Why does the upper right side hurt under the ribs. Why does it hurt under the rib on the right side? Why does the right side hurt under the ribs in front

Pain under the ribs in the right side is one of the most common complaints at a therapist's appointment. In the projection of the right hypochondrium are the liver and gallbladder, the head of the pancreas, the right flexure of the colon, the lower lobe right lung and pleura, right dome of the diaphragm, muscles abdominals. For differential diagnosis of diseases occurring with pain in the right side, you must consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the nature of the pain, prescribe additional methods examination and determine the treatment strategy.

The right side hurts under the ribs on the side, what could it be? We will discuss in this article.

Types of pain on the side in the right hypochondrium

The nature of pain is an important diagnostic and prognostic sign of the disease. Pain syndrome determines therapeutic tactics or becomes an indication for surgery.

Classification of pain syndrome.

1. By intensity, they distinguish:

  • acute pain - in most cases, a clinical sign of an "acute" abdomen and other emergency that requires surgical care;
  • chronic pain is a symptom of a chronic disease internal organs, inflammation of muscles and nerve trunks, conservative treatment is indicated.

2. According to the nature of sensations, pain syndrome is distinguished:

  • aching;
  • blunt;
  • bursting;
  • stabbing, cutting;
  • cramping;
  • shooting;
  • shingles.

3. Pain syndrome is isolated according to the source of occurrence:

  • visceral - characteristic of inflammation and injuries of internal organs;
  • peritoneal - develops with irritation of the peritoneum (peritonitis);
  • muscular - occurs during inflammatory processes in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall and chest;
  • neurological - occurs with inflammation of the nerves;
  • reflected - the spread of pain along the nerve trunks to the right hypochondrium from distant organs.

After questioning the patient, based on the nature of the pain, the doctor narrows the range of possible diseases, determines the list of diagnostic examinations.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder

One of the most common causes pain in the right hypochondrium on the side is a disease of the liver and gallbladder. Viral hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis are accompanied by pain under the right rib. At acute hepatitis or cholecystitis, intense pain occurs that can spread to the chest and groin area. Characterized by nausea, vomiting with an admixture of bile, fever up to 38 degrees, bitterness in the mouth.

Chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder occur with periodic aching pains in the right hypochondrium, which intensify 1-1.5 hours after taking fatty or fried food. There is a feeling of seething and transfusion in the intestines, flatulence, relaxation or unstable stools (diarrhea alternates with constipation). Characterized by a taste of bitterness in the mouth on an empty stomach, yellowness of the sclera, the appearance of spider veins (telangiectasia) on the skin.

An emergency condition is hepatic colic due to blockage by a calculus or neoplasm of the bile duct. Dagger arises sharp pain in the right side, repeated vomiting, increased heart rate, thirst, bloating, dark urine and discoloration of the feces. In case of hepatic colic, it is necessary to call an ambulance team or immediately deliver the patient to a medical institution.

Diseases of the pancreas

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The disease is characterized by pains of bursting, stabbing, girdle nature, which intensify 1-1.5 hours after eating. Exacerbation of the disease causes a predominance in the diet of salty, spicy, fatty foods And overuse alcohol. In addition to pain, diarrhea appears, a fatty stool with undigested food residues, which is associated with insufficient formation of digestive enzymes. There is nausea, sometimes vomiting, heaviness in the abdomen.

Acute pancreatitis refers to diseases of the "acute" abdomen, requiring emergency medical care. Pain appears high intensity under the right rib, which extends into the region of the back and left hypochondrium. Characterized by nausea, vomiting without relief, frequent liquid stool, tachycardia, pallor of the skin. The formation of a tumor in the head of the pancreas is asymptomatic. The first signs of a neoplasm develop in the later stages of cancer - yellowing of the skin and sclera, constant bursting or cramping shooting pains on the side under the right rib.

Bowel disease

Inflammatory (enteritis) and oncological (cancer) diseases in the right small intestine lead to blunt chronic pain in the right hypochondrium. Characterized by bloating, a tendency to constipation or diarrhea, weight loss, dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss. At ulcerative lesion intestines and Crohn's disease in the stool appears an admixture of blood. Perforation of the intestinal wall causes Clinical signs peritonitis - severe dagger pain, tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, vomiting, a sharp deterioration in the general condition up to loss of consciousness.

Muscle diseases

The inflammatory process in the abdominal muscles and chest (myositis) is accompanied by cramping or shooting pains in the right hypochondrium. Pain is aggravated by bending over left side associated with stretching of the muscle fibers. When feeling, a sensitive compaction is determined in the affected muscle groups. In rare cases, discomfort in the right side causes inflammation of the right dome of the diaphragm (diaphragmitis), swelling and hernia of the diaphragm. The occurrence of pain syndrome is associated with breathing or eating - increased pain at the height of inspiration and immediately after eating.

Intercostal neuralgia

Inflammation of the intercostal nerves in the right half of the chest leads to acute burning pain in the hypochondrium on the affected side. The disease is characterized by increased pain during movements and tilts to the right side, reddening of the skin in the intercostal spaces, an increase in discomfort during palpation in the focus of inflammation. In the case of herpes zoster, a small vesicular rash with clear contents occurs in the area of ​​pain.

Diseases of the right lung

Inflammation of the right lung (lower lobe pneumonia) with involvement of the pleura in the pathological process leads to sharp stabbing pains on the side under the right rib. The pain syndrome intensifies at the height of inspiration and subsides in the position on the right side. Characterized by an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, dry or wet cough, shortness of breath, weakness, wheezing when listening to breathing.

With dry right-sided pleurisy, the pain syndrome is identical to pleuropneumonia, but there is no cough, sputum discharge, when listening to breathing, a pleural friction noise is determined. Cancer of the right lung causes pain in the right hypochondrium, rapid decline body weight, increasing weakness, hemoptysis.

Acute appendicitis

The appendix is ​​located in the right iliac region. In acute appendicitis, there are acute pains in the groin, nausea, vomiting, fever up to 38-39 degrees. The atypical course of the disease causes reflected pain in the right hypochondrium, which occurs against the background of a typical pain syndrome, or is the first manifestation of the pathology. With prolonged discomfort in the right side, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Pain in the right hypochondrium may be the result of acute emergency conditions and chronic diseases of the internal organs. At the first sign of illness, you should consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis and therapy improve the prognosis of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

Pain between ribs or below them is a cause for concern, since the chest contains organs that are vital. This article is relevant for anyone who has ribs hurt: in it you can find out about the most common causes of this clinical manifestation.

Causes of pain in the ribs

Pain on the left or right under the ribs can have a different character - as well as the reasons that cause it. It can be strong and almost imperceptible, aching or sharp, arising at certain moments or incessant. In almost every case, the cause of pain can be a disease that develops in the chest area.

Chest injury

Chest injuries are usually referred to as fractures or bruises of the ribs. Fractures are characterized by breaks in the bones and cartilaginous joints one or more edges. Depending on injury pain symptoms may have a constant aching character or be sharp, intense.

Bruises are characterized by mild pain, which is accompanied by swelling and the appearance of a hematoma in the area of ​​injury. As a rule, pain symptoms disappear after seven to ten days. Fractures require a mandatory diagnosis in order to exclude the possibility of injury to the soft tissues of the lung or other internal organs. Depending on the side of the injury, pain can be localized to the right or left under the ribs or between them. Its intensity and duration depends on how severe the injury was.

Intercostal neuralgia

Pain between ribs along the course of the nerves can occur due to the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine;
  • protrusion of the vertebrae;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Attacks in the form of shooting pain, similar to an electric shock, occur due to pinching or irritation of the nerve roots, and the following factors can provoke their appearance:

  • hypothermia;
  • infection penetration;
  • getting a back injury.

The pain becomes stronger with strong inhalations / exhalations or attempts to change the position of the body.

Costal chondritis

Costal chondritis (or, as it is also called, Tietze's syndrome) is a disease in which there is a thickening of the cartilage tissue of the ribs, leading to their soreness. Pain is not localized in one place and can spread to the entire sternum. They are strong enough and appear brighter with sudden movements, deep breaths / exhalations or coughing. Pain may be accompanied by:

  • local edema;
  • an increase in temperature in the area of ​​the pathological process.

It appears suddenly and in its manifestations is comparable to an angina pectoris attack.

angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is characterized by constant pressing pain behind the sternum and sometimes between the ribs. It is localized in the retrosternal region and can spread to the left side of the neck, left hand And left side chest and may be accompanied by:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • feeling of fear.

Other reasons

In addition, pain symptoms in the ribs can occur with the following diseases:

  • malignant neoplasms (in particular, osteosarcoma of the ribs) are characterized by dull pains at the beginning of the disease, which become more and more pronounced as it develops;
  • fibromyalgia - pain occurs when you try to raise your arms or turn your torso;
  • pleurisy - pain symptoms manifest themselves when coughing and deep breaths / exits;
  • shingles - characterized by intense pain under the ribs in the right or left side, which is accompanied by itching or burning.

Another reason is hypertension. pectoral muscles, which occurs as a result of intense physical exertion. The pain in this case increases and is localized in the intercostal space.

Our doctors

Diagnosis of pain in the ribs

If you suffer from pain in the ribs, contact the CELT Pain Clinic. We have doctors of various specialties who will direct the entire arsenal of diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities of our multidisciplinary clinic to solve your problems. Since there are many reasons that cause pain symptoms in the ribs, it is very important to correctly diagnose. This is the only way to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

If you experience pain, contact one of our specialists:

  • therapist
  • pulmonologist;

Diagnosis at our Pain Clinic, in addition to an examination by a doctor and taking an anamnesis, may include:

  • laboratory research methods;
  • cardiography;

Rib pain treatment

Treatment of pain in the ribs is primarily aimed at eliminating the original cause that caused it. In case of severe pain, apply symptomatic therapy. It involves the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. When it comes to diseases in which thermal treatments, apply ointments with a warming effect, if the pain occurs due to muscle spasms - antispasmodics.

The passage of physiotherapy, massage and manual therapy allows you to remove pain in the ribs with osteochondrosis and hypertonicity of the pectoral muscles. After the pain subsides, the patient may be prescribed physiotherapy exercises.

In case of chest injuries, the specialists of the CELT Pain Clinic will recommend a state of rest, in which not only the injured area, but also the patient as a whole should remain. Thus, healing will be much faster. Can use a chest bandage, excluding sudden movements and deep breaths and exhalations.

Turning to the CELT Pain Clinic, you can count on professional treatment which is sure to be successful!

Many people think that the pain that occurs under the ribs in the right side from the back indicates only problems with the kidneys. But in fact, this is not at all the case. Even experienced specialists without a specific diagnosis cannot correctly diagnose and find the root cause of the symptoms that have manifested.
The fact is that the density of organs located in this area human body very big. In addition, it is worth considering that when diseases occur, irradiation of pain sensations may occur. Therefore, if unpleasant manifestations occur with a certain frequency and disturb the patient for three to five days, or, having appeared, do not disappear for three to eight hours, then it is urgent to consult a specialist. It is necessary to identify the cause of discomfort with the help of instrumental and / or laboratory methods diagnostics. Otherwise, delay can cause complications, due to which a person can not only become disabled, but also lose his life ahead of time.

  • Liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • head of the pancreas;
  • Intestine (ascending colon);
  • Appendix;
  • Right kidney;

Therefore, the occurrence of pain symptoms in the right side may indicate a malfunction in one of the organs. To identify the cause, it is necessary to determine the intensity and nature of the pain syndrome, tk. Each disease has certain symptoms and types of pain.

It is also worth considering that irradiation of pain sensations from:

  • urinary tract;
  • hearts;
  • Stomach
  • Lungs;
  • Bronchov

Therefore, in order to understand the cause of pain, it is necessary to understand the location of the pain and the nature of its manifestation. In this article, we will consider the places of manifestation of right-sided pain sensations from the back. We will reveal which diseases can cause discomfort, and what pain symptoms they are characterized by.

Places of localization of the main diseases and their manifestation

Behind the ribs on the right side


Is infectious disease, flowing in the kidneys, cause which pathogenic microorganisms penetrating through the blood or urinary tract. The risk of getting sick increases in the presence of furunculosis, chronic tonsillitis, osteomyelitis, stones or tumors in the kidneys, pathologies of the female and male organs.

There are 2 forms of the disease - acute and chronic. The main difference between the first and the second is the presence of purulent foci in the affected kidney.

Dumb It's a dull pain, aggravated by movement and in wet weather, as well as cramps during urination are the main signs of the disease. It should be noted that pain sensations first arise from behind from the back under the ribs, then they can begin to radiate to the side or the central part of the abdomen in front, or become girdle.

May increase pain nephrolithiasis, pathology of the urinary system, neurogenic dysfunction of the bladder.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • temperature rise to 39 degrees;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • profuse sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • indigestion.

The main diagnostic method, especially in the initial stages, is urinalysis - general, according to Nechiporenko and for sterility. You can also diagnose the disease using:

  • kidney ultrasound,
  • computed tomography, which examines the density of the parenchyma;
  • excretory urography,
  • cystography,
  • angiography of the arteries of the kidneys.

To exclude problems with the genitals, a gynecological and urological examination is performed.

Treatment is with antibacterial drugs and a diet that excludes spicy foods; in advanced cases, nephrectomy can be used.

As an aid to the body, it is recommended to use diuretic and anti-inflammatory herbs. For example, oat grass. Three tablespoons of the substance is poured into a glass of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Use the resulting mixture during the day in three to four doses. The course of treatment should be two or three weeks.

Urolithiasis disease

It is a urological disease characterized by the appearance of stones in urinary system. It occurs due to metabolic disorders, which leads to the formation of insoluble salts. May be hereditary.

The stages of the disease differ in the size of the formed stone. At the initial stage, the stone has a length of several millimeters, at the last stage - several centimeters.

The main symptom is the presence of renal colic, ie. acute attacks pain occurring in lumbar region, in the hypochondrium behind, under the navel, in the perineal region due to the fact that the stone closed the ureter, thereby stopping the outflow of urine.

If this situation does not happen, then patients feel constant or periodic dull, aching pain, which can be aggravated by running, shaking, physical activity, weight lifting.

Also sometimes this occurs:

  • tingling in the side;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • bloating;
  • constipation:
  • hematuria.

The primary diagnosis is based on the results of a patient interview and a medical examination. To confirm it, laboratory data (general blood and urine tests) and instrumental studies are used:

  • x-ray and CT, incl. with contrast;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, ureters, bladder;
  • cystoscopy.

Used in treatment as conservative methods, including reception medications(uroantiseptics, diuretics, urine acidifiers, B vitamins), diet, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and surgical

Grape twigs can help as folk remedies. They are crushed in a blender, poured with one glass of boiling water. Insist for sixty minutes, filter. Use a quarter cup no more than three to four times a day.

Subhepatic abscess

It is a purulent formation that occurs between the lower part of the liver and intestinal loops. It occurs as a result of complications of surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity, for example, cholecystitis, pancreatic necrosis, purulent appendicitis, etc.

Depending on the location of the abscess, which can occur at the site of the primary purulent process or be the result of entrapment of exudate under the diaphragm, 2 types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Primarily limited, in which the formation of a cavity occurs in parallel with the main pathological process taking place in a nearby organ;
  • Secondarily limited, in which pathogenic microorganisms first enter the subhepatic space from the abdominal cavity, and then an inflammatory connective capsule is formed, in which the abscess is located.

Depending on the severity of the process, the size of the abscess, the underlying disease, the symptoms may be different. Usually, patients feel pain on the right under the ribs, which radiate to the back, shoulder blade, shoulder, and intensify with a deep breath.

Also occur:

  • Fever;
  • Chills;
  • Tachycardia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Intoxication;
  • Dyspeptic disorders.

In some cases, the disease may progress without severe symptoms, manifesting itself only with a temperature in the region of 37-37.5 degrees and a small

pain in the right hypochondrium

when you press.

The disease can be diagnosed using X-ray of the abdominal organs, ultrasound or computed tomography, and a characteristic inflammation is also observed in the general blood test.

Treatment is carried out only stationary, in the surgical department and consists in draining the abscess cavity. In parallel, antibiotic therapy and detoxification measures are carried out. Treat the disease folk remedies Not recommended.

Inflammation of the appendix

The disease is characterized by a variety and complexity of symptoms, often disguised as other pathologies, while in 0.2% of all cases it turns out to be fatal. Therefore, delaying a visit to a specialist can lead to disastrous consequences.

Between the ages of 12 and 20, the appendix is ​​more likely to become inflamed in males, and from 20 to 40 years, in females.

The disease is provoked:

  • blockage of the lumen of the appendix with stones, stool, tumors;
  • vascular defects, as a result of which the blood supply to the walls is reduced;
  • deterioration of the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, which accompanies the abundant formation of mucus.

The main symptom of inflammation of the appendix is ​​a sharp pain above the navel, which then shifts to the bottom of the right side. Movement, coughing, deep breathing, changing posture can contribute to its strengthening.

With an uncharacteristic location of the appendix, at the beginning of an attack, aching, pulling pain may occur, which is felt both behind and in the left side, incl. under the ribs.

Also, the disease may be accompanied by:

  • malaise;
  • dry mouth;
  • temperature rise to 38°C;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

The disease can be diagnosed by palpation and a clinical examination, including a blood test in which the number of white cells is counted, and urine microscopy, as well as an x-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, ultrasound, computed tomography, laparoscopy.

Treatment consists of immediate surgery, as a result of which the appendix is ​​removed. It is not recommended to use traditional medicine for this disease.


It usually manifests itself in four stages:

  • The stage of the tide, in which the vessels of the lungs are filled with blood. Fibrinous exudation is formed in the alveoli;
  • Stages of red hepatization in which compaction occurs lung tissue. The structure of the organ begins to resemble the liver. There is an increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • Stages of gray hepatization, in which the breakdown of erythrocytes and the formation of leukocytes in the alveoli occurs;
  • The stage of resolution at which the patient returns to normal. The necessary structure of lung tissue is restored.

Pneumonia is manifested by acute pain between the shoulder blades or in the chest, which can radiate to the right or left hypochondrium. Contribute to increased pain coughing, sudden movements, physical activity.

Also, patients usually complain about:

  • fever
  • shortness of breath;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • temperature increase;
  • lack of appetite;
  • discomfort under the ribs.

A complication can be the development of diseases in the bronchopulmonary system.

You can diagnose the disease with the help of x-rays, bronchoscopy, ultrasound pleural cavity. Changes, even at an early stage of the disease, can be observed in the general blood test.

Treatment should be with antibiotics. Their choice should depend on the type of pathogen, which is determined by bacterial analysis of sputum. Detoxification therapy is also prescribed, the use of immunostimulating, antipyretic, expectorant, mucolytic, antihistamines is introduced. After the elimination of fever, UHF, massage and inhalation are prescribed.

As a traditional medicine, homemade balm is made. Take three tablespoons of elecampane and one tablespoon of St. John's wort. The ingredients are mixed and poured with two glasses of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for thirty minutes. Cool, strain and pour two glasses of natural linden honey. Add one tablespoon of olive oil. Everything is mixed and infused in a cool place for two weeks. Shake the balm before use. Take one teaspoon thirty minutes before meals no more than five times a day. The course of treatment should last about two weeks.


Is an inflammatory process that affects serosa covering the lungs.

Often becomes a complication:

  • allergic reactions;
  • tuberculosis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • chest trauma;
  • acute pancreatitis.

The disease proceeds in three stages:

  • The phase of exudation, in which the expansion of blood vessels occurs, which leads to an increase in the production of pleural fluid;
  • The phase of the formation of purulent exudate, in which the inflammatory reaction on the pleura sheets progresses, which leads to the formation of fibrin deposits;
  • The stage of recovery, in which the elimination of pathological foci occurs, the elimination of all symptoms of the disease.

The disease is characterized by strong cutting pains in the chest and between the shoulder blades, which can also be felt under the ribs at the back from below. At the same time, coughing intensifies, breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears, the temperature rises, and a displacement of the trachea may be observed.

The disease is diagnosed by X-ray and ultrasound examination, a blood test in which there is an increase in seromucoids, fibrin, sialic acids, ESR, in some cases, diagnostic thoracoscopy may be necessary. Analysis of pleural effusion using microbiological examination helps to identify the cause of the disease.

Treatment depends on the cause of pleurisy. Antibiotics, diuretics, water and electrolyte balance regulators, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids can be prescribed as medical treatment. To extract the accumulated fluid, specialists perform a puncture. In the absence or after removal of the effusion, physiotherapy and exercise therapy are prescribed.

As a traditional medicine, they take a mixture of aloe juice, linden honey, birch buds, linden flowers. All ingredients are mixed in equal amounts, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Stir, strain and consume two tablespoons three times a day.

Cancer of the lung and/or bronchi

This disease is called "Bronchopulmonary Cancer". It is a malignant tumor.

Both endogenous and exogenous factors can provoke the development of the disease.

  • The first include: heredity, age after 45 years, the presence of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.
  • To the second - smoking, pollution environment, work in hazardous production, the effects of radiation on the body.

There are two forms:

  • Central lung cancer, arises from the tissues lining large bronchi and often grows in the lumen of the bronchus, closing it, therefore, in 80% of cases it is diagnosed faster;
  • Peripheral cancer begins to develop in the smallest bronchi, while not closing their lumen, and therefore it is detected when it already reaches an impressive size.

Pain occurs in the chest and between the shoulder blades. At an early stage, the pain can be pulling and aching, when running - acute. Discomfort can radiate under the ribs and to the side. Patients begin to lose weight, weight loss can be observed by more than 20 kg.

Also appearing:

  • coughing up blood and phlegm
  • shortness of breath,
  • subfebrile condition, i.e. constant temperature at the level of 37-37.5 degrees

The disease can be diagnosed with the help of general clinical tests, biochemical studies, assessment of physical data, radiography, bronchoscopy.

Treatment depends on the type of tumor, the stage of the disease, the age and general condition of the patient. Usually consists of a combination surgical method with chemo and radiation therapy, but in some cases only one type of treatment can be used. But in any case, at the same time it should be carried out palliative care, which will be aimed at alleviating the patient's condition.

As a folk technique, a bodyak is used. Three tablespoons of dried herbs are poured into two glasses of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for five minutes. Remove from heat and insist for two hours. Use half a glass half an hour before meals three to four times a day.

Retroperitoneal hematoma

It is more correct to call this disease retroperitoneal hemorrhage, it occurs as a result of damage to organs, blood vessels, fractures of the spine and pelvic bones. Most often it is the result of a fall, impact, car accident, but it can occur unexpectedly, for example, during sudden movements or heavy loads.

Hematomas can be by prevalence - unilateral and bilateral, by the degree of "fullness" they can contain from 0.1 to 3 liters of blood.

Depending on the type of affected organs, there are different stages of their damage.

Parenchymal organs, which include the lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, may have:

  • surface breaks - depth from 1 to 3 cm;
  • deep gaps - more than three cm;
  • central breaks - pass through the gate area;
  • subcapsular hematomas - damage to the peripheral parts of the organ occurs, while the capsule remains intact;
  • central hematomas - damage is localized in the depth of the parenchyma, the capsule retains its integrity;
  • detachment or crushing of an entire organ or part of it.

Damage to hollow organs, i.e. stomach, gallbladder, bladder, colon and small intestine, can manifest as:

  • tear of the serous or mucous membrane;
  • rupture of this shell;
  • separation or crushing of the body.

Depending on the size of the hematoma, the nature of pain sensations and its localization differ - patients may feel sharp and sharp pains in the abdomen in front, under the ribs, in the side, lower back, below the waist, sometimes intensifying so much, especially when moving, that it becomes impossible to endure. Large blood loss may result in hemorrhagic shock, intestinal paresis. But if the hematoma is small, then it almost does not manifest itself - occasionally there may be aching or dull pain associated with compression of the surrounding tissues.

The disease can be diagnosed by inspection, palpation and percussion. Treatment consists in eliminating shock, stopping bleeding, and normalizing the functioning of internal organs. Severe injuries require urgent surgical intervention.

An important factor determining the tactics of treatment is the type of injured organ: in case of damage to the parenchymal organs, the main problem is bleeding, hollow - the threat of massive infection of the space surrounding them.

Right side front and back


A disease in which stones form in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts, as a result of stagnation of bile and an increased concentration of salts, which create conditions for the accumulation and precipitation of bile pigments.

There are three stages of the disease:

  • The initial physico-chemical, in which changes occur in the composition of bile;
  • The stage of stone formation, which is determined only instrumental methods diagnosing;
  • The stage of clinical manifestations at which symptoms of the disease begin to appear.

In most cases, the onset of the disease is latent, i.e. all manifestations are in a latent form. Gradually, the work of the gallbladder begins to deteriorate, which is accompanied by heaviness under the right rib, bitterness in the mouth, belching, and nausea. Sometimes, especially after eating overcooked, very fatty, spicy and spicy foods, alcoholic products, severe stress, excessive physical exertion, there may be dull or aching pain in the right hypochondrium and behind the sternum. As the stones increase, pain sensations appear more often and become stronger, acquire a stabbing and cutting character.

The following symptoms also appear:

  • discoloration of feces;
  • arise yellow spots on the skin;
  • angina;
  • weakness.

A particularly terrible manifestation of the disease is hepatic colic, which occurs when the duct is blocked by a stone. The attack is characterized by acute unbearable pain in the right hypochondrium, solar plexus, which can radiate to the right shoulder, arm, back - to the back, shoulder blade, lower back, and vomiting that does not bring relief. If the stone enters the duodenum, the attack stops, if it gets stuck, it develops acute cholecystitis requiring urgent medical attention.

The disease can be diagnosed with the help of general and biochemical blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, MRI and CT.

For a cure, patients must follow a hygienic regimen and diet. If it was applied specific treatment, for example, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, then the main emphasis is on waiting tactics. IN running form, in which stone formation constantly occurs, it is necessary to remove the gallbladder.

Beet-based syrup is used as a folk technique. Root vegetables are simmered over low heat until the gruel thickens. The resulting mixture is cooled and consumed a quarter cup three times a day. folk method increases the alkalinity of bile, provoking its dilution.


Is severe inflammation pancreas, which can be triggered by cholelithiasis, inflammatory processes in 12 duodenum, alcohol intoxication, injuries.

It has an acute and chronic form, the main differences being strength and frequency. painful manifestations. In addition, in the chronic form, structural changes in the tissue of the organ occur, which over time makes it impossible to restore it.

When the pancreas fails, the pain is usually localized in the left hypochondrium, but in case of inflammation of the head, it is felt on the right front. With severe inflammation, irradiation of painful sensations back is possible, which is felt as girdle pain.

Wherein disease state accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • fever;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • poor muscle work;
  • shade change skin;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea with pieces of undigested food.

The disease can be diagnosed using laboratory methods, in which changes in the level of elastase in the feces are studied, the presence of amylase in the urine is checked, and the amount of pancreatic enzymes in blood biochemistry is detected. They also perform a test for pancreatic stimulation, abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, endoscopy and ERCP.

The treatment of this disease is carried out by a therapist or gastroenterologist. It depends on the form of the disease. In acute cases, it is necessary to quickly relieve pain, as well as the introduction of drugs that block the activity of enzymes. All of this is done in the background. starvation diet. In chronic cases, the main point of treatment is diet, against which anesthesia can be used. Vitamin therapy and medications are also needed to correct violations of the pancreas.

As folk treatment use flax seeds. Three tablespoons of seeds are poured into a thermos and poured with one liter of boiling water. Insist for 12 hours. Then I shake and strain. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

From the back to the waist and below the waist on the right side

Pain that occurs at the level of the waist and below it may indicate the presence of various diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Such diseases include:

  • omission of the kidney;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • glomerulonephritis.

Also, such pain can indicate problems with musculoskeletal system, for example about:

  • lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • hernia;
  • spondylosis;

In addition, pain in the waist area may indicate male and female pathologies.

Pain during pregnancy

All types of pain during pregnancy are divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetrics include the most complex manifestations that occur with the threat of interruption. They can talk about an ectopic pregnancy or occur with placental abruption. Non-obstetric ones indicate the presence of problems with the digestive tract, the occurrence of surgical pathologies, displacement of internal organs. Stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the abdomen can also occur.

The pain is usually felt in the lower or middle of the abdomen, the character is aching or pulling. But also pain can radiate to other areas, including the side or right hypochondrium from the back. If pain occurs, you can not self-medicate, arbitrarily use medical preparations, but it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, especially if a pregnant woman has bleeding, because. this may indicate spontaneous abortion, premature birth, miscarriage. Therefore, delay can be a threat to both the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

Another manifestation of discomfort in both pregnant women and other people is considered to be pulling pains in the lower back, sometimes passing into the hypochondrium. In most cases, they appear in the morning immediately after waking up, but do not bother a person at other times of the day. They are usually not dangerous and may indicate an uncomfortable bed or

wrong mattress

Vital organs are located in the right hypochondrium from the back. In case of failure in their work, the occurrence of pain can be observed. Therefore, it is not recommended to engage in self-treatment, especially based only on the subjective sensation of pain and the place of its localization, without making a correct diagnosis. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist.


The presence of symptoms such as:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium in the back from the back or in front
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • constipation
  • belching
  • diarrhea
  • heaviness after eating
  • increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

It hurts on the right under the rib, this fact is observed not only in the case when an increase in their volume is associated with the onset of inflammation

Very often there are pain sensations that are deployed under the ribs on the right side. Many people want to know what is under the right rib? They are experienced at least by every person at least once in their life. This happens as a result high density structures of organs located in that side of the chest. Here the liver and the right part of the kidney are located not far from each other.

Pain in the right side is divided into acute and dull. They arise if the liver or kidney does not have enough space that nature allots them. This fact is observed not only in the case when an increase in their volume is associated with the onset of inflammation.

The cause of the pain syndrome may be the displacement of the internal organs that arose as a result of a blow or compression, and they are as close as possible to each other.

To accurately find out the cause of pain in the right side, you need to know what it depends on, and what factors influence its occurrence.

Pain under the right rib: how it appears

Pain that is felt in the area of ​​​​the right rib can be caused by a number of reasons. That is why it is important to know the possible factors of its occurrence in order to seek appropriate help in time. This pain may require emergency care professionals, so

  • If it hurts in the area of ​​​​the right side for more than an hour (under the ribs), then an emergency ambulance team should be called;
  • Pain of a sharp or acute nature also requires immediate examination by ambulance specialists;
  • If acute pain is accompanied by vomiting or nausea, then this indicates serious reasons requiring access to the emergency service;
  • If pain sensations of a stabbing nature occur during movement and do not go away within half an hour, this may indicate an infringement of the internal organs. It also speaks of the need to call ambulance for diagnosis by experts.

During normal operation of the internal organs, there should be no pain. As an exception, there are injuries that affect the ribs or organs. If a bruise appears in the region of the ribs on the right side, then the cause of the pain is a previously received injury.

Possibly hepatitis.

Pain may appear due to hepatitis. There are three symptoms that will help you recognize it:

  1. General weakness of the body and apathy;
  2. Constant migraine and loss of appetite;
  3. The appearance of yellowness of the skin and loss of color in the urine.

Causes of pain in front and behind under the right rib

In addition to mechanical trauma, pain in the right side of the chest may appear due to the onset of the inflammatory process of such organs as:

  • gallbladder;
  • Lungs;
  • Adrenal;
  • upper intestine;
  • Duodenum;
  • Pancreas.

If a woman is at the stage of pregnancy, then pain on the right side of the chest may indicate the growth of the fetus. This factor implies the compression of internal organs, which occurs as a result of the active growth of the unborn child.

Also, pain can indicate the onset of inflammation in the gallbladder, when its walls thicken. Such a reaction is associated with a slow work on the outflow of bile. As a result, the enlarged gallbladder begins to put pressure on the right side of the ribs. If this is the reason, then the pain is aching in nature, it can intensify during the movement of a person and decreases when his body is in a calm, relaxed position.

Pain of an acute nature can occur if one of the internal organs is seriously damaged. In this case, the immediate help of specialists is required.


To correctly identify the cause of pain in the right side, you should carefully compare all the symptoms and do a series of studies of your body. The doctor makes a presumptive diagnosis based on the voiced complaints of the patient. During the interview, the doctor may be interested in the presence of acute chronic diseases, recent injuries and bruises, as well as a possible hepatitis. It will also be necessary to identify the relationship acute pain and recently eaten food. Important and transferred physical activity, which could contribute to the development of pain.

After the survey, the doctor begins to personally examine the patient. This procedure begins with a visual examination of the skin, after which it proceeds to palpation of the abdominal cavity.

If the cause of which pain is felt is right kidney, or rather, its increase in volume, then this is detected through probing the anterior abdominal wall.

With the development of inflammation in the liver, this is noticeable by examining the edge of the right side of the ribs. In case of problems with the gallbladder, the doctor detects through pain in the lower part of the right side of the chest. Sometimes, pain in the right side of the ribs may indicate the presence of a helminthic invasion. In this case, discomfort will be observed when feeling the area near the navel.

In addition to palpation of the patient, an important role in making the correct diagnosis is played by a visual examination of the eyeball, tongue, and all skin integuments. If the inflammation is located in the liver or gallbladder, then in this case plaque will be noticeable yellow color in the language. Kidney or pancreatic problems can be detected through white coating at the root of the tongue.

If there are problems with the outflow of bile or liver diseases, yellowing of the eye proteins and the entire skin occurs. This is due to the fact that from bile to circulatory system bilirubin enters, which, when decomposed, gives the skin and eyes a yellowish tint.

After the doctor has made the alleged diagnosis, it is necessary to additionally conduct an examination in the laboratory. This is necessary to confirm or refute a previously diagnosed diagnosis.

Severe unbearable pain under the right rib: what to do?

If pain has begun in the right side of the chest, this means that your body warns of the presence serious illnesses. After all, it is here that some of the main human organs are located. Their defeat and untimely treatment can cause death!

So in most cases, severe pain may indicate:

  • Rupture of the gallbladder;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Mechanical injury to the liver;
  • Omission or rupture of the kidney;
  • Pinching of the renal cyst.

All of these possible causes require immediate medical attention and possibly subsequent surgery. It is for this reason that if you experience a sharp, severe pain that is felt in your right side, you must urgently seek help from a hospital. Every wasted minute can cost a human life.

Why it hurts under the right rib: possible diseases

Pain in the right side of the ribs can warn of a number of diseases. Among them it should be noted:

  1. Hepatitis, acute or chronic stage;
  2. Cholecystitis;
  3. Fatty degeneration at the cellular level of liver structures;
  4. Pyelonephritis;
  5. Inflammatory processes of the appendages;
  6. Acute form of appendicitis;
  7. Glomerulonephritis;
  8. Inflammation in thin department intestines;
  9. The presence of worms;
  10. Acute form of pneumonia;
  11. The onset of inflammation occurring in the pancreas;
  12. Oncological diseases affecting the lungs, kidneys, gallbladder and other internal organs.

In any case, it is important not to rely on self-treatment and not to postpone a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist is able to make an accurate diagnosis and develop effective treatment. In any medical institution there is all the necessary equipment for this.

How to relieve pain

Pain of any nature, which is located in the right side of the chest, can be relieved with the help of "Noshpa" and other medicines against spasms. However, experts do not recommend taking medications if the cause of discomfort in the body is not known. So you can erase clinical picture making it difficult to diagnose.

At the onset of pain syndromes in the right side, it is necessary for a person to ensure complete rest, help to take a static position of the body and put something cold on the disturbing place. It is not recommended to take anything on your own, you must urgently call a doctor.

In case of pain that was caused by stagnation of bile, it can be reduced by cleansing the liver (tubage).

If it hurts under the right rib at the back

Very often, pain in the region of the right side of the ribs is observed precisely from behind. The reason for this may be inflammatory processes in the pancreas and also in the kidneys. Distinguish these two possible options simple enough.

If the cause is connected precisely with problems in the kidneys, then Pasternatsky's symptom is observed. To determine it, you need to hit the edge of the palm a little on the bottom of the ribs. In the event of pain, this symptom is confirmed.

If the cause of the pain is inflammation of the pancreas, then the pain sensations are girdle in nature. That is, it hurts both on the right side of the ribs, and on other sides.

Pain under right lower rib on movement

Sometimes there is pain in absolutely healthy people, most often when moving. If physical activity is too strong, then there is an increase in internal organs as a result of the production of adrenaline and the acceleration of blood flow.

Also, the pain may begin due to sharp tilts of the torso or its turns. In this case, it occurs due to the contact between the internal organs. Usually it passes 5-10 minutes after the cessation of exercise.

Pain in the right side under the ribs is one of the most common problems in medical practice. All because she has reasons great amount and many of them are quite serious. Prolonged pain of this type is always a sign of a particular pathology. Therefore, if it pricks in the side, it will not be superfluous to sign up for a medical examination.

Sharp pain right under the ribs

Sharp pain, as a rule, means an acute inflammatory process and the need urgent appeal to the doctor. Below we consider the main causes of such pain:

  1. The patency of the biliary tract is impaired. Usually this can be with cholecystitis in the acute stage. The attack begins unexpectedly, most often at night, accompanied by acute, but quickly passing pain. If the paths are blocked, the gallbladder is forced to work in an enhanced mode, while the surrounding nerves are irritated, resulting in biliary colic. The pain can be very severe, leading to complete incapacity and sleep disturbance. Accompanying nervous tension can provoke an attack.
  2. Pain syndrome in cholelithiasis. It is the main symptom of the acute stage of cholecystitis. It manifests itself when a congestion is caused by a gallstone that removes bile duct, in view of which bladder becomes inflamed. Pain on the right side in this case can be prolonged and even more burdensome. If the stone does not come out in the first days, it is removed operably, otherwise the person's life may be in danger, as in the case of acute appendicitis, which will be discussed below. From accompanying symptoms can be called fever, nausea and vomiting, irradiation of pain in the arm from the same side.
  3. In the right hypochondrium, it can also hurt with ulcerative duodenitis (duodenal ulcer). slight tingling for acute syndrome- it is a rarity. The patient on the very first day experiences a whole set of symptoms, including general malaise, severe or generally unbearable pain on the right side under the ribs, fever, nausea, bloating and heaviness in it. As in the case above, stabbing pain usually occurs at night, but the syndrome softens after eating.
  4. With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), the pain is pulsating and girdle. Surgery may be required. If the condition changes from acute to chronic, surgery is not required. The exact causes of pancreatitis are still unknown.
  5. In the right hypochondrium, it can also stab with a disease of the barrels. In this case, this will be an irradiation of pain, mainly radiating to the back, and not a sign of the localization of its cause. Below the ribs there is unbearable pain, which is not affected by a change in posture or eating. The pain may get worse when walking. main reason Renal colic are kidney stones that scratch the ducts and cause dangerous congestion.

When "aching" under the right side

Most often, aching pain in the right side occurs with inflammatory processes in the liver. One of the most common causes is chronic or developing hepatitis. Against the background of this pain, there is a feeling of constant fatigue, impaired performance, increased body temperature. It is especially important to note that the skin in most liver diseases acquires a yellowish tinge (“jaundice”). This is due to the deposition in the skin tissues of bilirubin, one of the bile pigments. Urine also becomes darker and less clear. As with any liver disease, there is a heaviness under the right side. When coughing, it can become worse, as the surrounding tissues squeeze the enlarged, inflamed liver.

Cirrhosis of the liver is even more dangerous than hepatitis, because not only inflammation is observed, but also degradation of the tissues of the organ. The main danger in the presence of this disease is that painful sensations of the liver occur only when cirrhosis progresses in full swing, the liver can hardly cope with its work, and complete cure disease is no longer possible. Mostly this disease is observed in alcoholics in the third stage of dependence, however, the latter rarely pay attention to such a phenomenon as aching pain in the liver area, and the patient's condition, meanwhile, worsens and the disease progresses.

However, the most dangerous liver disease that provokes aching pain is cancer. If it aches against the background of constant fatigue, a slight increase in body temperature, an increase in the liver against the background of total loss body weight, you should immediately contact an oncologist and make an accurate diagnosis. It must be remembered that even cancer is not yet a death sentence, and up to the third (and in exceptional, but probable cases, even the fourth) stage, treatment can be successful.

Dull pain in the hypochondrium

It can hurt in a similar way in a number of cases, accompanied by inflammatory processes. We present the most common of these:

  1. Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). The cause of this disease is irritation of the walls of the organ with stones from hardened bile. It can even come to the formation of multiple ulcers and scars on the walls of the bladder, as a result. As a result, the stagnation of bile is further aggravated, and the stones become larger and more dangerous. tingling chronic course diseases are rare. common occurrence- long Blunt pain, which can become stronger with a breath or overconsumption fats.
  2. Pancreatitis in the chronic stage. Occurs if acute stage inflammation of the pancreas remains untreated. In this regard, the functions of the gland are reduced, those suffering from the disease may experience some symptoms that occur as a result of an increase in blood sugar. There is also nausea, vomiting, flatulence, heaviness in the abdomen, and it can hurt both on the right side and on the left. The symptoms are especially pronounced after eating.
  3. Pyelonephritis in the chronic stage. The most common form of kidney disease. An interesting observation may be that the pain often radiates in the opposite direction from the diseased kidney. Sick, suffering chronic pyelonephritis, heavy physical exertion is contraindicated, since they make the course of the disease more severe, exacerbating the pain after such can stab quite noticeably. There is an unreasonable increase in body temperature and blood pressure, increased urination, pain in the head, and a decrease in working capacity.
  4. Hepatitis in the chronic stage. At least 50% acute cases turn into chronic, mainly due to the negligence of doctors or their patients. But chronic hepatitis is extremely difficult to treat, it is worth taking note. In this case, from the side of the right hypochondrium, where the liver is located, there is a pulling pain. This occurs against the backdrop of unexpected bouts of nausea and vomiting, as well as bloating. Additional feature chronic hepatitis is intolerance fatty foods and alcohol. On palpation, it is found that the liver is slightly enlarged and hurts during the process.
  5. Chronic duodenitis. It causes both dull pain and nausea with vomiting and diarrhea. Bile is found in the vomit. Appetite is seriously reduced.

Gynecological causes

A number of key reasons include ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis and obstruction of the ovary as a result of the progression of the cyst in it. The first factor develops as a result of deformation of the fallopian tube, as a result of which the pregnancy develops lower than it should. In this case, menstruation is absent in the same way as with normal pregnancy, but there are others bleeding. The pain in this case is much stronger than in the classical one, and can give both to the right and to the left. It should be borne in mind that the fallopian tube can rupture during an atypical pregnancy, since the egg begins to develop there, therefore, if such pain occurs even before the abdomen begins to grow (and the woman is expecting a baby), you should immediately contact the surgeon about terminating the pregnancy.

Adnexitis is an inflammation of the uterine appendages. As in the case above, the pain gives in both directions. Unlike other cases, there is a decrease in body temperature. Against this background, urination is disturbed, nausea and vomiting appear.

If the ovarian cyst is torn, surgery is a must. The outcome of treatment depends on how early the cause is diagnosed. In the area of ​​the hypochondrium, there are pains coming from the lower abdomen, bleeding from the vagina is expressed, the body temperature rises significantly. Against this background, there is a noticeable malaise and general weakness.

You need to know that both of the above reasons can manifest themselves at almost any age, even in minors. At the first signs, you should consult a specialist, because untimely treatment of such ailments can threaten infertility.

Acute appendicitis, thoracic osteochondrosis and myocardial infarction

Literally before recent decades The appendix was a mystery to physicians, and it was believed that it was a kind of rudiment that did not carry an important function. It is now known that it is a lymphoid organ, participating in the body's defense against infections. It can change its position inside the abdominal cavity, which makes it difficult to accurately diagnose appendicitis, which can only be handled by an experienced surgeon. Diagnosis is facilitated if appendicitis has developed into the stage of peritonitis ( purulent inflammation), when the abdominal wall becomes unnaturally hard. The main signs of appendicitis are:

  • pain spreading throughout the abdominal region;
  • the source of pain for more than 3 hours is in the right abdominal region;
  • if the patient lies on the right side, the painful sensations weaken;
  • general well-being worsens, often accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

With thoracic osteochondrosis, pain can be observed both in front and behind the abdominal region, touching the intercostal space. If you raise your hands, inhale, exhale or bend over, then it intensifies.

If a person has a heart attack (necrosis of one of the sections of the heart muscle due to a stoppage of its blood supply), its abdominal form will cause pain in the right hypochondrium, and not only in the epigastric region. Such pain not only presses, but also burns, not succumbing to the action of medicines, even nitroglycerin. In this case, the person should be hospitalized in the cardiology department without delay.

Viruses and helminths as causes

One of the causes of pain on the right under the rib is a very insidious herpes virus, which is the causative agent of shingles. severe pain under the right rib arise as a result of irritation by this virus of the corresponding nerve endings. Against this background, a pronounced itching is observed in the same area. Body temperature on the first day rises to subfebrile, and the next day you can observe edematous spots. After 3-4 days, they are covered with bubbles, which burst after a while. In parallel, the lymph nodes increase, and the pain becomes more pronounced. Even after treatment, depriving pain in the hypochondrium can continue to bother a person.

If the pain described above appears in a person, he should urgently consult a family doctor, since the reasons can be very different. In accordance with the alleged diagnosis, he will be referred to a specific specialist.

You should not delay contacting a doctor - sometimes it is fraught with serious complications and even a threat to life.

More than 30% of people in the world have experienced discomfort and pain symptoms in the hypochondrium of the right side during their lifetime. The reason for this can be many factors.

First of all, in this area, the liver and kidney are covered with ribs, which can become inflamed, increase in size or move from their anatomical bed.

Pathologies of internal organs can provoke pain in the right side under the ribs, of varying intensity and nature. In addition, pain symptoms can be localized in various projections.

Pain in the right side under the rib in front provokes pathological processes in different organs and systems located in close proximity to the anterior wall of the peritoneum.

Acute inflammatory reactions in the gallbladder

A sharp stabbing pain symptomatology in the area of ​​​​the abdominal muscle of the abdomen, passing along the right side of its white line and costal arch, is provoked by infectious bacterial microorganisms or the occlusion of the neck or duct of the gallbladder with crystalline formations as a result of the development of choledocholithiasis.

However, they can be very intense:

  • give to the shoulder area;
  • be accompanied by belching;
  • bilious vomiting;
  • nausea and bitterness in the mouth.

The development of calculus and chronic cholecystitis complement the symptoms - flatulence (bloating), apathy for food, immunity to fried and fatty foods, slight yellowing of the eye proteins.

Liver disease

It is from the right side under the ribs that the right lobe of the liver is located and pain in it can cause a number of pathologies:

1) Structural changes in the liver as a result of cell death and the formation of nodes in cirrhosis. Nodular neoplasms lead to squeezing of blood vessels and bile ducts, causing constant pain in the side.

As a result of overflow of the portal vein with blood, varicose veins, bleeding in the esophagus, ascites (fluid in the peritoneum) develop. In the future, the liver reduces its size and reduces efficiency.

The disease is preceded by any form of manifestation of hepatitis - alcoholic, toxic, or viral.

2) Painful symptoms similar to cirrhosis, can cause the formation of liver cell carcinoma in the liver. It can only be differentiated by tissue biopsy.

Their gradual increase in size causes compression of the hepatic capillaries and ducts, uneven enlargement of the liver. Suppuration provokes the development of a hepatic abscess and increased pain.

Problems of the digestive tract

1) Pathological processes of the colon caused by various diseases or injuries cause pain in the right side from the side. While the process of inflammation does not affect the peritoneal cavity, they are weakly expressed, radiate to the umbilical and inguinal zone on right.

2) Prolonged inflammatory processes in the intestines and the development of granulomatous inflammations in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract are the causes of obstruction and necrosis of the intestinal tissues, manifested by spasmodic pain symptoms in the hypochondrium on the right.

3) Malignant neoplasms in the intestines are similar to the symptoms intestinal obstruction or acute abdomen, also cause pain in the projection of the right side under the ribs.

4) different degree inflammatory reactions in appendix begins in the epigastric region, gradually passing into the region of the right hypochondrium, causing pain.

Cardiac pathologies

As a result of cardiac dysfunction, disruptive blood circulation in a closed vascular pathway the liver increases in size. This provokes edematous processes in abdominal wall and accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

The irreversible stage of heart failure leads to changes in the liver similar to cirrhosis.

The result of myocardial infarction, the abdominal variant, are pains of a burning nature and a feeling of pressure in the subcostal zone of the side on the right. Sometimes they radiate to the shoulder blade or chest area.

Pain in the right side of the back under the ribs speaks of pathological changes in the kidney, diseases of the adrenal gland, disorders in the functions of the great vena cava, injuries of the ribs or intercostal neuralgia.

Diseases accompanying such symptoms are manifested due to:

1) acute infectious inflammation kidneys (pyelonephritis), diffuse purulent process in the organ, the formation of a carbuncle or abscess (apostomatous pyelonephritis).

2) Injuries to the cavitary system of the kidney and ureter with stones or sand (with urolithiasis). It is manifested by paroxysmal pain in the lower zone of the ribs, in the lateral and lumbar region.

3) Due to papillary necrosis (ischemic infarction renal papillae). This pathology develops with diabetes or is a consequence infectious process. Pain symptoms are constant. Great chance education septic shock during the development of the disease.

4) Inflammation in the fatty tissue of the kidney, caused by the action of foci of infection present in the body (tonsillitis, caries). The sensation of pain intensifies with a sharp change in body position, movement, or with full breathing. Similar symptoms appear with intercostal neuralgia.

5) Due to lumbar osteochondrosis, manifested by muscle stiffness, limited mobility and varying intensity pain manifestations in this projection.

6), fractures or lesions of the body with herpes zoster.

7) The right side hurts under the rib and radiates to the back when malignant neoplasm blocks or disrupts the outflow of urine and with tumors of the adrenal gland.

Similar signs, but with the addition of pain radiating under the scapula, are observed with thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.

Pain on the right in the hypochondrium during movement is often manifested in people who are practically healthy. This may be due to the action of physical activity unusual for a person.

At this moment, there is an intense release of the hormone epinephrine and an acceleration of blood flow, causing the process of expansion of organs and the vena cava, passing in the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium - this causes pain.

Also, pain symptoms can cause abrupt shifts walking positions - tilts, turns - this is due to costal contact with the organs. Such painful symptoms pass quickly.

If they are of a stabbing nature and last more than half an hour, this may indicate a possible infringement of the relevant organs, which requires urgent medical intervention.

Any pain, including hypochondrium, is a symptom of a malfunction in the body. Very important organs are localized in this area of ​​the body, and pathological changes they can lead to death.

Severe pain symptoms in this area may be due to:

  • isolated rupture of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • organ injuries;
  • renal paraphimosis (cystic infringement);
  • rupture or prolapse of the kidney (nephroptosis).

Such pathologies require urgent surgical treatment. Long-lasting pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, require timely examination and treatment.

Self-administration of painkillers is not recommended. The symptomatology is eliminated temporarily, but the disease remains. In addition, taking medications "smoothes" the symptoms and complicates the diagnosis.

The first step is to visit a therapist - he will conduct an initial examination and diagnosis. If necessary, he will appoint a consultative examination by a neuropathologist or endocrinologist, cardiologist or surgeon.

What to do? Diagnosis and treatment of pain

Diagnosis begins with a patient questioning about the nature of pain manifestations, intensity and main localization. About their connection with the diet. The anamnesis of diseases, infections and injuries is revealed. Attention is drawn to the state of fatty tissue and the tone of the muscles of the peritoneum.

Palpation examination and general tests are carried out - biochemical parameters, functional tests. Diagnosis should be comprehensive, including examination of the organ and its functionality.

If there is a suspicion of pathological processes lying in this projection of the organs, instrumental diagnostics are prescribed, including:

  • excretory urography;
  • radioisotope renography and scintigraphy;
  • vertical aortography;
  • fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound of the biliary tract, kidneys and liver;
  • biopsy to detect tumor processes.

There is no single protocol for the treatment of pain in the right side under the rib. After identifying the cause and establishing accurate diagnosis, a treatment plan is drawn up corresponding to a specific pathology.

It includes a set of activities:

  • drug therapy aimed at treating the disease and relieving symptoms;
  • surgical treatment (if necessary);
  • vitamin therapy;
  • diet modification.

Regardless of what kind of pain and where it is localized, diagnosis and treatment should be the prerogative of a specialist.