Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Hurley staging system

During the hot season, people sweat more. This is normal and even useful physiological process, since excess fluid is removed from the body along with sweat and the process of thermoregulation is carried out. But for some people in the background extreme heat and intense sweating, inflammation develops sweat glands.

Inflammation of the sweat glands is also called hidradenitis. This is a fairly rare pathological condition, characterized by the appearance of a field of abscesses. In addition, an inflammatory process may occur that affects the deep layers skin.

Such pathological phenomena occur not only in armpit, but also under the breasts. Regardless of gender, inflammation can be localized on the buttocks, groin and inner surface hips

This disease is not contagious. Some doctors believe that it is inherited and is autoimmune in nature. The onset of progression of the pathological process is usually observed at puberty.

Main reasons for development

The primary factor in the development of the pathological process in the armpit is still unclear. Co. secondary causes the following should be included:

  • use of tobacco products;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • penetration of infection;
  • occlusion.

In addition, thickening of the skin may play a major role in the pathogenesis of this anomaly.

One of the most common pathogens of the pathological process is staphylococcus. Most often, the activity of this microorganism contributes to the development of occlusion. As a result, Schiff's acid is produced. This extracellular polysaccharide provokes prickly heat. Against this background, a pathological process often develops in the armpit.

Damage to the follicular epithelium may act as a trigger mechanism. The reason for this is unclear. It is assumed that the root cause may be friction in areas where diaper rash occurs. Against the background of damage, biological fluids enter the dermis. This promotes activation of the inflammatory response. The result of this process is the formation of granulomas.

Specific reasons for development

In some women, the development of pathology is due to menstrual irregularities. Another provoking factor may be obesity. It promotes changes in metabolism in the organs of the reproductive system. Against this background, there is an excess of androgens.

In addition, the disease can be triggered by chemical irritants. The anomaly is often provoked by some kind of mechanical irritation. Therefore, young ladies should be careful when depilating the axillary and groin areas.

How does the anomaly manifest itself?

Hidradenitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

Hidradenitis most often occurs in the armpits and groin. The active form of the disease can be observed even in children aged 10-11 years.

The stage and severity of the pathological process varies widely. In many patients, only one area is affected. Some patients experience signs of hidradenitis spreading throughout the body.

A specific feature of the disease is the appearance of bridge comedones. They usually develop aggressively and contribute to the formation of multiple abscesses.

If the disease develops into chronic form, then against the background of constant erythema, the development of large contractures and scars is observed. The activity of the upper limb on the affected side is quite limited. Often a person is unable to raise his shoulder high.

Hidradenitis begins nonspecifically. Appears first slight redness. Over time, a lump develops that is no larger than the head of a pin. If a person does not see a doctor, the lump grows to the size of a cherry pit.

After this, inflammation spreads to nearby areas. Thus, the focus increases. After about 1.5-2 weeks, the seal opens. After the pus leaks out, a scar forms.

The difficulty of timely assistance to a patient lies in the fact that hidradenitis almost always develops in the middle of summer, when patients are on vacation and neglect to see a doctor.

How can you help a patient?

Most often, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment. It involves following these rules:

  • following a special diet for weight loss;
  • local hygiene;
  • using warm compresses;
  • laser hair removal;
  • using soap with antiseptics.

What medications should you take?

Sometimes conservative treatment does not bring the expected result. In this case, the patient is prescribed medication. It involves taking medications:

Home therapy

Drug treatment will be more successful if supplemented with home therapy. Treatment folk remedies should also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

First of all, home treatment involves eliminating pain syndrome. To do this, the patient must wipe the painful area with boric alcohol or chlorhexidine. In addition, you can use a pharmacy calendula tincture. For cooking healing agent it is necessary to dilute it in an equal amount of boiled water.

After this, it is recommended to apply Vishnevsky ointment to the problem area. It can be replaced with ichthyol or levomekol. The ointment should be applied generously. Then it is recommended to apply a bandage and secure it with a plaster. The bandage should be changed at least 2 times a day.

If the inflammation causes severe discomfort to the patient, it is recommended that he walk with a bandage for 2-3 days. You should not remove the compress at night. If the foci of inflammation are not very large, then it is best to apply a bandage at night. During the day, you can treat the affected areas with a solution of brilliant green or iodine.


In some cases, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment. After surgery, the disease recurs in only 33 percent of patients.

Almost all tissues of a living organism can be subject to inflammatory processes, with no exception the epithelial glandular tissue of the exocrine glands. A type of exocrine glands are sweat glands, bordering on massive hair growth in areas of the body: armpits, groin, head. The inflammatory process in such glands is called hidradenitis, and accumulations of sweat glands in these areas are called apocrine glands. Today we’ll talk about hidradenitis under the arm, its causes, symptoms and treatment, consider photos and videos.

Features of the disease


The popular name for hidradenitis in the armpit has long been dubbed “ bitches' udders"because of the analogy morphological character. Dog nipples resemble skin abscesses in the armpits. In addition to the armpits, hidradenitis is prone to develop in the genitals (scrotum and labia majora), where the buttocks touch, around the anus, under mammary glands, on .

Acute inflammation, often accompanied by a purulent abscess, occurs starting in adolescence and ends in menopause. Girls and women are more likely to suffer from the disease for several reasons. One of them is the earlier puberty of girls.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) includes hidradenitis axillary area under code L 73.2.

Despite the true focus of localization in the apocrine glands under the arms, the code of which begins with L 75, the disease is classified as a pathology in the hair follicles, beginning with L 73. This discrepancy is explained by the peculiarities anatomical structure and the functioning of the apocrine glands, the excretory ducts of which excrete contents into the cavity of the hair follicle.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to sunbathe if you have hidradenitis under your arm? Sunbathing, like quartz treatment, ultraviolet irradiation, are physiotherapeutic agents to combat skin pathology. Many patients managed to cure hidradenitis at an early stage by sunbathing in the country with raised armpits.

This video will tell you more about the features of axillary hidradenitis:

Age and gender dependence

Axillary hidradenitis is not typical for elderly people, when hormonal levels are low compared to mature people. During the period of hormonal surges ( adolescence, premenopause, pregnancy, etc.) hidradenitis appears most often.

Pregnant women should be careful timely treatment illness, if it arises unexpectedly. Immune forces, working for two organisms, do not always cope with their task and, when pathology occurs, are depleted even more. For these reasons, hidradenitis in a pregnant woman cannot be tolerated. If the disease is at early stages, a course of antibiotics is not prescribed so as not to harm the fetus.

Patients with inflammation of the apocrine glands seek help from a dermatologist or surgeon; pregnant women should consult their gynecologist before starting treatment.

With the development of a purulent process with the progression of the disease, the course antibacterial therapy is prescribed despite the possible harm to the unborn child. Otherwise purulent process for a fertile woman it can result in sepsis and death. A woman’s malaise and other symptoms accompanying pregnancy under the influence of hidradenitis intensify, which affects the woman’s general well-being. The cause of axillary hidradenitis in a fertile woman is either colds, or exacerbation of herpes infection.

Classification and stages

There are several forms of axillary hidradenitis:

  1. Acute purulent form. Pathology develops due to blockage of apocrine sweat and sebaceous glands. Among patients with this form of the disease are people who do not take good care of their armpits. Hidradenitis in this form occurs as a typical inflammation in the body: low-grade fever, sometimes rising to 38 degrees, malaise, discomfort, developing into pain in the armpits. The purulent form is life-threatening for the patient if he does not seek treatment from a doctor.
  2. With sufficient armpit care, but not careful shaving soft skin this area may become injured. Staphylococcal or other varieties get into scratches and wounds pathogenic microflora. Begins to form hidradenitis nodosa, tending to develop into purulent if left untreated.
  3. Chronic hidradenitis more often called a recurrent form, which is characterized by a purulent process that occurs long time. The disease often appears at certain intervals with acute purulent phase. The area of ​​apocrine glands affected by inflammation increases. Lack of treatment for purulent processes is dangerous due to septic consequences, threatening the life of the patient.

Like hidradenitis inguinalis, axillary develops through stages over 10 days. The first stage is observed during the formation of nodular formations of dense consistency.

  • Using the palpation method, it is possible to feel multiple nodes under the armpit, which are not accompanied by pain when touched.
  • The pain begins to progress rapidly; its presence “marks” the onset of the second stage.
  • The nodes begin to visually increase, and their outgrowing size is accompanied by a change in color. The characteristic shade for skin formations is red-blue.
  • The mobility of the nodes also changes: from moving under the skin in the first stage, they become soldered to each other and to the skin, forming one large abscess from a mass of small formations.
  • The last, third stage occurs with the formation of pus with a viscous consistency. Pus breaks out from the capsules, often containing blood impurities. Healing of wounds at the site of purulent capsules ends with the formation connective tissue in the form of a scar.

Causes of the disease

The infectious agent that causes the occurrence and development of inflammation in the apocrine glands is the colonial bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. The inflammatory process is initiated by careless shaving of hair in the armpit, wounds in this area obtained by other means, for easily irritated skin. In addition to staphylococci, hidradenitis is caused by coccal bacteria of colonial forms of other species: streptococci, etc.

Pathogenic bacteria are found on the skin and can penetrate into wounds, but are not active. To intensify their activity, the influence of one of the provoking factors is required:

  • deviations of metabolic reactions in the body;
  • tendency to sweat profusely;
  • wearing tight clothing;
  • preference synthetic fabrics in clothes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor care of the skin of the armpits;
  • sudden hormonal changes in the body during labor activity, pregnancy, abnormalities in secretion steroid hormones, during the transition from juvenile to adolescence, etc.

Clinical picture

The disease develops in accordance with the symptoms indicated in the stages of pathology. Common to all inflammatory processes is , which in some cases fluctuates within subfebrile limits, but sometimes can rise to a value of 38 degrees. An increase in temperature turns out to be the beginning of a chain reaction of inflammation, when this symptom is followed by a feeling of fatigue and chills.

A characteristic sign of hidradenitis, which allows it to be differentiated from other pathologies, is the absence of necrotic rods. Due to the sufficient quantity subcutaneous fat in the lesion bordering the armpit, inflammatory process can spread to the subcutaneous tissue, causing a disease - phlegmon. When you find lymph nodes

lymphadenitis may appear in the affected area. The chronic form of hidradenitis often reveals pathological nodes different stages


Diagnostics The purulent form of hidradenitis requires laboratory analysis

, since palpation and visual inspection may mistake the symptoms of the disease for or carbuncles. At the third and second stages of the disease, an error in visual examination with suspicion of actinomycosis or scrofuloderma cannot be ruled out. For accurate selection antibacterial agent

It is advisable to do an analysis of the microflora from the axillary area.

Let's learn about how to remove (cure) hidradenitis under the armpit.



  • Effective therapeutic procedures are:
  • "dry heat" produced by a dry hot towel heated by an iron. The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day, applying a hot object to the formed nodes;
  • warming up the affected areas sun rays before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. for half an hour.

The described types of heating prevent the development of purulent processes and prevent the spread of inflammation to neighboring apocrine glands. Take a shower, preventing water from entering the affected areas, sealing them with a bactericidal plaster.

We will discuss below whether it is possible to treat hidradenitis under the arm and with antibiotics.


  • Acute hidradenitis is treated with triamcinolone and lidocaine, injected into the nodes.
  • The chronic form requires the prescription of antibiotics, isotretinoin.


The method of surgical treatment of axillary hidradenitis involves timely opening of purulent capsules and their cleaning. If necessary, the affected node and fistula are excised.

Read below about hidradenitis under the arm and its treatment at home with folk remedies.

This video will tell you how the opening of hidradenitis under the arm occurs:

Traditional methods

In addition to the main treatment, an infusion of the mixture is taken orally:

  • Vasilkov,
  • daisies,
  • calendula,
  • nettles

An infusion of wormwood paniculata is applied externally.

Prevention of hidradenitis under the arm

Basic measures to prevent hidradenitis:

  • regular shower;
  • use of disinfectant solutions after shaving hair;
  • wiping with a swab lubricated in boron-camphor alcohol;
  • general strengthening measures to increase immunity.


Dangerous consequences occur only in the absence of treatment.

A very common problem, which is known in medicine under the term “hidradenitis”. The disease is accompanied by an accumulation of pus in the area of ​​the affected gland, as well as constant discomfort, pain and swelling.

This is why many people are interested additional information about why inflammation of the sweat glands develops in the armpit. Symptoms, treatment and possible complications- This is information that you definitely need to familiarize yourself with.

Hidradenitis: general information

Hidradenitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands. The glands located in the armpit area are most susceptible to inflammation.

Hidradenitis does not develop in preschool and younger children school age, as well as in elderly patients. Statistics show that 85% of patients with inflammation of the sweat glands are women aged 16 to 55 years.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: causes

Of course, first you should understand the reasons for the development of the disease, because the treatment regimen chosen by the doctor largely depends on this.

In most cases, inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is associated with activity pathogenic bacteria. As statistics show, most often the role of the pathogen is played by Staphylococcus aureus. Most often, microorganisms penetrate the gland from the outside, through its duct. This often happens with various damage to the skin, for example, during hair removal or shaving, as well as as a result of constant friction of the skin against the fabric.

By the way, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is also potentially dangerous. The skin in the armpit area constantly gets wet, the tissues become macerated, which leads to a weakening of the barrier functions. Under such conditions, it is much easier for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate the sweat gland or deep skin layers.

Infection, by the way, can enter tissue not only from external environment. The infection often spreads throughout the body along with the flow of blood and lymph. Of course, this only happens against the backdrop of weakening immune system.

Main risk factors

Of course, inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is associated with the activity of staphylococcal infection. However, the likelihood of developing the disease is much higher if the body is severely weakened.

That is why it is worth studying the risk factors:

  • diabetes mellitus (accompanied by serious hormonal disorders and weakened immunity);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • tuberculosis;
  • the presence of HIV infection, as well as other immunodeficiency conditions;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • helminthic diseases (infestation of pinworms, roundworms, etc.);
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • anemia (tissues do not receive enough oxygen, which weakens their barrier functions);
  • following a strict diet (this depletes the body, making it more susceptible);
  • poor nutrition (again, leads to the development of vitamin deficiencies);
  • obesity (overweight people often suffer from hormonal disorders and increased sweating);
  • severe hypothermia (local or general);
  • pregnancy period (associated with hormonal changes).

All these diseases significantly weaken the body's defenses, negatively affect the immune system, and make the skin more susceptible to infection.

By the way, the inflammatory process can develop against the background allergic reaction caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics: antiperspirants, washing gels, etc.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit: photos and symptoms

Typically, the development cycle of hidradenitis takes about two weeks. Symptoms of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit depend on the stage of development of the disease:

  • First, a small nodule appears in the armpit area - its diameter does not exceed 1-2 cm.
  • Gradually the tumor grows. Severe itching appears, and then pain, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the person.
  • Small black pimples form around the nodule - this is sebaceous glands, the ducts of which are blocked by a horny plug.
  • The inflammatory process and the formation of pus are associated with stagnation of blood - as a result of which the skin in the area of ​​hidradenitis acquires reddish color, sometimes with a blue or purple tint.
  • Appear and general symptoms intoxication. Patients complain of weakness, nausea, joint pain, and body aches. Body temperature rises.
  • The tissues in the armpit area swell, which leads to compression of the nerve endings. Patients suffer from acute, shooting pain that appears during movements in shoulder joint.
  • Purulent masses continue to accumulate in the soft tissues. It is not uncommon to see white or yellowish pus under the skin.
  • In the absence of therapy, the abscess often opens either arbitrarily or as a result of some kind of injury.
  • After opening the hidradenitis, the patient's condition improves - fever and pain disappear. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding that the focus of inflammation remains, and in the absence of therapy, the likelihood of a relapse in the near future is very high.

If you have such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to clean the tissues from pus and make effective scheme drug treatment.

Possible complications

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit responds well to treatment. However, the possibility of complications cannot be ruled out.

Sometimes the purulent process spreads to adjacent soft tissues, which can lead to the development of an abscess or phlegmon (a large abscess with a dense membrane). If the abscess is not drained in time, it can open on its own. In this case, purulent masses spread to nearby tissues and often enter the systemic bloodstream. The most dangerous complication of hidradenitis is sepsis (infection of the whole body is observed).

Statistics show that such complications usually develop in the absence of therapy. Patients with severely weakened bodies and diseases of the immune system are at risk.

Diagnostic measures

You already know about the causes and symptoms of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit. If you notice the above-described disorders, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Only a specialist can create an effective and safe treatment regimen.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit is rarely associated with any difficulties. It is enough for an experienced doctor to examine the skin in the affected area and listen to the patient’s complaints.

Of course, additional research is being carried out in the future. For example, a blood test is informative: increased ESR indicators, as well as an increase in the number of leukocytes indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In addition, samples obtained from the sweat gland are used for bacteriological culture. Thus, the doctor has the opportunity to accurately determine the type of pathogen and select the appropriate medication.

If there are frequent relapses If the disease is difficult to treat, the patient is sent for an immunogram - this allows you to check the functioning of the immune system.

Conservative treatment

Since inflammation is associated with activity bacterial microorganisms, then the treatment regimen necessarily includes taking antibiotics. Erythromycin and Doxycycline and Tetracycline are effective. Therapy lasts at least two weeks.

The affected tissues, as well as the skin around the abscess, need to be treated 2-3 times a day antiseptic solutions. This will help prevent further spread of bacteria. A solution is suitable for disinfection salicylic acid, tincture of iodine, brilliant green, alcohol. Also inflamed tissue lubricate with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol.

If during the tests it was possible to confirm the presence of a staphylococcal infection, then a specific therapy, in particular, the introduction of staphylococcal gamma globulin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also used to help cope with pain and fever.

Precautionary measures

You need to understand that infections (especially if we are talking about staphylococcus) can quickly spread to neighboring, healthy areas of the skin. This is why the area of ​​hidradenitis needs to be covered with a dry bandage.

You will have to give up baths for a while. You can only take a shower after covering the area of ​​inflammation with a bandage and plaster. The skin around the abscess needs to be treated with antiseptic solutions several times a day.

Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit must be supplemented with a proper diet. Dishes should be light, but high in calories. Your daily menu should definitely include foods rich in phosphorus and iron. Various berries, black currants, dairy products, nuts, liver. Experts recommend drinking fresh fruit juices. Fish and lean meat will be useful, but in boiled form. From sweets, spicy and fatty foods, alcohol should be avoided.


Drug treatment of inflammation of the gonads in the armpit is necessarily complemented by physiotherapeutic procedures. UHF and infrared irradiation are considered effective. In addition, local ultraviolet therapy, laser therapy and magnetic therapy are sometimes performed. Sometimes patients are prescribed electrophoresis with codeine or dionine. Such procedures, as a rule, are carried out after the inflammatory process has been stopped with the help of medications.

Surgical intervention: indications and features

Sometimes it is necessary to allow the abscess to mature, after which the doctor will be able to open it and clean it of purulent masses. Warm, wet compresses are not suitable for this, as this leads to maceration of the skin. Sunbathing is suitable for warming up (in the warm season). Can be heated with an iron terry towel, which is then applied to the skin in the armpit area.

Warming up the abscesses allows them to mature and soften. And after this, as a rule, hidradenitis needs to be opened. After cutting the tissue, the doctor first evacuates the purulent masses, after which he carefully removes the infiltrated fatty tissue.

If there are constant relapses, and cleansing of ulcers and drug therapy do not provide desired effect, then the patient needs more radical treatment. First, the area of ​​hidradenitis is opened and cleaned, but the wound heals in open conditions. The patient takes antibiotics all the time. After the inflammatory process subsides, complete resection skin and subcutaneous tissue. Of course, after this, plastic surgery is needed to help close the defect.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit with folk remedies is also possible, but prescriptions can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

  • Cabbage has anti-inflammatory properties. Fresh cabbage leaf Apply to the affected skin, secure with a bandage and leave overnight. To achieve greater effect, the leaf can be smeared with a small amount of natural honey.
  • Aloe will also help cope with inflammation. Rinse the mature leaves thoroughly, rinse with boiled water, cut lengthwise and apply the fleshy side to the affected skin. The compress should remain on the skin for several hours. Aloe has bactericidal properties. Moreover, the leaves of the plant draw pus out, accelerating the maturation of the abscess.

How to avoid illness: prevention

The disease responds relatively well to treatment, at least as evidenced by reviews. Treatment of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit in most cases results in complete recovery. But following some recommendations will help prevent the development of hidradenitis:

  • It is important to carefully observe personal hygiene rules, especially if you suffer from excessive sweating.
  • Remember that infection can occur during hair removal or shaving your armpits.
  • It is better to give preference to fairly spacious clothing made from natural fabrics (constant friction in the armpit area is a risk factor).
  • Be responsible when choosing cosmetics and deodorants.

Of course, do not forget about strengthening the immune system. Proper nutrition, physical activity, periodic intake of vitamins - all this will help increase the resistance of skin tissue and different types infections.

Hidradenitis under the arm (code L73.2) is an inflammation in the apocrine sweat center ducts that looks like an abscess. Main features - acute inflammation and a growth with pus in the armpit. The disease can spread to one of the areas - the groin, inframammary folds. The disease most often affects women aged 15-60 years. Children and elderly people do not get sick due to the inertia of apocrine centers.

Clinical picture

Hidradenitis under the arm (code L73.2 according to International classification diseases) symptomatically and the nature of the course is similar to furunculous manifestations (when the sebaceous gland is clogged). The trigger for inflammation is infection. In the area where it enters the apocrine center, one or more painful clogged infiltrates are formed. The main difference between hidradenitis and furunculosis is the absence of necrotic rods.

The development of purulent inflammation occurs when the sweat channels in the subcutaneous fat become clogged. This may be due to exacerbations of the underlying disease. A clogged sweat gland can form without the influence of internal pathologies.

There are several degrees of severity of hidradenitis, occurring with varying intensity of symptoms. Superficial forms are characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the skin, a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition with a jump in temperature to 40°C. Dangerous are phlegmons of odontogenic nature that form on the neck, and lesions caused by caries of tooth enamel.

The localization of hidradenitis under the armpits is one-sided, but the abscess can appear on both sides. Often the disease is localized in the groin, neck or under the breast. The average duration of the disease with adequate treatment is 14 days. But when weak immunity relapse is possible.


Hidradenitis under the arm (ICD code L73.2) is a subtype of pyoderma - skin disease with severe purulent inflammation that arose against the background of infection of the epithelium with pyogenic cocci. This category includes inguinal, submammary, and cervical hidradenitis.

Apocrine glands suffer as a result of infection with staphylococcal bacteria. Microbes can clog all sweat centers in problem area and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin through microcracks, hair follicles or through the lymphatic system from other internal organs.

StarLik team of professionals (one medical portal created according to international standards evidence-based medicine on diagnosis and treatment) clarified the main provocateurs of inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

The main reason why hidradenitis occurs is a constantly humid environment caused by excessive sweating. Biological fluids are an ideal environment for the propagation of any viral, fungal, bacterial infection. As it develops, the sweat centers become clogged. This leads to the fact that the clogged gland is not able to secrete fluid in full, so inflammation occurs.

Main risk factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • hormonal changes or a malfunction in the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • itchy dermatoses on the skin;
  • dystrophic disorders in the sweat glands;
  • obesity:
  • skin streptoderma;
  • diseases that provoke disruption of the central and autonomic nervous system;
  • unhealthy diet or ill-chosen diets for weight loss;
  • regular fasting;
  • irradiation;
  • long-term use of hormonal medications and immunosuppressants.

The clinical picture is aggravated by gastrointestinal pathologies associated with digestive dysfunction and malabsorption useful substances. Also, the causes of hidradenitis lie in inaccurate hair removal, which causes microcracks and injuries on the skin. Dust and bacteria penetrate the apocrine centers and seal them. As a result, the blocked centers become irritated, which leads to inflammation. Failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene plays an important role in provoking purulent inflammation.


Inflammation of the sweat glands is characterized by the gradual development of symptoms:

  • At the first stage, a small, pea-sized painful nodule is formed - this is the main sign of the onset of inflammation.
  • On the second day, the formation increases to 20 mm in diameter, acquiring a purplish-red hue.
  • New nodules gradually form around the main source of inflammation. They quickly merge, forming a conglomerate.
  • With increasing infiltration, swelling in the axillary area grows with the transformation of the nodule into a large blue-purple growth filled with pus. Nearby growing tubercles increase along with the main focus. In this case, even a small hand gesture causes severe pain.

The main symptoms of hidradenitis:

  • a growing lump in the armpit, which gradually fills with pus and begins to hurt greatly;
  • swelling, swelling and redness of the skin around the site of inflammation;
  • a jump in temperature reaching 38-40°C, when the nodes are severely inflamed;
  • itching around the problem area;
  • frequent discomfort and constant pain in the damaged area.


Due to lack of treatment, the infection spreads through the blood.

The consequence is the spread of infection into the blood when the hair follicle or sweat channel is blocked, in the absence of adequate treatment due to the proximity of large blood vessels to the source of inflammation in the armpits. Hidradenitis suppurativa (code L73.2) of a recurrent form may develop, which requires long-term treatment and can spread to nearby tissues and sweat centers.

The main unfavorable factors that increase the risk of consequences:

  • inadequate therapy;
  • untimely treatment;
  • neglect of personal hygiene, especially in the armpit area;
  • the presence of underlying diseases that negatively affect the immune system.

If the axillary inflammatory disease is not cured and started, the following complications may arise:

  1. The inflammation is gradually localized in other parts of the body, spreading to the groin, under the breasts, and occurs on the labia and other parts of the body.
  2. Extensive soft tissue abscesses.
  3. Formation of putrefactive phlegmon.
  4. Development of lymphadenitis in chronic form.
  5. Sepsis when provoked pathological processes in the main vascular bed and the spread of infection into the blood.
The main cause of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

The main reason for the appearance of the disease during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the female body. At the same time, the endocrine system is being rebuilt. Such changes are fraught with the development of skin dysbiosis, which will provoke the progression of hidradenitis. The mother's body becomes susceptible to various types of infections. As a result, an existing chronic process is exacerbated or the emergence of new pathologies is provoked. This state of immunity does not provide adequate protection against exposure to pathogens.

If a pregnant woman notices that her armpit is inflamed or small pathological nodules (even non-painful ones) have appeared, she should immediately consult a doctor. You cannot hesitate, because as the pathology develops, the risk of harming the child will increase.


Which doctor diagnoses the pathology of sweat centers? Diagnosis of hidradenitis is carried out by visual examination by a dermatologist based on the specific appearance of the pathology. To confirm the diagnosis use laboratory methods. Additionally assigned:

  • general blood tests, the results of which indicate purulent inflammation with an increase in the level of leukocytes and a decrease in red blood cells;
  • specific tests with the collection of pus from the source of inflammation to determine the pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics, which is especially necessary for the treatment of recurrent hidradenitis;
  • differential diagnosis to exclude pathologies such as lymphadenitis, lymphoma, lymphogranulomatosis, furunculosis, tuberculosis.


Which doctor should I contact to treat hidradenitis? Problems with the skin and sweat centers are dealt with by a dermatologist and surgeon. It is possible to cure the pathology using the following methods:

  • a conservative approach based on taking medications, treatment with folk remedies, and physiotherapy;
  • a radical approach to eliminating severe or complicated forms of pathology.

Hidradenitis cannot go away on its own, so medical intervention is necessary. It is forbidden to squeeze pus out of the nodules yourself. This will allow the infection to spread and cause severe complications. First aid for detecting inflammation in the armpits, which is provided at home:

  1. It is necessary to carefully remove hair from adjacent areas.
  2. Do not allow moisture to enter, so taking a bath is excluded. It is better to take a shower after covering the problem area with an adhesive plaster.
  3. Warm the knots with a warm towel every hour.
  4. Warm up the inflammation areas with a blue lamp for 5 minutes. 3 rubles/day
  5. In summer, solar heating is allowed for 30 minutes. 2 rubles/day
  6. Wipe the nodules and surrounding skin camphor alcohol several times a day.

These measures and proper treatment of the painful cavity will speed up healing and prevent infection with pus from going deep into the body. Hidradenitis is not contagious, but an infection can be transmitted, which comes out along with the purulent contents when the lump ruptures.

That is, the patient’s clothes and personal hygiene items (towels, napkins) will be contagious.


  1. Treatment of hidradenitis with drugs is based on the following:
    1. Antibiotics:
    2. "Erythromycin";
    3. macrolides - to block the synthesis of pathogenic proteins and inhibit microbes;
  2. "Tetracycline".
  3. Glucocorticosteroids, such as Triamcinolone, to combat inflammation and possible allergies.
    Antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol.
    1. Acute inflammatory process is treated with the following regimens:
    2. injection of Triamcinolone mixed with Lidocaine into the painful node;

by injecting Triamcinolone into the abscess, after which hidradenitis is opened and drained to prevent relapse.

  • Treatment of hidradenitis in a protracted form is carried out:
  • "Erythromycin", "Tetracycline", "Minocycline";
    “Prednisone” for particularly severe cases.
    Ichthyol cream and lubrication with Levomekol are widely used to relieve local symptoms.

Treatment of hidradenitis in the first stages is carried out with Isotretinoin. Inflammation of the sweat glands - hidradenitis, is a pathological inflammatory process affecting areas of the body with increased sweating, such as the armpit or groin area. The disease usually occurs acutely with quite painful symptoms and requires careful attention and timely drug therapy

. To rid yourself of this condition, it is important to know about the main signs of the disease and methods of eliminating it.

Hidradenitis is a purulent process caused by the introduction of a staphylococcal pathogen into hair follicle with the occurrence of inflammation in the apocrine sweat gland. All sweat glands in the body differ not only in their heterogeneous structure, but also in their location on the human body. Hidradenitis affects the apocrine glands located in the skin of the genital organs, in the anus, around the ear canal, and most of all in the armpits. Being large formations, they form and remove sweat fluid containing high concentration lipids. The cells of the sweat glands that secrete secretions are often found in the sweat themselves.

Typically, inflammation of the sweat glands occurs during periods hormonal changes, such as transitional age at puberty or at the onset of menopause. Most often, inflammation occurs on one side, but cases of bilateral hidradenitis also occur.

How the anomaly manifests itself, photo

The disease hidradenitis is acute; the onset of the inflammatory process in the sweat glands can be determined by the appearance of the following signs:

  1. The onset of the disease is manifested by the formation of a small node, no more than two centimeters in diameter.
  2. As inflammation develops, itching appears.
  3. After a certain time, usually on the fifth day of the disease, the node enlarges and adheres to the skin. At this stage, itching gives way to pain and discomfort.
  4. As a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands, black dots appear around the node. Such signs correspond to the spread of the infectious process throughout the skin.
  5. Due to stagnation of blood in the capillaries, the skin surrounding the node changes color to red-violet.
  6. A feverish state occurs with loss of strength and weakness. Most often, this stage of the disease is accompanied by high fever.
  7. The patient suffers from insomnia and loss of appetite.
  8. The affected area in the armpit becomes swollen.
  9. As a result of the impact on the nerve endings, severe pain appears in the form of lumbago.
  10. There is a significant increase in the abscess.
  11. Due to intoxication of the body, malaise occurs and headache, patients feel lethargy and significant malaise.
  12. If an infectious process develops, the cause of which is a staphylococcal pathogen, purulent contents will collect in the node, causing necrosis of the surrounding tissues. The node itself becomes softer, with a source of pus appearing in the center of the node.

If such a condition occurs, it is necessary to urgently seek help. surgical assistance. The final stage of inflammation of the sweat gland is the opening of the formed abscess. If the process is brought to a spontaneous end, then this can happen even from a sudden movement or when pressing. Immediately after opening the abscess, the patient feels relief, the temperature drops and the pain goes away. In no case, once you feel better, should you give up further treatment. After opening, the sweat gland remains the same source of infection, so to completely stop the inflammation it is necessary to carry out drug treatment.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit

Inflammation affecting the sweat glands in the armpits is common. Arises similar condition when infected minor damage skin obtained during shaving or as a result of injury from growing hairs. Inflammation of the sweat glands is often caused by the aggressive effects of disinfectants. cosmetics irritating the skin. Contributes to the occurrence of disorders in the condition of the skin in the armpits, decreased immunity, endocrine changes, hormonal imbalance and so on.

This kind of inflammation brings the patient a lot of suffering, as it is accompanied by significant, painful symptoms. Often the formation of abscesses with hidradenitis is complicated by the development of lymphadenitis, affecting the lymph nodes located in the armpits.

Inflammation can spread to several sweat glands, after which several foci begin to form in the axillary zone in the form of a common area with inflammation, occupying the entire armpit. If left untreated, a serious complication occurs with the formation of phlegmon with severe extensive purulent inflammation, which is a very unfavorable prognosis.

Inflammation of the sweat gland in a woman’s groin area most often occurs on the labia majora. This is manifested by a change in the skin with its redness and signs of swelling and hardening. Closed apocrine canals stop secretion, where it accumulates to form pus. Visually, the formation of hidradenitis resembles the disease of furunculosis, but differs from it in the absence of a central core.

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the groin occurs gradually and is not much different from hidradenitis, which affects the sweat gland in another part of the body.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of subcutaneous nodes with inflammation in them. Everything is accompanied severe itching and pain. The nodes quickly increase in size, taking on a pear-shaped shape.
  2. The maturation of emerging nodes is characterized by the development severe swelling in the groin, a change in skin color with the appearance of a red or bluish tint, and the formation of pus. The patient's condition worsens, and the pain does not subside even at rest.
  3. The subsequent condition is accompanied by the opening of the abscess with the release of a large amount of pus. The pain subsides, the condition improves, and a scar forms at the site of the inflamed node.

The entire inflammatory process continues for two weeks, however, the danger is that such focal inflammation can be multiple with the formation of new foci of inflammation that do not heal for a long time. Often hidradenitis in the groin area takes chronic nature, alternating periods of remission with relapses. This usually happens in the absence of proper therapy or due to improper treatment.

Severe complications purulent form Hidradenitis in the groin is threatened by the following conditions:

  • Development of lesions at the affected sites that are difficult to treat;
  • Formation of fistulas communicating with abdominal cavity, with the rectal cavity and even with the bladder.

Severe complications that are accompanied by a long course and are difficult to treat drug therapy, are capable of causing purulent arthritis and other, no less dangerous, diseases.

Main and specific causes of inflammation of the sweat glands

The following body conditions should be considered as the main causes of inflammation of the sweat gland:

  • Smoking;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Development of infection;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Impaired patency of sweat channels;
  • Changes in the skin due to its thickening.

The main causative agent of infection is staphylococcus, the activity of which causes the development of occlusion. As a result of the changes that occur, Schiff acid is produced with the formation of prickly heat, complicated by inflammation of the sweat glands.

A variety of provoking factors are considered to be specific causes. One of them is menstrual irregularities in women. Often this is due to the presence excess weight, promoting changes in metabolic processes in the genitals. In this case, the body experiences increased amount androgens.

Inflammation of the sweat glands can be caused by exposure to chemical irritant or mechanical irritation received during depilation of the groin and axillary area.

Factors that cause inflammation of the sweat glands

The main factors causing inflammation in the sweat gland, there may be:

  1. The main predisposing factor is genetic predisposition. Autosomal dominant inheritance often leads to inflammation.
  2. Decreased immunity when the body's defenses are unable to cope with the cause of inflammation.
  3. Endocrine. The cause may be diabetes mellitus, pathologies thyroid gland, kidneys or adrenal glands.
  4. The possibility of participation in the development of pathology of sex hormones in the form of an excess of androgens is allowed.
  5. Diseases. Related chronic cases diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, helminthiasis.
  6. Exacerbation of inflammation of the sweat glands in women usually occurs before menstruation and after pregnancy. During pregnancy and after menopause, the severity of the disease usually decreases.
  7. Allergic skin reaction, dermatitis.
  8. Mutation processes. It has been noted that inflammation can be caused by mutations in the psen1, psenen and ncstn genes. It is in them that the cellular proteins components of gamma secretase are produced.
  9. Obesity. Being overweight contributes to mechanical irritation problem areas of the skin, and also causes occlusion and maceration (processes that cause the dissolution of the intercellular substance), which leads to constant moisture in the skin with softening and redness.

Wearing tight or non-breathable clothing can cause skin irritation and subsequent inflammation. Some medications, such as oral contraceptives or medications containing lithium, can also cause inflammation of the sweat glands.


Symptoms of the disease rarely force a patient with inflammation of the sweat gland to seek treatment. medical care at their first manifestation. Typically, patients try to make do on their own, using the most effective methods to eliminate inflammation. various methods. A visit to the doctor is usually made in case of serious complications or when severe pain, which does not decrease within several days and interferes with normal existence.

Persistent inflammatory processes in the sweat gland can cause the formation of fistulous tracts under the skin, combining several areas with abscesses. In this case, it is usually impossible to recover completely; you can only achieve stable remission, interrupted from time to time by exacerbations.

Hidradenitis develops gradually, smoothly moving from one stage to another. Each stage of the disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Inflammation of the sweat glands can be determined by the following signs:

  1. The presence of a painful node on the skin surrounded by redness.
  2. The appearance of itching and pain.
  3. If the gland in the armpit is inflamed, it becomes painful to move your arm. With further development of inflammation, pain is felt even in a calm state.
  4. Development of edema.
  5. Deterioration in general health, headache, weakness, fever.
  6. Purulent contents of the nodes may be observed, with the absence of the main rod in them.

If the necessary treatment is not carried out, the infection can enter the blood and cause severe complication. At the first symptoms of hidradenitis, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, where, in addition to an external examination, you may need to carry out additional diagnostics and do a blood test. When the diagnosis is confirmed, an increased level of leukocytes and a decrease in red blood cells will be detected in the blood.


If symptoms of inflammation of the sweat glands appear, you should consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and determination. accurate diagnosis. To do this, you will need to obtain the following results:

  • Conduct general analysis blood;
  • To identify the c-reactive protein component, it is necessary biochemical analysis blood;
  • In case of prolonged inflammation and in case of relapses, an immunogram is necessary;
  • Bacteriological seeding of material to identify the causative agent of infection and determine its resistance to antibacterial therapy;
  • If you suspect the formation of a fistula with the bladder, a urine test is necessary.

When conducting diagnostics, it is important to identify any differences from furunculosis and lymphadenitis, since, although they have common symptoms, the etiology and treatment methods for these pathologies are different.

Hurley staging system

This system is designed to classify skin pathologies such as psoriasis, acne and hidradenitis suppurativa. The system includes three groups or stages that characterize the skin changes and tissue scarring that occur.

  1. First stage. Consists in the formation of abscesses, which can be single or multiple, without fistulas or scars.
  2. Second stage. It is characterized by relapses with the formation of single or multiple abscesses, followed by the formation of fistulas and scars. Can occur simultaneously different areas bodies.
  3. Third stage. Diffuse or widespread rashes are detected, as well as communicating fistulous passages along the entire length of the affected area.

More common is the first stage of the disease, which is diagnosed in more than 68 cases out of a hundred of all patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. The second stage is observed in only 28 percent of patients, and the last, most severe third stage accounts for only 4 percent.

Although the Hurley system is convenient for practitioners and easy to use, it is not the only one. It is not able to reflect the features of the septic process and does not take into account the degree of development of erythema and the amount of purulent contents discharged. The very assessment of the patient’s condition in accordance with the three stages is unable to accurately determine the moment when therapeutic treatment should be replaced by surgical treatment.

Sartorius staging system

It is this six-step system that allows you to more accurately assess the condition of a patient with hidradenitis and the severity of the disease itself. This method is able to reflect the number of elements skin rash, the distance between existing lesion areas.

  • Pure degree - with the absence of nodes;
  • Minimum degree – with single nodes;
  • Moderate degree - with the presence of less than five inflammatory nodes without fistulas and abscesses, or the presence of a single active abscess or one fistula without the presence of additional inflamed nodes;
  • Medium degree - existing inflammatory nodes in the amount of less than five and one abscess, one active fistula with the presence of one or more nodes with inflammation, or up to ten inflammatory nodes with 2 - 5 fistulas or abscesses;
  • Severe degree - with existing active fistulas and abscesses from 2 to 5, and more than ten inflammatory nodes;
  • Very severe - with more than 5 abscesses or draining fistulas.

This system is more accurate, it allows you to estimate the number and types of lesions. In the Sartorius staging system, each point is assessed with a certain number of points, after which a general and regional score is obtained. Based on the findings obtained, the direction of further treatment is determined.

Treatment methods

Modern medicine does not have the ability to provide adequate therapy and effective methods for completely eliminating hidradenitis; treatment usually depends on the degree of damage and the severity of the pathological process.

  1. Typically this could be warm compresses from vinegar with distilled water, as well as light antiseptics with a cleansing effect and hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy.
  3. Warm sitz baths with distilled vinegar.

The use of these methods makes it possible to prevent bacterial infection of lesions. Basic treatment severe cases inflammation involves the use medicines. With absence positive results Based on the therapy, patients with inflammation of the sweat glands, especially purulent in nature, are prescribed surgical treatment.

Laser hair removal is a radical method that allows you to remove hair by destroying its follicles using laser radiation for this purpose. After a procedure affecting the hair, after a few weeks, its cells are destroyed and the hair shaft with the dead root falls out.

The laser can affect the sweat gland itself using its thermal energy. After this, the gland is blocked and sweat production stops. When hyperhidrosis, which is one of the main causes of inflammation in the sweat gland, is eliminated, cases of hidradenitis become rare.

Studies have shown that the use of a laser with a wavelength of 1064 nanometers is useful for inflammation of the sweat glands.

Before starting laser treatment, that is, using laser hair removal or curettage, it is important to be firmly convinced that increased sweating belongs to isolated pathologies, and is not a manifestation of any disease. It makes no sense to eliminate excessive sweating, for example, during menopause, using surgery. Usage medicines, normalizing the general condition of such patients, will also relieve excessive sweating.


For long-term inflammation that takes on a chronic form, an effective method of treating hidradenitis is wide excision of the affected tissue using surgical intervention. In case of inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpit area, phalloplasty is usually used with the application of a thoracodorsal flap, which is taken from another part of the body, along with a vein, nerve and thoracodorsal artery.

Surgical treatment is indicated for purulent discharge; it involves incising the nodule and installing drainage. This allows you to eliminate the inflammation itself and get rid of the remaining fragments of purulent contents. After the wounds heal, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and disinfectants.

What medications should you take?

The use of medications can be carried out in the form of injections or tablets. For effective treatment, several medications are prescribed that correspond to the form of the disease and the presence of changes caused by the pathology. So:

  1. As antibiotics, drugs that suppress inflammation in the form of ceftriaxone or summed are prescribed.
  2. To prevent further spread of inflammation, it is prescribed hormonal agents, injected directly into the inflammatory focus itself. Typically, prednisolone injections are used for this.
  3. To enhance immunity, immunomodulators in the form of gamma globulins are used.
  4. Iodinol, mimarastine or chlorhexidine are used to disinfect the skin in the area of ​​inflammation.

Any treatment for inflammation of the sweat glands should be prescribed only by specialists and carried out under medical supervision.

Home therapy

Drug treatment will be more effective when supplemented with home therapy methods, which should also be carried out after the approval of the attending physician. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the pain, for which the surface of the inflamed lesion is wiped with alcohol or chlorhexidine. The treatment will benefit from using a pharmacy tincture of calendula, half diluted with water.

After this, a bandage with Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the inflamed node, ichthyol ointment or with levomekol.

Change it at least twice a day, leaving it overnight. Subsequently, it will be sufficient to treat the affected area with iodine or brilliant green.


In the absence of treatment or if it is not completed, inflammation of the sweat glands may end chronic course, as well as complications such as anemia, amyloidosis or arthropathy with secondary joint damage. Soft tissue swelling may develop in the form of severe lymphedema in lower limbs. The third stage of the disease threatens with unopened fistulas, the lack of treatment of which can lead to the formation of squamous cell carcinoma. Surgery can usually stop the inflammatory process. The number of relapses in this case is minimal and amounts to no more than 2.5 percent.

Timely treatment helps rapid recovery patient after suffering from inflammation, excluding cases of unwanted recurrence. In this case, it is necessary to comply hygienic requirements and get rid of concomitant diseases, which could cause the development of inflammation in the sweat glands.