What can hurt is on the left side. Pain in the left hypochondrium - is it worth worrying about?

Nausea and severe pain in the left side, especially of an unknown nature, greatly disturbs a person and always carries the risk of rapid development of events according to a dangerous scenario. Knowing them probable causes will help you maintain your presence of mind and competently provide assistance in a critical situation.

The causes of pain in the left side in combination with nausea can be divided into the following categories:

  • injuries to organs and mucous membranes due to foreign bodies, including passing kidney stones;
  • inflammatory processes, especially those causing bleeding or leading to the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum;
  • persistent spasms of the muscles of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastrointestinal obstruction;
  • situational pain associated with overeating and so-called indigestion - a deficiency of digestive enzymes.

If abdominal trauma is excluded, these causes are extremely rare in pure form and are often a consequence of each other. Thus, inflammatory foci on the intestinal walls provoke spasms of the intestinal muscles. And, on the contrary, stagnation of food due to dynamic (associated with increased muscle tone) constipation causes food decomposition and rapid reproduction pathogenic microflora and creates favorable conditions for additional infection of mucous membranes.

Spasmodic causes of pain, one way or another having a neurogenic nature, include pyloric spasm, which prevents the movement of food into the small intestine, irritable bowel syndrome and flatulence.

Causes of pain in the left side associated with obstruction:

  1. large intestinal tumors localized on the left, pyloric tumor;
  2. intestinal adhesive processes that limit its peristalsis;
  3. development of intestinal obstruction of various etiologies (involvement foreign body, entanglement of intestinal loops, blockage with fecal stones).

Important! Nausea combined with pain in the left side is a clear sign increase in intoxication and (or) involvement in pathological process digestive system.

The root causes of pain in the left side of an inflammatory nature:

  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • spleen diseases;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • inflammation of the area of ​​strangulated intestinal hernia or hernia hiatus diaphragm, intestinal, esophageal diverticulum - bag-like protrusion of the wall;
  • attack acute appendicitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic urological or gynecological diseases, ectopic pregnancy.

The first 3 reasons are the most likely, so it is worth dwelling on them in more detail.


The pancreas is the “conductor” of digestive processes, a real enzyme factory, producing 2 liters of secretion per day (this is 10 times more than is necessary for digestion). The level of glucose in the blood and the ability of the gastrointestinal tract to digest fats depend on its uninterrupted operation: pancreatic juice and bile secreted by the liver work only in conjunction.

Regular overeating, excess fat in the diet and alcohol (to which the gland is very sensitive) leads to its overload, inflammation and swelling. The products of tissue inflammation activate its own secretion, and the gland begins to “digest” itself. If measures are not taken, necrotizing pancreatitis develops, causing irreversible tragic changes in the organ.

The situation is aggravated by proximity bile ducts- it facilitates the entry of bile into the excretory ducts of the gland (the so-called biliary pancreatitis). Tissue inflammation disrupts the function of the gland, the quality of the secretion, interferes with its outflow and normal digestion of food. Over time, its breakdown products begin to poison the body, causing nausea.

It is the swelling, blocking the internal ducts and blood vessels, that causes characteristic severe pain, which is called shingles. They really give back.

Note! The inflammatory process in the head of the gland is accompanied by pain in the navel (epigastric region), which can easily be confused with stomach pain.

The danger of pancreatic diseases is that their onset is practically asymptomatic, and they are difficult to treat.

Disorders of the spleen

The spleen is not a vital human organ, but is actively involved in hematopoiesis and the formation immune reactions. She has nothing to do with digestive process, but its proximity to the stomach causes certain diagnostic difficulties, making the symptoms of their diseases similar. Indirect sign Pathologies of the spleen can result in an inexplicable “subsidence” of the immune system: severe progression and constant relapses of infectious diseases.

Lesions of the spleen are most often the result of injuries, blood diseases, the development of tumors or blood supply disorders. Pain concentrated in the left side of the abdomen can cause:

  1. splenic infarction - acute shortage blood supply, it develops as a complication of leukemia or a number of infections, twisting of the so-called pedicle of the spleen, which contains the vessels that feed the organ;
  2. abscess- a consequence of inflammation of the cardiac membrane localized nearby, sepsis;
  3. organ rupture- occurs only as a result of injury, it is dangerous due to internal bleeding leading to peritonitis.

The spleen, like the liver, has the unique ability to recover when partially removed.

Peptic ulcer

Regardless of the cause of peptic ulcer - neurogenic (on nervous soil), oncogenic (consequence tumor process) or alimentary (food) - no one will argue what it is most dangerous pathology threatening life and requiring medical supervision and treatment.

It causes characteristic nagging pain in the stomach after eating, which radiate (give) to the left, since ulcers most often occur along small curvature stomach. Defects in the mucosa not only paralyze its ability to move food, cause pyloric spasm and congestion. Secretory abilities are disrupted, and no matter which direction the acidity levels swing, they upset the fragile balance, the tone of which is set by the stomach. Fluctuations in acidity disrupt the entire digestive chain, inevitably leading to intoxication and its main symptom of nausea.

The most dangerous complication of an ulcer is its perforation, leading to peritonitis, or bleeding, which can cause shock and death.

Diagnosis of pain in the left side

If a person’s condition is not urgent, the doctor, during a conversation and examination, finds out:

  • nature and time of onset of pain;
  • the circumstances after which they began;
  • character taste sensations, stool and feces.
  • what symptoms, other than nausea, bother the patient.

Palpation is of particular importance (in cases of severe pathology, the spleen literally protrudes from under the left rib).

Fibergastroduodenoscopy allows you to examine the condition of the mucous membranes of the upper gastrointestinal tract, and fibrocolonoscopy allows you to examine the intestinal mucosa.

What to do?

Effective first aid cannot be provided without understanding the causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen. The strategy to combat it is based on 3 conditions:

  1. thermal procedures are excluded, even if the person is shivering. Hot bath allowed if there is no temperature, but there is complete confidence that the cause is a gallstone;
  2. complete rest is required;
  3. complete abstinence from food, at least until the full picture of the disease is clarified.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • pale skin, cold drenching sweat, sharp decline blood pressure, blue discoloration of the nail plates (signs of heavy internal bleeding);
  • confusion;
  • high (above 39ºC) temperature;
  • , bile, mucus, feces;
  • unbearable pain;
  • progressive deterioration of the condition.

Note! Will help relieve the pain of acute appendicitis a little cold compress, a heating pad with ice, but moderation must be observed and the patient must not be overcooled.

Drug therapy

Even with severe nausea In no case should you induce vomiting, at least until a doctor arrives (only if there is a suspicion of poisoning). A tablet of no-shpa, drotaverine or an injection of platiphylline will help to briefly alleviate the condition without blurring the clinical manifestations.

The therapeutic regimen depends on the symptoms and severity of the patient’s condition, his age and concomitant diseases. It is clarified in a hospital setting based on the results of the examination.


When the condition is stabilized, a gentle diet is prescribed, which involves complete failure from fatty, spicy and salty foods, which cause sodium retention and edema, especially dangerous in case of kidney pathologies. In case of lesions of the mucous membranes, the temperature and consistency of food, a high degree of culinary processing, which facilitates digestion as much as possible, are very important.

Traditional medicine

Facilities traditional medicine in cases severe pathologies acquire auxiliary value, being a complement to traditional treatment. Antiseptics are usually indicated herbal infusions, agents that correct the acidity of gastric juice.


The best prevention of abdominal pain and intoxication are regular examinations, healthy image life and balanced diet nutrition is a reliable guarantor of strong immunity. The signals that the body gives should be treated carefully. This is a guarantee that many serious illnesses can be diagnosed on time.

The condition in which the left side of the abdomen hurts in women is called “pelvic pain.” This is a collective term that includes an extensive list of pathologies localized in the abdomen, posterior and anterior parts of the body.

According to statistics, left-sided pain in the lower abdomen bothers every 6th person on the planet at least once in their life. There are many known diseases that are characterized by the presence of this symptom. Pelvic pain in women can occur due to chronic or acute pathologies intestines, organs of the female reproductive or urinary system. Disturbances in the pelvic floor can also cause the problem. lymph nodes, musculoskeletal system or blood vessels.

In most cases, the cause of left-sided pain in the lower abdomen is the organs located on the left side of the body:

Spleen Unpaired organ immune system, performing the functions of hematopoiesis and blood supply, located behind the stomach. The spleen is not a vital organ, since its functions are taken over by the liver and lymph nodes.
Small intestine The section of the digestive tract in which digestion processes occur. Left section small intestine may hurt due to blockages and inflammation.
Colon The lower part of the intestine, in which the processes of absorption of water from food debris and the formation of feces take place. Pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by blockage or inflammation of the left transverse descending colon and its branches.
Left hip joint Located in the connection area of ​​the left femur with a basin. Any problems in this area may cause pain syndrome, while pathological processes affect not only bone tissue, but also muscles, tendons, cartilage, nerves and blood vessels.
Bud One of the paired organs that perform the function of urine formation, located in the lumbar region. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the left kidney, left-sided pain may occur in the front or back of the body of varying degrees of intensity.
Ovary One of the paired organs of the female reproductive system in which the formation of eggs occurs. With diseases of the left ovary, pain may occur in the lumbar region, radiating to the front of the body.
Uterus The internal genital organ, the main purpose of which is the placement and development of the fetus during pregnancy. Left-sided pain can be caused by pathologies of the uterus itself, its cervix or the left fallopian tube.

According to statistics, the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen in women is urological or gynecological pathologies. Less often, representatives of the fair sex suffer from disorders of the digestive tract and spinal pathologies.

Causes of pain and illness

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen in women can occur as physiological reasons, and due to pathological lesions internal organs and systems. In the first case, flatulence and fetal pressure on internal organs during pregnancy can cause discomfort. During menstruation, most women experience pain of physiological origin of varying intensity. There are also many known serious illnesses which cause pain in the lower abdomen and require immediate medical attention.


Adnexitis is a gynecological disease, which is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of the appendages: ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pathology is often diagnosed in women reproductive age(from 20 to 35 years).

As a rule, the infection first occurs in fallopian tube, and from there it affects the ovary. It enters the body through sexual contact or through the bloodstream. The causative agent of the disease can be any harmful microbes, in particular streptococci or staphylococci. The risk of getting sick increases for women who have had abortions or improper installation intrauterine devices and other similar manipulations.

Symptoms of adnexitis:

The symptoms of adnexitis are similar to those of acute appendicitis, which makes diagnosis difficult. If left untreated, the disease develops into a chronic form, when the intensity of the pain subsides, but it is felt constantly. Against the background of hypothermia and during stress, the risk of complications increases: peritonitis, adhesive processes, infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pain syndrome is one of the main signs ectopic pregnancy. Unilateral constant or intermittent pain in the left side below the abdomen may indicate that a fertilized egg has implanted in the left fallopian tube. This is a dangerous condition life-threatening women. Discomfort manifests itself even before the onset of delay and the appearance of accompanying symptoms: chest pain, nausea. After physical activity or sexual intercourse discomfort may intensify.


Pain in the lower abdomen can occur due to an ovarian cyst - benign education, which arises as a consequence of pathological or physiological processes, and has the shape of a thin-walled sac filled with liquid. Ovarian cyst occurs in women of different ages. Predisposing factors are hormonal disorders and inflammatory processes of the internal organs of the pelvis.

The following symptoms indicate the presence of an ovarian cyst:

  • unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which increases during sex, urination, or increased physical activity
  • decreasing the intervals between the urge to urinate
  • constipation
  • nausea and vomiting (characteristic of the acute course of the disease)
  • increase in body temperature when an inflammatory process occurs
  • inability to get pregnant
  • abdominal swelling

A cyst is diagnosed based on ultrasound examination and visual inspection. Additional tests and examinations may also be needed.

Types of ovarian cysts:

Name Peculiarities Symptoms
Follicular formed in the ovarian follicle, the membrane consists of connective tissue symptoms are mild or absent, cycle disruptions and pain in the lower abdomen are observed
Corpus luteum cyst formed in women of reproductive age due to impaired blood supply to the corpus luteum at the site of burst follicles, may contain blood clots symptoms are either completely absent or there is pain in the lower abdomen
Paraovarian occurs in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and ovaries, more often diagnosed in girls during puberty pain in the lower abdomen, swelling;
menstrual irregularities; infertility
Endometrioid formed when endometrial cells and ovarian tissues grow together, can burst and cause inflammation abdominal cavity(peritonitis) lower abdominal pain; menstrual irregularities
Cystic tumor poses a danger to a woman's life looks like a cyst

In most cases, cysts go away on their own within a few months, and complications occur less frequently. If removal of the formation is required, a simple operation is performed - laparoscopy.

Inflammation of the upper mucous membrane of the uterus, which matures every cycle and is shed during menstruation, is called endometritis. Entry of the pathogen into the uterine cavity can cause an acute or chronic course of the disease. Provoking factors are childbirth, C-section, abortions, curettage and other similar manipulations. The causative agents of endometritis are harmful microbes and microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria, etc.

Symptoms of the acute course of the disease:

  • increased body temperature, fever
  • lower abdominal pain
  • purulent vaginal discharge
  • increased heart rate
  • discomfort when urinating

If acute endometritis is not treated, the disease becomes chronic. This pathology often causes infertility, pregnancy failure, and complications during pregnancy.


The growth of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterus) into other tissues of the uterus and nearby organs is called endometriosis. Diagnosed in women of teenage and reproductive age. During endometriosis, endometrial cells form growths that cause pain, discomfort, and complicate the processes of fertilization of the egg and gestation. Growths form in the area of ​​the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, rectum, and intestines. During menstruation, these formations are rejected, but do not come out. This leads to the emergence internal bleeding And inflammatory processes, tissue scarring.


  • severe pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse
  • irregular or excessively heavy periods
  • fatigue, loss of performance
  • pain in the stomach and lower back
  • stool disorders

To make a final diagnosis, laparoscopy is prescribed, during which the possibility of oncological pathology is excluded.

Pathologies of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract

Diseases associated with the genitourinary system and organs gastrointestinal tract may cause pain in the left side of the abdomen. There is a large list of such diseases that differ in localization, intensity, characteristic manifestations. Diagnosis and treatment similar problems should be handled by a specialist.

Appendicitis and cholecystitis

The appendix is ​​a ventricular appendix located in the lower part of the intestine. This is a branch of the cecum, narrowed towards the bottom, without a lumen. The appendix is ​​not a vital organ. For a long time it was believed that it did not perform any functions, but modern Scientific research prove the opposite. There is reason to believe that this organ is important for the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, regulation of the amount beneficial microflora in the intestines.

Inflammation of the appendix manifests itself in an acute form; the chronic form of the disease is less common. Due to the accumulation of pus, the appendage increases in size. Often inflammation leads to rupture of the appendix and the development of complications in the future: sepsis, abscess, peritonitis. Without urgent surgical intervention, the likelihood of death increases.


  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the right, but there are also cases with left-sided pain)
  • increase in body temperature
  • vomiting and nausea
  • Kocher's symptom (movement of the localization of pain in the abdominal area)

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Its manifestations are similar to those of appendicitis. The disease is caused by a violation of the outflow of bile. In most cases, the provoking factor is stones in biliary tract. When repeated many times acute cholecystitis the disease becomes chronic. Pain with cholecystitis occurs after eating fatty or spicy food, alcohol. Unpleasant sensations increase during times of stress or excessive physical activity. With biliary colic, the pain is localized in the abdomen, hypochondrium, back, and shoulder blades. Similar conditions require urgent medical care.

Inflammatory process and infections

Infections of the pelvic organs occur as a result of pathogenic viruses and bacteria entering the body, provoking severe inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of infections of the female genital organs include:

  • Blunt pain different localization abdominal area
  • Over time, discomfort moves to the lumbar region
  • missed periods
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge, burning sensation
  • redness and itching of the vagina and labia
  • temperature increase
  • dehydration
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • severe pain during menstruation

Viral and bacterial infections require urgent treatment and timely contact with a specialist.


While taking some oral contraceptives changes are happening hormonal levels, can be observed painful sensations in the abdominal area or below it. If the pain does not go away for a long time, it is recommended to consult a specialist and change the drug. Incorrectly installed intrauterine devices, in particular the IUD, can cause pain on the left side below the abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

Types of pain and associated symptoms

The intensity of pain in the lower abdomen indicates the severity of the pathology and can also help in diagnosing the disease. Before the doctor arrives, it is forbidden to independently relieve discomfort with painkillers and compresses.

Aching dull pain

Similar sensations are experienced by women suffering from problems with the reproductive system. Inflammation of the internal genital organs is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature, deterioration in general well-being, and loss of performance. Also, aching, dull pain is accompanied by some non-inflammatory diseases and menstrual irregularities. Discomfort increases during sexual intercourse.

Possible causes of aching, dull pain:

  • left lymph node enlargement
  • varicose veins
  • haemorrhoids
  • bladder pathology

Nagging pain

Nagging pain in the left side is usually of low intensity and at different intervals. Occurs when purulent pathologies, strangulated hernias, oncological diseases. As the tumor grows, discomfort increases and pain increases. It is possible to join others serious symptoms: nausea, increased temperature, changes in the size of lymph nodes, etc.

Spasms of the pelvic organs, increased gas formation in the intestines, effects on nerve endings are the causes of sharp pain in the side below the abdomen. Such conditions indicate an acute course of diseases of the internal organs.

Stitching pain

Colic or paroxysmal stabbing pain in the left side is a sign of kidney or intestinal pathologies. This is a dangerous symptom that may indicate one of the following problems:

  • inflammation of joints, cartilage, lower back (shooting pain)
  • increased gas formation in the intestines (pain subsides after going to the toilet)
  • ovarian cyst rupture

For correct diagnosis, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms that occur in combination with left-sided pain. As a rule, this is a change in temperature, diarrhea, nausea, etc.

What to do for pain in the side

If the pain in the lower abdomen is mild or caused by increased gas formation, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. You can take a special drug to reduce the symptoms of bloating, drinking it sufficient quantity water.

  • sharp sharp pain
  • presence of accompanying symptoms: deterioration of health, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite or vomiting
  • abdominal pain during pregnancy
  • persistence of pain for more than 1-2 days
  • bowel disorder: diarrhea or constipation
  • urinary disorders
  • prolonged bloating
  • pain radiating from the left side of the abdomen to the neck, shoulders, chest

Treatment of left-sided lower abdominal pain in women should be carried out as prescribed by a specialist. If you feel a sharp sharp pain, you need to take a comfortable position, relax and wait for the doctor to arrive. Menstrual pain You can treat it yourself, after consulting with your doctor. For this, painkillers and sedatives, compresses to the abdominal area, and light massage are indicated. During this period, it is recommended to limit physical activity and get more rest.

Which doctor should I contact?

If there is discomfort in the left lower abdomen, a woman should seek medical help. First of all, it is recommended to visit a therapist or family doctor, who will issue a referral for consultation with a specialist doctor:

  • gastroenterologist
  • gynecologist
  • urologist
  • proctologist
  • surgeon
  • oncologist, etc.

Subsequently, the patient is shown comprehensive diagnostics, based on the data of which treatment is prescribed.


For pelvic pain of any intensity, it is recommended to urgently undergo comprehensive examination. In some women, diseases of the pelvic organs are completely asymptomatic. Without timely medical care they develop severe complications from the genitourinary, lymphatic, digestive and other systems of the body.

The diagnosis for left-sided pain in the lower abdomen is based on:

  • data from a visual examination of the patient by a doctor
  • ultrasound data of internal organs
  • results of blood and urine tests, which help determine the presence of an inflammatory process

Depending on the severity of the disease, the examination is carried out by one or more specialists. Based on the examination results, a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.


Treatment of left-sided lower abdominal pain in women is aimed at relieving unpleasant symptoms and getting rid of the cause of the problem.

Treatment methods for lower abdominal pain:

  1. Conservative therapy - reception medicines in combination with traditional medicine recipes as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Physiotherapy - the use of special healing techniques to relieve pain symptoms and combating the cause of the disease.
  3. Surgical intervention is carried out in emergency cases, if there is a threat to the patient’s life.

For diseases genitourinary system shows careful adherence to rules intimate hygiene. During treatment it is necessary to abstain from sexual acts. For intestinal diseases, it is important to regulate your diet and exclude foods that cause increased gas formation and fermentation. Daily diet must be selected in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist.


Prevention of pain in the lower abdomen involves timely consultation with a doctor at the first signs of illness. To avoid increased gas formation, you need to adhere to special diet. It is usually recommended to exclude dairy products from the diet, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, fatty, fried, salty or sweet food. Observing personal hygiene rules will help you avoid diseases of the genitourinary system. Women need to visit a gynecologist for preventive purposes at least once every 6 months. Pregnant women should register with a doctor in a timely manner and undergo all necessary examinations.

Video: Where does pain in the lower abdomen come from in women? Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the fallopian tubes

Pain in the left side is a relatively common phenomenon. This anatomical region contains a wide variety of tissues and organs. Therefore, to clearly answer the question “why does my left side hurt?" - it is forbidden.

What hurts on the left side?

Unpleasant sensations can be localized in different areas, for example, just under the ribs or in the lower abdomen. Depending on where they are located and what nature they are, we can talk about which organ is affected or where inflammation develops. Usually these are: stomach, pancreas, liver and intestines.

Other organs should not be excluded.

For example, pain on the left side sometimes occurs for a number of other reasons:

  • Diseases of the kidneys, ureter and bladder, spleen, uterine appendages;
  • Damage to the respiratory organs (lungs, diaphragm, pleura);
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system;
  • Pathologies abdominal wall– hernias;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the peripheral nervous system;
  • Diseases of the blood and connective tissues;
  • Endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus).

Pain during pregnancy

When your left side hurts during pregnancy, you don’t always need to overreact.

However, you need to visit a doctor in the following situations:

  • There was a sudden sharp pain in good general condition;
  • Unpleasant sensations last longer than half an hour;
  • Their intensity increases rapidly;
  • Pain accompanied by pallor skin, general weakness, loss of consciousness and vaginal bleeding.

The above symptoms indicate a threat of miscarriage. In the first weeks after conception, discomfort may occur due to an increase in the size of the uterus, because it begins to put pressure on neighboring organs. For example, pain can be caused by a displaced intestine by the uterus.

Diseases of the stomach characterized by pain

Gastritis. Characteristic symptoms are aching pain, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. The most pronounced signs of gastritis are during an exacerbation. With this pathology, the left side hurts, more often after eating and during meals. There is a feeling of pressure and heaviness in the stomach, belching.

Heartburn indicates that food has entered the esophagus. There is also a series general disorders: weakness, irritability, disturbance heart rate, drowsiness and sweating after eating, anemia, impaired sensitivity of the limbs.

Peptic ulcer disease. The intensity and severity of symptoms depends on the duration of the disease. It is worth noting that painful sensations also occur after eating, and with a similar pathology of the duodenum - on an empty stomach.

Suspicion of an ulcer also arises in the presence of heartburn with belching that has sour taste. Patients lose weight, and after eating they experience nausea and often vomiting. Is very dangerous perforated ulcer. In this case, a hole appears in the wall of the stomach. This situation requires immediate hospitalization.

Stomach tumors. The danger of these pathologies is that early stages

they don't show themselves at all. In the future, painful sensations arise that are constant in nature, but are in no way related to eating. A tumor can be suspected by several other symptoms: lack of appetite, dyspepsia, aversion to meat, weight loss, anemia, fast saturation

, feeling of overeating. The safest cause is constipation, which usually occurs due to the use of large quantity


My left side hurts just below my ribs This phenomenon in this area can be caused by: stomach diseases, heart attack, rupture or enlargement of the spleen, diaphragmatic hernia

, damage to the heart muscle, pleurisy, left-sided pneumonia localized in the lower part of the lung, rheumatic lesions.

, an attack of angina pectoris and a pre-infarction state.

Discomfortable phenomena in this area indicate pathologies in the intestines, ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis, torsion or rupture of an ovarian cyst.

A common disease causing pain, is colitis. Usually he is accompanied false urges for bowel movements, bloating, diarrhea. In the case of ulcerative colitis, phenomena such as: frequent loose stool or diarrhea mixed with blood and pus, fever, weakness, loss of appetite, possible weight loss, disturbance water balance body.

Intestinal obstruction is characterized by cramping pain that occurs at any time of the day. Other symptoms include constipation, gas, abdominal bloating and asymmetry, nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal volvulus is typical for children under one year of age. The same cramping pains occur, and blood may be present in the stool.

Bowel cancer. The main symptom is persistent constipation, which is difficult to treat. Added to these are rumbling, bloating, and a feeling of heaviness. At an advanced stage, it occurs intestinal obstruction

. There are blood impurities in the stool. Adnexitis is inflammation of the fallopian tube appendages. However, pain occurs only when acute course diseases. Associated symptoms

: fever, chills, malaise, sweating, abdominal pain on palpation, headaches and muscle pain.

The left side hurts, but in the back

Pain localized behind the ribs is most often a sign of heart disease. This symptom is characteristic of such pathologies as angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, pericarditis and myocardial infarction. It is worth noting that all of the above diseases in the vast majority of cases are accompanied by other symptoms. For example, pain during myocardial infarction radiates to the shoulder blade, neck, arm, and is also observed profuse sweating

, nausea and shortness of breath, dizziness may occur and lightheadedness may occur.

The left side hurts in the lumbar region from the back - a sign of kidney damage, most often pyelonephritis.

  • However, other phenomena also arise:
  • Intoxication syndrome;
  • General weakness;
  • Chills;
  • Temperature rises to 40 degrees;

Nausea, possible vomiting.

Any pain in the abdomen on the left side must be treated with great responsibility, since the abdominal cavity contains several organs at once - the pancreas, stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder, etc. It is imperative to find out the causes of pain in the left side.

To determine what to do if there is pain in the left side, you need to know exactly the cause. If you are bothered by pain in the left side of the abdomen, mainly at the top, this may indicate diseases associated with the spleen, pancreas, and stomach.

What to do if there is pain in the left side - the cause is the spleen

Pain in the left side may be due to dysfunction of the spleen. Why? Due to the fact that it has increased in size, pressure occurs on neighboring organs. Such pain in the lower left corner of the abdomen and left side may indicate a leak. typhoid fever or about the symptoms of mononucleosis. The reasons why the stomach on the left hurts is infection or various injuries.

The stomach is the cause of pain in the left side

Very often the pain in the upper left side comes from the stomach. The pain in the left side is aching in nature, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such symptoms are quite dangerous, since the stomach may hurt on the left side various reasons, some of which require immediate treatment, such as peptic ulcer or stomach cancer. It also happens that pain in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen is associated with a diaphragmatic hernia. This disease is most often observed in older people, and you need to know what to do if it hurts on the left side.

The pancreas is the cause of pain in the left side

The cause of pain in the left side of the abdomen may be the pancreas, and do not be confused by the fact that it hurts on the left side, because the pancreas is stretched through top part the abdomen, when it becomes inflamed, can hurt both on the right and in the middle and on the left side of the abdomen. Particularly dangerous is a very sharp pain, which seems to come from within and is girdling in nature. This pain radiates to the back and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as fever. In this case, you should not think about what to do if there is pain in the left side, you need an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Often this pain in the left side appears after a great lunch or dinner with fatty foods and alcohol. Accompanied by vomiting. The following are used to treat left side pain:

  • What to do if your stomach hurts on the left side? Take enzymes to stabilize your stomach. With the help of these drugs, food is digested synthetically;
  • A strict diet will help with pain in the left side. You need to sit on tea and crackers for a couple of days;
  • application separate power supply 7 times a day, no more than 150 grams of dry food will help you avoid the question of what to do if you have pain in your left side.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen, due to the pancreas, can be relieved with no-spa, but only if biliary dystonia of the hypomotor type has not been previously diagnosed. Additionally, as a treatment for pain in the left side, it is necessary to use alkaline, slightly heated water without gas.

What to do if there is pain in the left side - the cause is the intestines

This pain on the left side can occur due to inflammation lower sections large intestine, as a rule, in this case, in addition to pain, there are also other symptoms - bloating, stool disorders. IN in this case should be avoided for the duration of the pain in the left side fresh vegetables and fruits, spicy and spicy seasonings, milk, black bread. If the condition does not improve within a few days despite following a diet, it makes sense to consult a doctor so that you know what to do. May need to be applied medicinal drugs for the treatment of pain in the left side.

Diseases of the genitourinary system - the cause of pain in the left side

Pain in the left lower abdomen in women may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. If the pain is very severe, accompanied by fever and vomiting, and there may be pain not only in the left abdomen, but also on the right and left side - there is Great chance that the woman has torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst. Treatment in this case of pain in the left side is only surgical, so you should immediately call an ambulance.

Pain in the left side - causes of disease of the uterine appendages

With adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis (acute inflammation of the uterine appendages), acute pain may appear in the lower abdomen and left side - closer to groin area right or left. The temperature may rise, and when feeling the abdomen, the woman experiences severe pain. If the pain in the left side is very severe, it is advisable to call ambulance, if a woman is able to visit a doctor herself, this should be done as quickly as possible.

What to do if there is pain in the left side?

What to do if there is a sharp pain in the left side?

Pain in the left side indicates intestinal diseases or that it is “clogged.” If such pain in the left side is accompanied by constipation, it is necessary to seek help. medication assistance. Pain on the left side of the abdomen also indicates gynecological diseases. And if we add to this frequent urination– we can talk about disruption of stable kidney function. Abdominal pain on the left indicates inflammatory processes in the appendages, as well as the presence of a cyst in the left ovary. First of all, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since a ruptured cyst not only hurts and causes purulent blood infection, but also leads to death.

What to do if there is aching pain in the left side?

  • gently place the patient on his right side;
  • measure body temperature;
  • carry out palpation to determine the source of pain;
  • If necessary, urgently call an ambulance.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - the cause of pain in the left side

During an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may have pain on her left or right side. This occurs due to the fact that the egg, having been fertilized, stopped in the fallopian tube and began to develop in it. Every hour the egg increases in size, and after some time it begins to put pressure on the tube, thereby causing pain in the woman. If the ectopic pregnancy has developed in the left fallopian tube, then you will experience pain in the left side of the abdomen. At the same time, the pain intensifies each time, causing the woman unbearable pain.

Ectopic pregnancy - causes of pain in the left side

In addition to acute growing pain on the left or right side, the pregnant woman will suffer from dizziness and pain in the shoulders. As a rule, when an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the woman is urgently hospitalized and undergoes surgery. Basically, along with the embryo, the woman’s fallopian tube is also removed.

Muscle strain as a cause of pain in the left side

Muscle strain is another cause of pain on the left side during pregnancy. After conception, the uterus begins to actively increase in size. The ligaments that support her cannot keep up with her pace, so they stretch, causing the pregnant woman pain on the left or right side stomach and side.

When a ligament is sprained, a woman feels a dull aching pain, which can sometimes be sharp and severe. Determining the exact location of pain during a sprain is very difficult, since pain can occur throughout the abdominal area. Pain on the left or right side can also appear from a change in position or coughing.

Premature birth is the cause of pain in the left side

If your left side hurts greatly during pregnancy, and the due date has already approached, then most likely this is a signal of premature birth. In this case, the pain intensifies, it can be convulsive and radiate to the lower back or perineum. The abdomen usually becomes hard for a few seconds. You can start packing in maternity hospital if the pain becomes intense and regular. About what started premature birth, can also signal water that can gradually recede. At first, a woman may notice mucus discharge with blood vessels. This is a cervical plug that has already separated. This means that in 3-48 hours you will give birth to your baby. If this is your first time giving birth, you don't need to rush as first-time mothers usually give birth to their babies within 24-36 hours of the first signs of labor. But if you are multiparous, then your baby may appear 7-10 hours after the cervix opens 1 finger. Although, it all depends on the physiology of the pregnant woman.

Pain under the ribs in the left side occurs with acute and chronic diseases internal organs, nerves, muscles. In the projection of the left hypochondrium are the spleen, the left flexure colon, fundus of the stomach, tail of the pancreas, left part of the dome of the diaphragm, intercostal nerves, lower lobe of the left lung and pleura. The nature of the pain syndrome helps to distinguish one disease from another, to prescribe diagnostic examination and determine treatment tactics.

The left side hurts under the ribs on the side, what could it be? We will discuss it in this material.

Types of pain on the side in the left hypochondrium

Pain sensations may differ in intensity, time of occurrence, dependence on physical activity, breathing or food intake. Some types of pain indicate exacerbation chronic processes in the body and require adequate therapy. Acute pain in the left hypochondrium with a high degree of intensity develops when emergency conditions. Such patients must be immediately transported to the hospital for surgery and resuscitation.

According to the intensity of the pain syndrome, there are:

  • acute - constant intense pain, causing deep emotional experiences, poorly relieved by painkillers;
  • chronic – periodic pain of low intensity, which is relieved with painkillers.

According to the nature of the pain sensations there are:

  • piercing;
  • cutting;
  • drilling;
  • stupid;
  • aching;
  • bursting;
  • shooting;
  • encircling.

According to the source of pain, there are:

  • visceral – occur as a result of inflammatory processes, injuries and bleeding from internal organs;
  • muscular - arise as a result of inflammation or traumatic rupture of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall or chest;
  • neurological - occurs when the nerve trunks become inflamed;
  • peritoneal – develop due to irritation of the peritoneum (“acute” abdomen);
  • reflected - spread to the left hypochondrium from distant organs along nerve fibers and require differential diagnosis.

If acute, unbearable pain occurs, you must call an ambulance. In case of chronic pain syndrome, it is recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner for diagnosis of the disease and treatment.

Spleen diseases

The spleen is a hematopoietic organ. Inflammation is characterized by a rapid increase in size of the spleen (splenomegaly), and in case of injury there is a high risk of rupture of the organ capsule with heavy bleeding. Splenomegaly occurs with mononucleosis, acute and chronic form leukemia, anemia, hypersplenism, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, ARVI.

Diseases of the organ are characterized by bursting, pressing pain in the left hypochondrium, which does not depend on physical activity and food intake. When the spleen ruptures, a bluish area forms around the navel, dizziness, nausea, and weakness appear. The pain at the time of rupture of an organ of a traumatic or infectious nature is acute and cutting in nature.

Intestinal diseases

Pathology of the small intestine leads to visceral or referred pain in the left side. A tumor of the left colon in the later stages of the disease causes aching pain that intensifies 2-3 hours after eating. The pain syndrome occurs against a background of weakness, weight loss, and aversion to food. Enteritis is characterized by periodic dull pain in the left side, which are accompanied by constipation and diarrhea, a feeling of transfusion in the abdomen, and increased gas formation. At ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, blood appears in the stool.

Stomach diseases

Gastritis and gastric ulcer cause pain in the epigastric region and in the left hypochondrium. In the case of gastritis, the pain is stabbing, boring, shooting, intensifying after taking acute and fatty foods. Characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching rotten or sour, heartburn, nausea.

Peptic ulcer disease manifests itself with hunger and night pain (increased discomfort on an empty stomach), after eating, the pain syndrome decreases. Characterized by vomiting mixed with blood, loss of body weight, and asthenia. Perforation of the ulcer is accompanied by dagger-like acute pain, vomiting, severe weakness, retardation of consciousness, and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall. This acute condition requiring emergency medical care and surgical intervention.

Stomach cancer causes aversion to food (usually meat products), constant aching pain in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium, weight loss, weakness, anemia. When a tumor grows into large nerve trunks, an acute pain syndrome occurs, which can only be relieved with narcotic analgesics.

Pancreatic diseases

Inflammation of the pancreas is called pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis causes indigestion and periodic pain in the left side. Characterized by diarrhea, greasy stools with lumps of undigested food, and flatulence. Pain of a stabbing, bursting, shooting nature occurs 1-1.5 hours after eating. Often the pain syndrome becomes girdling - spasmodic pain compresses the left and right hypochondrium in a “ring”.

Acute pancreatitis refers to dangerous conditions with a high degree of mortality (up to 60%). Acute pain of high intensity appears, nausea, vomiting without relief, increased body temperature up to 39 degrees, chills, loss of appetite, fluid frequent stool. The disease usually develops after heavy intake of spicy or fatty foods or alcohol abuse. Whenever acute pancreatitis the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital for diagnosis and therapy.

Pancreatic cancer is asymptomatic for a long time. Sometimes loose stools, nausea, and vomiting appear after a heavy meal. The first sign of the disease is often yellowing of the skin and sclera as a result of compression of the bile ducts by the tumor. Pain in the left hypochondrium occurs in the later stages of the disease, constantly or periodically. The pain syndrome is dull, bursting, does not depend on food intake, less often intense - due to the germination of a tumor of the nerve trunks. Often accompanied by vomiting and refusal to eat.

Muscle disease

Muscle inflammation - myositis can be accompanied by pain in the left side. The pain syndrome is shooting and cramping, intensifies when muscle fibers are stretched while bending in the opposite direction. When palpating the affected muscles, it is determined painful lump. Inflammation of the diaphragm most often occurs with congenital or acquired hernias. Dumb or burning pain develops when food passes through the esophagus and the body bends after eating. Pain syndrome usually occurs behind the sternum, but can spread to the left hypochondrium.

Intercostal neuralgia

Inflammation of the intercostal nerves is commonly called intercostal neuralgia. In most clinical cases, the disease develops with herpes zoster. An acute burning pain occurs, which is localized in the left hypochondrium and can spread to the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spine. Discomfort increases when bending towards the affected side. Subsequently, a herpetic rash forms in the intercostal spaces - small grouped blisters with transparent contents.

Left lung disease

Pain in the left side can appear with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia with involvement of the pleura in the pathological process. There is a cutting, stabbing, boring pain in the left hypochondrium, which intensifies at the height of inspiration. Pneumonia is characterized by an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees, shortness of breath, weakness, dry or productive cough, wheezing when listening to breathing.

Dry pleurisy causes pain at the height of inspiration, while there are no symptoms from the lungs. A tumor of the left lung with spread of the neoplasm to the pleura is characterized by pain in the left side when breathing, rapid decline body weight, hemoptysis, weakness and drowsiness.

Heart diseases

During myocardial infarction, pain occurs in the left half of the chest, between the shoulder blades, and radiates to the arm on the affected side. The atypical course of the disease leads to referred pain in the left hypochondrium. Sharp, cramping, shooting pain is noted in the left side high intensity, shortness of breath, fear of death, palpitations, numbness of the left arm. Taking nitroglycerin or painkillers does not bring relief.

If pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor for examination and treatment. Timely consultation with a specialist reduces the risk of disease progression and complications.