A common form of catarrhal stomatitis. Catarrhal stomatitis: everything is not as simple as it seems

Catarrhal stomatitis is a pathological process that affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and long time flowing into latent form. So that the disease does not acquire chronic course, it is important not to miss the first symptoms, to determine real reasons development of the disease and conduct competent treatment.

Causes of the disease

Provoking factor in the appearance of stomatitis is inadequate oral hygiene. As a result, on the mucous membrane oral cavity created favorable conditions for development pathogenic flora. Bacteria are the most common source of catarrhal stomatitis. This disease in some cases can occur in infants at the time of teething. Catarrhal stomatitis before treatment is shown in the photo.

There are four groups of causes that contribute to the occurrence of this disease:

  1. Traumatic. Damage to the oral cavity can be thermal, mechanical, and also chemical in nature.
  2. Infectious. The main source of infection with catarrhal stomatitis is the influenza virus and adenovirus infection, but pathological processes such as pneumonia, otitis media, chicken pox, measles, bacterial infection.
  3. Symptomatic. This disease manifests itself as a complication chronic pathologies, in which the activity of the endocrine, circulatory and digestive systems is inhibited.
  4. Specific. The development of catarrhal stomatitis is facilitated by such serious pathologies like syphilis and tuberculosis.

Signs of catarrhal stomatitis

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The term "catarrhal" means oppression of the mucous membrane, therefore, its swelling and severe hyperemia are the main symptom of stomatitis. In the absence of any external manifestations, the patient has a feeling that the cheeks are swollen from the inside. In the area of ​​​​infection, whether it is a microcrack or a wound, a light plaque accumulates. Further progression of the disease implies an increase in soreness of the mucosa and the occurrence of bleeding gums. As a result, the process of eating becomes more difficult, and attempts to conduct a dialogue cause additional suffering to the patient.

Stomatitis is often accompanied by the appearance putrid smell mouth and increased salivation. IN dental practice there have been cases of a paradoxical decrease in salivation and, as a result, enveloping of the mucosa with a coating of leukocytes, mucus and bacteria. Body temperature in the catarrhal form is not prone to increase, while advanced stage disease can be complicated by the occurrence of ulcerative necrotic foci.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Stomatitis is diagnosed on the basis of reliable data obtained during an objective examination in the dental chair, as well as the results of a smear study from the oral mucosa. Microbiological analysis of the oral flora provides a correct determination of the nature of the disease and allows you to prescribe the necessary therapy.

Treatment of catarrhal stomatitis

Treatment of catarrhal, seemingly harmless, stomatitis requires heightened attention and responsibility. The therapeutic course is prescribed by a doctor depending on the degree of damage to the oral mucosa and the stage of development of the disease. local symptoms grow from high speed, and in the absence of competent treatment, the pathology can turn into an ulcerative form.

To avoid undesirable consequences and bring recovery closer, you should seek medical care upon detection of the first signs of the disease.

The treatment regimen for stomatitis to eliminate inflammation on the oral mucosa is based on the use of the following algorithms:

  1. elimination of causes pathological process with the help of medications;
  2. symptomatic therapy to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane, pain and healing of ulcers;
  3. auxiliary treatment for the onset of a complete recovery, based on strengthening the immune forces of the body.

Local therapy

Local therapeutic effect involves the use of applications or ointments, the action of which is aimed at pain relief and reduction of inflammation. For these purposes, the dentist can prescribe "Solcoseryl", "Iodinol", propolis ointment and rosehip oil. These funds disinfect, and also heal ulcers.

General Treatments

In the treatment of stomatitis important role plays decontamination and antiseptic treatment oral cavity, so it is necessary to resort to rinsing with special solutions. In case of severe pain, the use of anesthetic rinses is acceptable. It is possible to carry out disinfection of the oral cavity using hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin and Rivanol preparations. Decoctions based on oak bark, chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort have an excellent antiseptic and healing effect.

Supportive care

For the offensive get well soon activation of the body's defenses is necessary. For this, the doctor prescribes the intake of drugs such as Amixin, Viferon, Imudon.

During the therapeutic course, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet, which helps to reduce trauma to the oral cavity:

Preventive actions

Prevention of stomatitis includes measures aimed at maintaining oral hygiene and the proper functioning of all body systems. It is necessary to visit the dentist every six months for examination and professional cleaning teeth with the removal of plaque and calculus.

It is extremely important to timely eliminate such problems of the oral cavity as gingivitis, caries, periodontal disease. To maintain the body's natural defenses, the use of various vitamin complexes that have a positive effect on metabolic processes and strengthen gums and teeth. The right decision will be the rejection of alcohol, cigarettes and correction daily diet in favor of dietary products.

One of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa is stomatitis. Often it manifests itself in adults, but most often this disease affects children under 5 years of age.

Stomatitis has a large variety with different symptoms. Children's stomatitis is most often manifested by its catarrhal form.


The catarrhal (serous) form of stomatitis is characterized by severe inflammation of the mucous tissues of the mouth and the identification of affected areas on them with the release of serous exudate. Affected foci can be localized both over the entire area of ​​the oral cavity, and in separate sectors: inner part lips, gums, tongue, palate.

After the onset of the first symptoms, the disease lasts on average about 10 days. Properly selected treatment leads to a quick positive result. With poor-quality or untimely therapy, the disease often becomes subacute and chronic form. It can also come with complications.

The catarrhal form is the most common and easily diagnosed stomatitis.

In order not to confuse this form stomatitis with others - watch the following video:

Reasons for the appearance

The underlying factor in the occurrence of serous stomatitis in children is poor oral hygiene. It is this circumstance that affects the formation of pathogenic flora, which provokes various pathologies mucous tissue, including catarrhal stomatitis.

This disease can be triggered by other reasons. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. infectious. The mucosa is affected by an infection of a different nature. The cause may be a common adenovirus or the flu. Also, the occurrence of this type of stomatitis is affected by more serious illness: measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, pneumonia, etc.
  2. traumatic. Include damage of a mechanical, chemical or thermal nature (burn, biting with a chipped tooth, trauma with a sharp object or orthodontic system).
  3. Specific. More rare group reasons than others. Pathology is manifested in some diseases: syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy.
  4. Symptomatic. The mucosa is affected common pathologies organism in acute or chronic period: stomach and intestinal tract, circulatory and immune system, endocrine glands etc.


Photo: catarrhal stomatitis in a child on the throat

This pathology lends itself well to diagnosis during routine examination and study. clinical picture. The catarrhal type of stomatitis has a number of specific manifestations:

  • pronounced edema of the mucosa. At the same time, prints are observed at the level of the line of connection of the dentition on the sides of the tongue and cheeks;
  • the affected sector is red. This is especially noticeable on the gums;
  • the focus of localization of infection is covered with a light coating of white or gray;
  • appears constant;
  • arise pain. In the initial form, the pain can only be when chewing or talking. In the event of a complication, pain may be permanent;
  • increased salivation or excessive dryness of the mouth. At the same time, viscous saliva is released, and the oral cavity is covered with a dense coating, which later darkens;
  • there may be a small bleeding gums;
  • general deterioration disease state: weakness, refusal to eat, apathy;
  • possible in severe cases swollen lymph nodes, and also fever. Often observed large cluster plaque at the gum pockets, which is easily removed.

Increase in temperature and sharp deterioration the child's condition speaks of increasing intoxication of the whole organism.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of this type of stomatitis usually takes place immediately at the initial appointment without the use of additional methods. To do this, the doctor performs a detailed visual and instrumental examination. Examines subjective complaints and clinical picture.

In the case of complicated pathology, methods can be used laboratory diagnostics: smear or scraping for culture, PCR study. If as a result long-term treatment positive result is not observed, then comorbidities are diagnosed.

Description of the treatment procedure

Treatment of catarrhal stomatitis is due to the degree of neglect of the pathology. Depending on the severity of the condition, therapy is prescribed: local, supportive and general.

Local therapy

This treatment is aimed at relieving the main symptoms and restoring the functionality of the oral cavity.. Since not all children are suitable medicines, then the appointment must be done only by a doctor.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, ointments, gels and solutions with antimicrobial and aseptic action are used. The main treatment consists in frequent rinsing of the oral cavity and the treatment of lesions with special means.

For rinsing, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine are most often prescribed.

  • "Gexaliz";
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • aminocaproic acid;
  • diluted with water furatsilin or potassium permanganate;
  • "Chymotrypsin" ("Trypsin");
  • "Kalgel".

If the disease is accompanied by severe painful sensations, then short-term applications with painkillers are prescribed: Lidocaine or Benzocaine.

For the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis in very young children, use folk remedies. Assign decoctions from plants that have anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects: calendula, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile etc. Herbs are brewed with boiling water in the proportion: a spoonful of dry grass to a glass of water.

A positive result is guaranteed by processing soda solution or hard boiled green tea . Apps help a lot sea ​​buckthorn or rosehip oil.

Carrot, cabbage and kalanchoe juice contribute to the acceleration of the healing process and tissue regeneration. For achievement quick effect all funds should be applied at intervals of a couple of hours.

Supportive care

In the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis, supportive therapy is mandatory. It consists in maintaining and strengthening the body's resistance. This is achieved by special vitamin therapy and dietary regulation.

For this, the patient is prescribed a special complex containing vitamins: A, C, E, P and group B.

In addition to vitamins Special attention given to the child's diet. First of all Avoid all irritating foods digestive system : spicy, fried, salty, cold or hot, sour. The diet should be high in calories, variety and contain proteins, fats, vitamins.

After single meals the oral cavity should be rinsed and treated with aseptic and wound healing preparations. Don't forget about plentiful drink This will prevent dehydration and help flush out toxins.

General therapy

With proper treatment, local manifestations of the catarrhal form generally disappear within 7-10 days. If the painful process dragged on, to local therapy attach the common. It consists in use medicines in the form of tablets or injections.

Your doctor may prescribe calcium gluconate powder or a solution (injection) of calcium chloride to relieve swelling. In addition, general disinfectants are recommended for use: streptocid and urotropin.

At the same time, drugs with an immunomodulatory effect are prescribed. With an increase in intoxication, an increase in temperature is possible, so antipyretics should always be at hand: Paracetamol, Nurofen.

In case of ineffectiveness of the measures taken, a systematic examination is carried out and treatment of the disease that is the cause of catarrhal stomatitis of the oral cavity is prescribed.

Possible Complications

The prognosis of catarrhal stomatitis of the oral cavity with timely and properly selected treatment has a favorable outcome. But often the attitude of people to such a disease is very frivolous.

This often leads to a transition initial stage pathology into chronic, which requires a longer and more serious treatment. Also, the addition of a secondary infection is regularly observed. bacterial nature and as a consequence, the deterioration of the sick child.

The presence of a focus permanent infection in the oral cavity can provoke pathologies of the gum and dental tissue: periodontitis, gingivitis, caries. It is also possible for pathogenic microbes to penetrate into the deep layers of jaw tissues, which can cause a change in the structure of the bone.

Pathology not stopped in time can cause the migration of infection throughout the body.. This provokes at least a sharp decline immunity, as a maximum occurrence of sepsis.


Prevention of any kind of stomatitis, including catarrhal, must be started from the first minutes of a child's life.
. All measures are standard and do not differ from measures to prevent other types of dental diseases.

First of all, monitor the state of the body as a whole and maintain immunity. Always clean your baby's pacifier and bottle before each use. Disinfect toys and other items your baby touches.

When teeth appear, regularly perform high-quality cleaning and, at the first signs of disease or defects in the dentition, contact your dentist immediately. the right step will promptly treat the underlying diseases in acute period, and to carry out the prevention of chronic pathologies, trying to prevent their exacerbation.

Try to limit the trauma of the child and exclude his contact with infected children. Teach your child basic personal hygiene: cut nails, wash hands, etc.

If suddenly the disease could not be avoided, then try to use only a brush with soft type bristles. To avoid re-infection, all personal hygiene items, as well as pacifiers, dishes and everything that the child used, should be replaced.

Catarrhal stomatitis is a fairly common and easily cured disease. Modern means for the treatment of this pathology are very effective and are presented in pharmacies in a wide range.

But, despite this, the treatment of childhood stomatitis should not be dealt with on your own. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the pathology and determine the treatment that will relieve the occurrence of complications.

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We must be aware that the treatment of catarrhal variants of stomatitis, as well as the treatment of all other varieties of the described disease, should first of all be to eliminate the existing inflammatory processes through strictly special therapy prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, for this purpose, physicians can use various kinds of powerful antiseptic solutions, disinfecting rinses, medicinal decoctions prepared from useful medicinal herbs(let's say the same St. John's wort, or calendula, the famous chamomile or succession, etc.)

And in particular, doctors often recommend that the oral cavity affected by catarrhal stomatitis be carefully treated with a special three percent solution of banal hydrogen peroxide. The affected oral cavity can be rinsed or treated with a warm (not too hot, but not cold) solution of ordinary drinking water. baking soda, and of course all sorts of pharmaceutical solutions of antiseptics.

Such most frequently performed rinsing of the affected oral cavity similar drugs may be most effective in the local ointment treatment of catarrhal stomatitis. In addition, preparations such as lidocaine familiar to many, the same benzocaine, ordinary aloe juice and many others perfectly help to relieve inflammatory processes. At the same time, it must be taken into account that the mentioned pharmaceutical preparations should definitely not be used without consulting a doctor and it is undesirable to use it for an excessively long time.

Also in connection with the maximum high risk profuse bleeding gums, all patients with catarrhal stomatitis can be prescribed a strictly special, most mechanically sparing diet. This type of diet usually excludes food that is too acidic, overly spicy, and simply rough, which can injure the mucous membrane. It is also recommended to refuse too hot (burning) and excessively cold food.

In addition, in the treatment of catarrhal variants of the development of stomatitis, it is necessary to take individual groups vitamins, such as vitamins of group A, vitamin C, and vitamins from group B. Note that vitamin complexes should be used in the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis variants both in everyday food and in the form of complete pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.

It is believed that in order to achieve the best (fastest) effects from the treatment of catarrhal types of stomatitis and to consolidate the effect obtained from the treatment for the longest possible period, it is very important to be able to eliminate those local root causes that led to the development of the disease. In particular, with such an opportunity, it is very desirable to carry out a complete (or absolute) sanitation of all parts of the oral cavity as soon as possible (removal of existing dental deposits is important, full treatment is important carious cavities etc.). And of course, after the treatment, and even during such treatment, it is desirable to organize regular full-fledged personal hygiene.

I would also like to note that the purely local manifestations of the so-called catarrhal stomatitis, in the vast majority of cases, are eliminated relatively quickly. However, if this does not happen quickly, such patients should look for deeper common causes disease development. Naturally, in such cases, in parallel with the local treatment of catarrhal variants of stomatitis prescribed by the doctor, it may be necessary to treat general pathological conditions or diseases.

At the same time, it must always be remembered that with timely complete cure catarrhal forms of stomatitis of recurrence can not be afraid. However, if the problem is not treated in time or the disease is not completely cured, the problem may go into the stage chronic disease, and then stomatitis will disturb the patient with enviable regularity with its unpleasant exacerbations.

It is important to remember that there are always risks that the so-called catarrhal stomatitis over time can develop into its most dangerous forms, say, aphthous or ulcerative stomatitis. And of course, it is strictly mandatory in the process of therapy to remove all objects or factors that injure the mucous membrane (removal or proper treatment diseased teeth, removal of dental deposits or stones, etc.) that at one time provoked the development of stomatitis.

I would also like to note that quite often, in the treatment of simple catarrhal variants and forms of stomatitis, certain folk remedies can be used. So for therapeutic mouth rinses can be used:

  1. Infusions from oak bark. To prepare the infusion for rinsing, take 20 grams of bark and then pour it with boiling water - no more than one glass. Such a decoction should be prepared for thirty or even forty minutes in an ordinary water bath. When the broth is ready, it is filtered and allowed to brew for a day. A day later, the infusion can be diluted with 100 ml boiled water. After that, thorough rinsing is carried out to get rid of the symptoms of catarrhal stomatitis.
  2. Sometimes plain leaves can also be used to treat catarrhal variants of the spread of stomatitis. walnut.To use this recipe, you should take about five grams of walnut leaves, then grind them and pour boiling water over them. The broth should be allowed to brew a little, for example, half an hour. Next, one teaspoon of the previously prepared infusion is important to dilute in half a standard glass of boiled water. It is important to rinse your mouth with this infusion immediately after eating - it is advisable to do this at least three or even four to five times a day.
  3. Garlic and yogurt recipe. For it, it is necessary to crush at least two cloves of fresh garlic in a ceramic mortar. Crushed garlic should be thoroughly mixed with at least two small teaspoons of unsweetened yogurt or even curdled milk. The mixture should be heated quite a bit, say in a water bath. For treatment catarrhal species the development of stomatitis, the mixture must be kept in the mouth, trying to distribute it throughout the (literally) oral cavity, which is affected by sores. Note that despite the possible burning sensation from the use of garlic accompanying this healing process, such actions are preferably carried out for at least three or five days.
  4. In some cases, calendula flowers can be used for therapeutic rinses in the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis. At the same time, one tablespoon of these colors is brewed in one glass of water, after which it is insisted for a full day).
  5. As well as calendula, it is mono to use the root of the cinquefoil, however, in this case infuse the decoction for at least six hours.

Be sure to note that trying to treat catarrhal forms of stomatitis stomatitis does not make sense if the cause of its development is in a systemic disease of the whole organism. It is important to understand that without dealing with the elimination of the root causes, it is impossible to eliminate the consequence.

The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is constantly exposed to irritants while eating, brushing teeth, etc. Sometimes protective properties mucous cease to cope with the flow of incoming stimuli, and the inflammatory process begins. This disease is called stomatitis. Its catarrhal form is the most common and occurs mainly as a result of poor oral hygiene. Next, consider the main manifestations and methods of treatment of this disease.


Catarrhal stomatitis is a pathology of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by an intense inflammatory process. Distinctive feature catarrhal stomatitis - the absence of cheeks, rashes and other external lesions.

This disease is the most common form of stomatitis, which occurs in both adults and children. Symptoms, as a rule, are mild, so it is often too late to visit a dentist with this problem.

Catarrhal stomatitis is also called "disease dirty hands". Most often, its development is facilitated by viruses that enter the mucous membrane through unwashed hands.

The most unpleasant development of catarrhal stomatitis is, which is accompanied by severe pain and is poorly treated. For this reason, in case of problems associated with the oral cavity, it is necessary to contact the treating specialist in a timely manner.

Almost all forms of stomatitis are not contagious, so there is no need to isolate the patient.

Usually the disease lasts no more than 10-12 days, subject to a timely diagnosis and treatment.


Many reasons can provoke the occurrence of catarrhal stomatitis. Among them, the following may be present:

  1. Injury to the oral mucosa in case of use of coarse or too hot food, hits household chemicals on mucous membranes or regular inhalation of harmful fumes.
  2. Infection caused by previous diseases(influenza, adenovirus, herpes, measles).
  3. Specific lesions in the case of the development of diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy.
  4. Mucosal lesions can be observed due to the development internal pathologies such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems. Also, catarrhal stomatitis can develop in case of hidden bleeding, as well as with streptoderma, red lichen planus and vesicle.

The main causes of catarrhal stomatitis:

The primary symptom of catarrhal stomatitis is swelling. In this case, it seems that the patient's cheeks are swollen.

Also, the main manifestations of catarrhal stomatitis can be called:

  1. Puffiness of varying intensity, pain and redness at the sites of mucosal lesions.
  2. White .
  3. Painful sensations and discomfort in the oral cavity itself in the process of eating, talking or swallowing.
  4. Bad breath when talking.
  5. Increased salivation, which developed in a short time.
  6. In some cases, a breakdown and symptoms similar in signs to intoxication.
  7. Increased body temperature and increased sweating.
  8. Irritability.

In addition to the main listed symptoms, the oral cavity is at high risk of painful injury and bleeding.


Therapy to eliminate catarrhal stomatitis consists of several stages:

  1. Elimination of the cause of the disease.
  2. Treatment of symptoms.
  3. Auxiliary measures to eliminate the signs of the disease and speed up recovery.

For catarrhal stomatitis, it is recommended to use the following medicines:

As additional measures, it is necessary to abandon the toothbrush, the bristle of which can injure the affected mucosa, and also adjust the diet by excluding aggressive foods and including nutritious, fortified food in a semi-liquid and liquid consistency.


Prevention of catarrhal stomatitis is no different from the prevention of many other dental diseases. To avoid this unpleasant disease, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the oral cavity, adhere to proper diet and promptly address dental problems.

Catarrhal stomatitis can be avoided if you monitor the general condition of the body and treat the digestive and endocrine systems in time.

Possible Complications

If delivered in time correct diagnosis and start treatment, catarrhal stomatitis will pass with least symptoms and the consequences. However, most often the first symptomatology is ignored by the sick, and the disease passes into a more serious stage, which will require more thorough and prolonged treatment.

Often stomatitis is accompanied by a secondary inflammatory process, which significantly worsens general state patient. Particularly hard to bear similar condition children and pregnant women. Read more about how to treat stomatitis during pregnancy.

The developing focus of infection provokes diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and gums - gingivitis, periodontitis, caries.

Gingivitis - dangerous disease. IN running form it can lead to periodontitis and, as a result, complete loss of teeth.

In the case of an advanced infection, deeper penetration is possible. pathogenic bacteria, which can change even bone tissue. When the disease is not prevented in the initial stage, infectious process is able to pass to the whole body, lowering the protective functions of the immune system and developing sepsis.

In addition to all of the above, an unpleasant consequence untimely treatment catarrhal stomatitis is scarring of the oral cavity, which can affect its mobility.


More useful information regarding the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis, see the video

One of the most common diseases of the human oral cavity is catarrhal stomatitis. A feature of the disease is the absence of visible defects in the form of ulcers or rashes. The danger of catarrhal stomatitis lies in the fact that a sick person often does not know about his illness and turns to the hospital too late. medical institution for help.

Signs of the development of the disease

Although the disease has no characteristic clinical manifestations, there are certain signs that should cause a person to consult a doctor.

Most clear symptom development of the disease is redness of the oral mucosa. In addition, often already at the initial stage of the disease there are painful sensations during meals and when talking.

The background of the disease is always general weakness, which is difficult to explain, except for this, an increase in body temperature is sometimes observed. Diagnosis of catarrhal stomatitis is not difficult for specialists. The doctor will immediately notice signs that were not significant for the patient, namely:

  • Increased salivation;
  • Swelling and fever in certain places oral mucosa;
  • Presence at entry points pathogens grayish plaque;
  • Availability bad smell from the mouth characteristic of stomatitis.

Advice! If treatment is prescribed at the initial stage of the disease, the prognosis is always positive.

IN acute stage catarrhal stomatitis is manifested by more obvious and painful symptoms:

  • Severe swelling and redness of the gums;
  • The appearance of imprints of teeth on the inflamed mucous membrane;
  • The appearance of a feeling of dryness in the mouth, which is accompanied by strong salivation;
  • The presence of a sticky whitish coating on the entire mucous membrane of the mouth.

Both in adults and in children, the symptoms of the development of the disease are the same. The only difference is that an adult can control his own negative emotions caused by discomfort, and the child becomes whiny and lethargic.

Treatment of the disease

The diagnosis is established after examining the patient and analyzing scrapings from the oral mucosa in order to determine the type of pathogens that provoked the development of catarrhal stomatitis.

Advice! After the diagnosis of the disease, treatment should be prescribed immediately.

First of all, therapeutic measures are prescribed to stop the inflammatory processes. At the initial stage of the disease, rinsing the mouth with the help of special solutions and natural medicinal products having antiseptic properties. It is imperative to clean and disinfect the oral cavity in the morning and evening, as well as after each meal. Recommended to use:

  • Hydrogen peroxide: 1 tablespoon of 3% preparation per 100 ml of water;
  • Baking soda: a teaspoon of powder in half a liter of water;

Decoctions of herbs relieve inflammation well:

  • Chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • marigolds;
  • Sage.

To prepare decoctions, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of dry grass and pour boiling water, boil for several minutes and let it brew for 30 minutes. For disinfection of the oral cavity in adults, it is allowed to use ready-made alcohol tinctures from the above herbs. It is also effective to treat the disease with a ready-made 1% solution of chlorhexidine or alcohol tincture propolis.

Advice! Solutions and decoctions for rinsing can be alternated, this will enhance their therapeutic effect.

At acute form the course of the disease, painkiller sprays should be used to eliminate discomfort. There is a huge variety of drugs, so the doctor always prescribes a remedy for pain relief, given individual characteristics patient and the severity of the illness. For children, preference is always given to painkillers based on lidocaine, as they do not cause allergic reactions.

In the acute form of stomatitis, treatment involves the appointment of vitamin complexes. At severe manifestations disease antibacterial drugs administered as intramuscular injections. It is important to follow the rules of the hyena of the oral cavity during an exacerbation of the disease.

Advice! The use of a toothbrush should be abandoned for a while so as not to cause additional damage to the inflamed oral mucosa.

It is possible to speed up the treatment of catarrhal stomatitis if, in addition to therapeutic measures adhere strictly to the correct diet. The patient should exclude from the diet:

  • Spicy, salty and sour foods, as mucosal irritants;
  • Sweet foods, as concomitant reproduction of pathogenic flora;
  • Solid foods as traumatic sources.

To minimize the risks of developing catarrhal stomatitis, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive actions aimed at maintaining healthy condition oral cavity. It is important to visit the dentist regularly, at least twice a year, in order to timely detection problems with teeth and gums. In addition, you need to constantly take care of strengthening immunity, lead healthy lifestyle life and a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality.