatment that can be combined or used separately.


This traditional method therapy, which gives the patient a chance for complete recovery. With help surgical intervention can eliminate symptoms, improve prognosis and increase patient survival. Surgical intervention may involve removal exclusively along with it.


This type of treatment is as important as surgery. Through chemotherapy, doctors destroy metastases and also prevent the possibility of relapse. Chemotherapy before surgery can reduce the size of the tumor.


The purpose of this method, as with chemotherapy, is to facilitate surgery. Its essence is the use of X-rays that destroy atypical cells.

Cyber ​​knife

This is the most modern treatment method oncological diseases. It gives real hope to patients who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor. This method is designed to remove the tumor using X-rays without opening the chest.

Unfortunately, this is not a panacea, however, in combination with other methods it gives good results.

How long do people live with lung sarcoma?

Lung sarcoma is one of the most dangerous malignant neoplasms. Already at the first stage, survival rate is about 40%. In the second stage, only 20% of patients survive for 5 years. Life expectancy at stage 3 is about 7%.

Has the most unfavorable prognosis. The five-year survival rate in this case is about 3%. It is for this reason that it is necessary to identify the disease at the earliest stage of development.

Lung sarcoma is a malignant tumor with aggressive course. In the respiratory system, sarcoma is rare, occurring in 1% of cancer patients. Despite the rarity of its occurrence, it carries with it severe consequences. From this article you will learn about the diagnosis and treatment of patients with pulmonary sarcoma.

Lung sarcoma is formed from a connective tissue cell growing from the mesoderm (or mesoblast) - the middle germ layer, located between the ecto- and endoderm and covering the lungs and bronchi from the outside. It can be located between the alveoli of the lungs, grows quickly, is characterized by malignancy, aggressive course, early metastasis, movement of malignant cells through tissues.

Unlike sarcoma, it arises from epithelial tissue lining the lungs from the inside. is not tied to a specific organ, like other forms of cancer, but affects any organ.

Features of the disease

Pulmonary sarcoma forms a large and massive node, occupying most or everything easy. The node can be demarcated from the tissue lung capsule, but when it grows into the bronchi, infiltration into the parenchyma occurs.

Like sarcoma, it can be primary, arising directly in the respiratory organs, and secondary, developing as a result of metastasis from other tissues and organs. Metastases penetrate into the lung area through the bloodstream or through lymphatic vessels.

The difference between sarcoma and lung cancer is that it is not an independent nosological form due to its morphological diversity, that is, it unites different types cancer tumors, the degree of differentiation of which is also different.

Types, types and forms of pulmonary tissue sarcoma

Histologically, primary sarcoma, like lung cancer, is:

  • highly differentiated: has a low degree of malignancy (reduced mitotic cell activity, high proportion of stromal elements, low concentration of oncoelements), that is, slow cell division occurs;
  • low differentiated: has high degree malignancy ( increased speed cell divisions, many tumor particles, a well-developed network of blood vessels, necrotic foci).

There are undifferentiated sarcomas, they are also: spindle cell, round cell and polymorphic cell.

Morphological classification of sarcomas lung tissue includes the following tumors:

  • – a highly differentiated cancer node, which occurs frequently and affects the walls of blood vessels;
  • - grows from bronchial connective tissue or peribronchial (surrounding bronchi), malignancy - low;
  • fibrolymphosarcoma - develops from lymphoid tissue cells;
  • lymphosarcoma - develops from the tissues of the lymph nodes;
  • - grows from adipose tissue cells;
  • neurosarcoma - from the connective tissues of the nerve plexuses;
  • - affects cartilage tissue bronchial tree;
  • - from smooth and striated muscle tissues;
  • – from striated muscle tissue;
  • hemangiopericytoma - arises from pericytes - cells that are part of the capillary walls.

- a science that studies the stages of their development to determine aggressiveness, volume and methods of treatment, and predict survival.

There are four stages of lung sarcoma, which are based on the quantitative degree of spread and malignancy of the oncological nodes:

  • stage 1 lung sarcoma is limited to a capsule node with infiltrate, up to 3 cm in diameter. There are no metastases;
  • Stage 2 – node diameter 3-6 cm, single metastases were found in the peribronchial and lymph nodes of the pulmonary root;
  • Stage 3 – node diameter – 6 cm or more, metastases were found in the mediastinal lymph nodes, invasion in the pleura;
  • Stage 4 lung sarcoma metastasizes to distant organs and lymph nodes from tumors of any size.

Formations in the respiratory organs also include extraosseous and Kaposi. Ewing's sarcoma in the lungs, bronchi and soft tissues around them occurs in 8% of patients of childhood and up to 25-30 years of age, more often in boys. The formation belongs to neuroectodermal tumors due to the similarity of molecular genetic features: rapid growth and early metastasis, absence of symptoms in the initial stage.

In the lungs is systemic disease. It affects the respiratory organs, other inner fabrics and organs, lymph nodes. Common cause its secondary development is metastasis from other primary malignant tumors. Early symptoms are pleural painful attacks in the sternum, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, noisy and hard breath what is called stridor. The radiograph shows infiltrates on both sides: interstitial and parenchymal. With unclear outlines, the formation occurs with massive pleural effusion.

Causes of lung sarcoma

Modern medical scientists are still studying what causes lung sarcoma.

Experiments confirm the negative impact:

  • ionizing radiation;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • chemical substances;
  • smoke filled with industrial pipes and air polluted with soot and automobile gases.

Lung sarcoma develops most often in heavy smokers, chemical workers who come into contact with carcinogenic substances, such as pesticides, aniline dyes, asbestos and others. People with a genetic predisposition and a family history of cancer are at risk.

The causes of lung sarcoma may include uncontrolled use of medications and poor nutrition: the predominance of “heavy” foods with excess fat and salt, vinegar, spices and a lack of fresh plants in the diet: vegetables and fruits, herbs and berries. Metastasis of osteosarcoma from other organs is the cause of a secondary oncological process in the lungs.
Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

The manifestation of pulmonary sarcoma is similar to clinical picture other forms of oncological process in the respiratory organs. The initial stages are difficult to recognize due to the absence or mild symptoms.

At stages 2-4 of the oncological process, the patients’ condition worsens, and the symptoms of pulmonary tissue sarcoma become obvious.


  • signs appear general weakness, fatigue, lost physical form, performance decreases;
  • loss of appetite and a foreign body is felt in the sternum;
  • sweat profusely, especially during night sleep;
  • chills give way to fever as the temperature rises;
  • when the tumor node puts pressure on the heart muscle, shortness of breath appears;
  • when the tumor is located near the esophagus, dysphagia develops: it is difficult for the patient to swallow solid food, and later liquid;
  • blood stagnates in the lung, which leads to hypertrophy of the right atrium and ventricle, pathological process circulation of blood in the pulmonary circle.

It is important to know! Symptoms of pulmonary sarcoma are also manifested by superior vena cava syndrome: difficulty breathing, convulsions, dizziness, headaches, nausea, hoarseness and cough, which produces sputum with blood elements.

Against the background of secondary pleurisy, pneumonia or infectious disease, lung sarcoma may also appear, the symptoms of which will be “hidden” behind the manifestations of these diseases. Therefore, differentiated diagnostics will be required.

Diagnosis of the disease

How to identify sarcoma of the lung tissue if initial stages Are there no symptoms?

If you do not ignore such research methods as fluorography, ultrasound, blood tests as preventive measures oncology, then it is possible early diagnosis lung sarcomas. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take blood tests: general - to determine ESR and the degree of anemia, and blood - to identify specific antibodies (markers).

And also take an ECG to analyze the condition functional work hearts and pass:

  • angiography with contrast agents for studying the circulatory system;
  • MRI and CT of the left and right lung to determine the size of the cancer node and the degree of its advancement into the surrounding tissues;
  • X-ray examination;
  • radioisotope test to determine the boundary between healthy and diseased tissue to guide subsequent therapy;
  • a procedure for removing tissue for the purpose of examining it histologically. performed during thoracoscopy or bronchoscopy;
  • Doppler diagnostics of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment of lung sarcoma

If the diagnosis of lung sarcoma is confirmed, treatment is carried out comprehensively and in the following sequence:

  • preoperative chemotherapy;
  • tumor removal using the following methods: segmentectomy, pneumonectomy or lobectomy;
  • radiation therapy (radiotherapy);
  • repeated courses of chemotherapy.

Surgical methods

To exclude relapses, a standard operation is performed with wide excision of the tumor and surrounding lymph nodes. If the patient's condition is too severe and there is a serious concomitant pathology, this may not allow the tumor to be removed by abdominal surgery. Then special radiosurgical knives are used.

  • Segmentectomy

Segmental resection is performed:

  1. open method (thoracotomy) – with access to the oncological lesion by opening the chest;
  2. video thoracoscopic access to the segment area through small incisions of the sternum in order to reduce blood loss and the risk of infection.

Operations are performed using general anesthesia. Patients are first prescribed a course of antibiotics to improve general state and prevent severe complications. In case of lung injury, emergency intervention is used to save life. The procedure is simplified if you have one healthy lung. The segment is an independent bronchovascular unit, so it can be removed using anterolateral, lateral and posterolateral approaches. In this case, the apical segments of the upper lobe, the upper segment of the lower lobe and the basal segments are excised.

Performing an operation open method surgeon:

  1. is opened rib cage and pleural region;
  2. stands out from pleura lung, in which case the segment is separated last;
  3. the bronchus is closed with special staplers;
  4. the segmental artery is ligated and divided, central vein and vessels of the bronchi;
  5. The affected segment is removed with doping (ligation) of the veins between the segments.

Important! A segment is identified from the root to the periphery. To check the tightness of the seams on the bronchi, pleural cavity wash or inflate the lung tissue. If bubbles appear at the site of segmental excision, additional sutures are applied and drainage is installed in the pleural area to remove accumulated exudate and air.

The operation is performed using X-ray control. If only a few air bubbles are released, they are limited to only one drainage or do nothing. If there is a lot of air coming from the lung tissue, knotted sutures are placed on it and additional drainage is added. It is removed on the 3-4th day after surgery. During this period, active aspiration of exudate from the pleura is carried out, which helps to expand the lung.

Treatment of pulmonary sarcoma by thoracoscopic resection, as follows:

  • the patient is positioned and a double-lumen endotracheal tube is inserted;
  • the affected lung is excluded from mechanical ventilation;
  • The operation is performed through punctures using a special endoscopic instrument.

Insufflation (introduction of gas into the lung cavity) with a pressure of up to 10 mm Hg. Art. when using videothoracoscopy it is rarely used. At the same time, the slightest deterioration in venous return and a decrease in cardiac output are monitored. Videothoracoscopy provides a view inside the sternum through two small and enlarged fields of view. In this case, the optics (thorascope) is inserted through a port located behind or below.

Attention! Thoracoscopic operations, compared to the open method, do not cause severe postoperative pain, reduce the number of complications, eliminate large skin incisions and reduce the stay of patients in the intensive care unit to 1-2 days.

Complications. In the most vulnerable patients, with limited lung reserves, empyema sometimes occurs, that is, pus accumulates inside the lung. Bronchial fistulas also form and dangerous bleeding occurs.

Segmentectomy is contraindicated in the presence of:

  1. coagulopathies;
  2. skin infections;
  3. diffuse pulmonary diseases;
  4. extensive metastasis to the organ.
  • Pulmonectomy

Treatment of lung sarcoma using pneumonectomy includes complete removal of the affected lung under general anesthesia.

During the operation:

  • a thoracotomy is performed: anterolateral or posterolateral and the lung is freed from pneumolysis - interpleural adhesions;
  • after dissection of the mediastinal pleura, vessels and bronchi in the root of the lung are identified;
  • the vessels of the lungs and bronchi are treated separately and start with the pulmonary veins and arteries to prevent the spread of cancer cells;
  • the isolation of the pulmonary vessel begins after the connective tissue sheath is cut: the vessel is exposed from the accessible surface, then the lateral and deep areas of the vessel are isolated;
  • the lung with fatty tissue and lymph nodes is removed from the root and adjacent area of ​​the mediastinum.

To reduce the residual cavity in the sternum, the phrenic nerve is divided and sometimes thoracoplasty is performed. After the operation, it is possible that purulent complications, and the bronchial stump may be incompetent.

  • Lobectomy

During the operation, one lobe of the lung is removed. The right lung has three lobes, the left lung has two.

Lobectomy is performed in two ways:

  • traditional thoracotomy through a large incision through the spread ribs;
  • an operation performed through several small incisions. A tiny camera is inserted into them to control the process via video, as well as surgical instrument. Viewed on the monitor screen inner part chest and there is a pulmonary lobe with an oncological process.

During an anterolateral thoracotomy, the cartilage of the 3rd rib is incised to expose the upper lung lobe, 5th and 6th ribs - to expose the lower lobe.

The pulmonary lobe is removed along with the lymph nodes. A drain is placed in the chest to drain excess fluid through tubes. The incisions are then closed with stitches or staples. After layer-by-layer suturing of the thoracotomy wound, air is sucked out from the pleural cavity.


To stop tumor cells from dividing, combined treatment is carried out with drugs in tablets or intravenously:

  1. and either Herceptin.

Sarcoma metastases are treated with certain regimens: CAF, FAC, CEF or AC. Before taxanes, treatment is carried out with steroid drugs to reduce side effects.

To exclude recurrence of sarcoma or reduce its frequency, radiation and chemotherapy are used.

Radiation therapy

Irradiation is carried out:

  • as the main method of treatment when a localized cancer node is detected;
  • to reduce the sarcoma body before surgery;
  • for postoperative elimination of traces of oncological process;
  • to destroy metastases in the brain and other internal organs.

There are two types of radiation therapy – radical and non-radical:

  1. Radical radiation therapy can completely destroy sarcoma cells in the early stages and in the presence of tumors that are sensitive to radiation. The course of daily treatment is two weeks.
  2. Non-radical radiation therapy prevents the growth of the cancer process and saves the patient’s life if the tumor blocks the respiratory canal or destroys the lung. One or more radiotherapy sessions are used.

It is important to know! Radiation slightly narrows the esophagus, which leads to difficulty swallowing food, heartburn and indigestion. To eliminate pathologies, you should consult a doctor for a prescription. necessary medications and replace solid foods with high-calorie drinks.

In addition to external radiation therapy with the radiation source located outside the body, conformal radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy are used. This enables three-dimensional imaging of the oncological node through the use of CT. Using the resulting images, high-dose radiation is targeted. Automatic change in shape and size possible beam beam to destroy the tumor. Healthy tissues are slightly damaged.

How long do they live (prognosis) for lung sarcoma?

In the early stages of the malignant process, life expectancy for 5 years is possible in 50% of patients (every second patient) with adequate treatment. At the third stage, 20% of patients survive, at the fourth stage – up to 10%.

Prevention of pulmonary sarcoma

With the aim of primary prevention Comprehensive medical and hygienic measures are carried out aimed at eliminating factors that increase the risk of sarcoma:

  • promote cessation of smoking and other bad habits, as well as a healthy lifestyle;
  • carry out work to purify polluted air in factories.

Secondary prevention is carried out as planned preventive examinations lungs, treatment of precancerous processes, for example, tuberculosis, pneumonia or chronic bronchitis, increasing the immunity of patients.

If the patient has already had surgery to remove a sarcoma, such as a lobectomy, then if signs of infection, fever and chills, redness, swelling, pain, bleeding or discharge from the surgical wound, nausea or vomiting, or shortness of breath appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Timely elimination of symptoms will prevent relapse and prolong the patient’s life.

Informative video

Lung sarcoma is a malignant tumor characterized by an aggressive course. IN medical practice The disease is classified as rare, affecting about 1% of cancer patients. And yet, lung sarcoma is very dangerous due to its active development serious consequences. Delayed treatment The disease often leads to the death of the patient.

Features of the disease

Lung sarcoma - what is it? Dangerous pathology classified into primary (occurs in the respiratory system) and secondary (provoked by cancer of other internal systems).

The neoplasm is presented in the form of a strong and very powerful node, which is capable of occupying some part, a lobe of the lung, or the entire respiratory organ. The tumor is often limited to healthy cells capsule, but can penetrate into the parenchyma and bronchi.

We also present the description of the disease in the form of a picture:

Sarcoma is characterized by an aggressive and bright course, active tumor growth, early metastases, and the movement of pathogenic cells through healthy tissue.

The difference between sarcoma and other cancerous tumors

A cancerous tumor arises from epithelial cells covering the respiratory organ from the inside. The development of sarcoma occurs from the connective tissue cells lining the outside of the organ.

Watch an excerpt from the program “About the Most Important Thing” about lung cancer:


According to histological characteristics, pathology is classified into:

  • highly differentiated - low malignancy, slow process of division of malignant cells;
  • poorly differentiated - increased malignancy, accelerated process divisions of malignant cells, foci of necrosis, multiplicity of lesions.

Types of pathology:

  • angiosarcoma - malignant lesion of the walls of blood vessels;
  • fibrosarcoma - development from connective cells of the bronchi;
  • lymphosarcoma - development from the bronchial lymph system;
  • chondrosarcoma - formation from cartilage tissue;
  • liposarcoma - development from lipid tissue;
  • leiomyosarcoma formation begins from muscle tissue;
  • neurosarcoma - development from cells of nerve trunks.

Stages of the disease:

  • The first is that the tumor is limited to the capsule, a node with an infiltrate no more than 3 cm in diameter, and no metastases.
  • Second, the node increases in diameter to 6 cm, and the process of metastases to the lymph nodes and bronchial parenchyma begins.
  • The third is an enlargement of the node up to and including 6 cm or more (in diameter), active metastasis.
  • The fourth is metastasis to nearby internal organs, as well as to the lymph nodes.

In medicine separate pathology“pulmonary sarcoma” no. The disease is a type of cancer that is completely different in histological characteristics, the development of which does not occur from epithelial tissue, but from other internal structures.

Lung sarcoma, like other cancers, is characterized by:

  • infiltration and subsequent destruction of nearby tissues;
  • relapse after surgical removal of the first lesion;
  • metastasis.

A feature of the pathology is that a malignant tumor often develops in children and young people, who are characterized by an active process of division of connective tissue cells. In addition, lung sarcoma has an increased tendency to relapse, which explains low percentage survival rate in patients with this diagnosis.


Medicine does not know exactly the reasons for the development of the disease, since it is completely impossible to explain why the cells of the connective tissue of the lungs begin to “transform” into a malignant tumor. But doctors have identified factors that may well become provocateurs for the development of pathology:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • unfavorable ecology in the area of ​​residence (presence of carcinogenic compounds in the air - exhausts and discharges from industrial enterprises);
  • smoking addiction;
  • radiation exposure;
  • exposure to UV waves;
  • prolonged exposure to chemicals on the body;
  • indiscriminate or prolonged treatment with potent medications;
  • improper diet - abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked foods.

Clinical features

Risk factors and symptoms of lung cancer in one picture:

The signs and symptoms of lung sarcoma are almost identical to those clinical features cancer respiratory system. The first symptoms of the pathology are minor. Often the patient does not pay attention to the symptoms of lung sarcoma, to the initial symptoms of the disease, and does not notice what is happening to his body pathological changes and postpones a visit to the oncologist. This further complicates the process of treating a serious illness.

Signs of initial malignant lesion:

  • apathy, indifference, physical weakness, behavioral changes, fatigue;
  • dyspnea;
  • constant nausea;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • hoarseness in voice;
  • difficulty swallowing solid products(later the patient begins to experience discomfort when swallowing soft foods or liquid dishes);
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling foreign body in the sternum area;
  • increased sweating (especially at night, during sleep).

During the course of the patient's illness primary symptoms Other signs are also added:

Intensity clinical manifestations depends on the size of the tumor and its histological features. As a rule, the symptoms of the disease actively progress, become bright and give the patient painful sensations and general discomfort.


Timely diagnosis of a developing malignant tumor increases the chances of a favorable prognosis. If a patient is suspected of having cancer, the doctor prescribes pulmonary diagnostics, including:

  • general as well as biochemical tests blood;
  • blood test to determine antibodies;
  • MRI, CT, allowing to determine the diameter of the tumor, as well as the degree of malignant lesion;
  • an electrocardiogram that determines the functionality of the heart;
  • radioisotope research - determining the boundaries between healthy tissues and cancer-affected cells;

We'll explain what scintigraphy is in the picture:

  • angiography - identifying the condition of blood vessels;
  • biopsy;
  • diagnostics of heart functionality using Doppler.


Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is prescribed complex therapy, the technique of which depends on the stage of cancer, age and physiological characteristics sick.

Let us describe the types of lung operations in the picture:

The leading role in pulmonary sarcoma is assigned to surgical technique treatment. The operation can be performed in one of 3 ways:

  • lobectomy (removal of the lobe of the respiratory organ affected by cancer);
  • pneumonectomy (complete excision of the entire lung affected by pathology);
  • segmentectomy (removal of a specific segment of the lung affected by the disease).

If it is impossible to carry out abdominal surgery(presence of contraindications) the patient is prescribed radiosurgical removal of the malignant focus - using a cyber knife or gamma knife. During the operation, the integrity of the tissues and the sternum is not compromised; the suppression of malignant cells is carried out using X-ray irradiation.

After surgery, the patient is indicated for radiation and chemotherapy (using potent medicines). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be prescribed before abdominal surgery. The goal is to reduce the diameter of tumor nodes and stabilize the oncological process.

During chemotherapy, cytostatics are prescribed that inhibit the activity of pathogenic cells.

Survival prognosis

Cancer is characterized by an aggressive course, which accordingly affects the life expectancy of absolutely all patients. How long do people live with lung sarcoma? Life expectancy depends on the severity of cancer and the physiological characteristics of the patient. Despite the capabilities of modern medicine, the prognosis for life in most cases is unfavorable:

  • If pathology is detected in the early stages, only 50% of patients have a chance to live over the next 5 years.
  • If therapy for the disease began at stage 3, then the life prognosis for the same period of time is reduced to 20%.
  • For lung sarcoma last stage the prognosis is always unfavorable - almost all patients die within six months from embolism, development pulmonary insufficiency or occurrence infectious processes in the respiratory organs.
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When making such forecasts important role The type of cancer focus plays a role, as does the neglect of the pathology. If the focus is represented by highly differentiated cancer cells that mutate slowly, the survival prognosis will be quite optimistic. Thanks to the combined approach and application modern techniques when treating lung sarcoma, prognoses improve, the number of people who were able to overcome the five-year survival threshold is gradually increasing (up to 10% of total number sick). Prognosis largely determines the size of the tumor, its location and type. Also, the general condition of a person plays a role.

Factors that determine life expectancy

The type of cancer lesion, which is determined by histological examination. For example, small cell oncology is detected already at the later stages of progression, when metastases have spread. Therefore, forecasts are often pessimistic. With large cell lesions, the prognosis improves.
. Dimensions of the cancer focus.
. The extent of metastasis and involvement of nearby organs. With extensive damage, treatment may not produce any results. According to statistics, the 1st stage of pathology kills about 60% of patients, and the 2nd stage kills about 85%.

How long do people live with sarcoma of the lungs?

This question interests the patients themselves, as well as their relatives. Sarcoma is characterized by aggressive growth and early metastasis, therefore, with lung sarcoma, the survival prognosis without taking appropriate measures is 3-5 months. This indicates that people with sarcoma lesions may die within six months of diagnosis. Sarcoma does not respond well to chemotherapy. The success of therapy strongly depends on the timely detection of pathology.

It should be remembered that the fight against cancer is difficult process. Unfortunately, sarcoma, among other types of cancer, has the highest mortality rate. In case of passing quality treatment lung sarcoma prognosis five-year survival rate will be quite optimistic, but as for the 10-year time mark, a negligible number of cancer patients survive to it. In the absence of treatment or if this lesion is detected late, a person will live a maximum of 3-4 months.

Each patient is faced with the fact that chemotherapy at stages 3 and 4 ceases to reduce the tumor and metastases. This is an indicator that it’s time to move to more modern methods cancer therapy. For selection effective method treatment you can seek

During the consultation the following will be discussed: - methods innovative therapy;
- opportunities to participate in experimental therapy;
- how to get a quota for free treatment to the oncology center;
- organizational matters.
After consultation, the patient is assigned a day and time of arrival for treatment, a therapy department, and, if possible, an attending doctor is assigned.