How to treat urolithiasis at home? How to quickly cure a cold at home, without serious consequences for the body. Doctor's advice: how to treat a cold yourself

Enterocolitis today is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract which both adults and children face. Act as a provocateur for the development of the disease, may whole line various reasons, therefore, it is important to know how to correctly and timely diagnose the disease, as well as what methods of treatment and prevention...

22.04.2018 ,

Almost every person has encountered such a problem as warts in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. Outwardly they appear as a dense neoplasm above healthy skin by 1-10 millimeters, rough to the touch, but not different in skin color, and not accompanied painful sensations. Warts are not dangerous to health, but they cause aesthetic discomfort, and...

15.04.2018 ,

Myocarditis is an inflammatory lesion of the heart muscle (myocardium), which is responsible for the functions of contraction and relaxation of the heart, as well as normal blood circulation. The disease has no age, it can manifest itself both at the age of 20 and at an older age, but most often, people experience it after 40 years, it can occur...

03.04.2018 ,

Arterial hypertension, in our time, the most common disease among people after 35-40 years of age. Hypertension is a heart disease vascular system, which is accompanied by pressure above 140/90. The presence of this disease negatively affects the vascular system of the heart and brain. After all, when high blood pressure, vessels, for a fairly short time, have the property ...

01.04.2018 ,

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses, which occurs as a result of previously suffered viral and infectious diseases. There are several types of sinusitis, each of which has differences and treatment features, let's look at each of them. Types of sinusitis by localization Sinusitis The cause is strong, inflammatory process s in maxillary sinuses. Manifests itself in the form of congestion...


Vascular atherosclerosis refers to a number of chronic diseases, in which cholesterol attacks the walls of blood vessels, accumulating in them. People experience the disease after 45 years of age, but it can develop earlier, which entails a number of other unpleasant consequences- stroke, disability and even death. The vessels of the brain are most susceptible to atherosclerosis, in detail...

23.02.2018 ,

Today, every fifth person is faced with a disease such as pancreatitis. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation and modification of the pancreas, with pain in it. The development of the disease directly depends on the treatment methods, nutrition and lifestyle of the patient. There are several stages of pancreatitis, each of which involves individual approach in treatment …

15.02.2018 ,

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease bone tissue, as a result of which the density and strength of bones decreases, their fragility increases, as a result of which the risk of fractures increases, and a violation occurs metabolic processes in the skeleton. Most likely to occur of this disease women aged 45-55 years, during periods of serious hormonal changes, and any minor...

For all diseases - treatment folk remedies at home. The recipes we all need most traditional medicine.

I read many publications about the benefits oats, dill seed, salt, grenade etc. and decided to create a separate page for such useful and popular recipes, so that you can quickly find and use them.

You can’t do without doctors, but sometimes there are situations when you need to solve your problems yourself. I used folk treatment recipes from a healthy lifestyle and a MIRACLE happened, I was cured.

Now, while reading a healthy lifestyle, I save on the blog the most necessary and popular recipes for traditional treatment for myself and for those who will need them.

It depends only on ourselves, our lifestyle, our habits and beliefs.

From all sorts of ailments for all generations, which was used by our ancestors and is used by the modern generation to cure many painful and debilitating diseases, it came to us from ancient times and helps to this day...

For all diseases - treatment at home using traditional medicine...

I am mature and have health problems. I read publications, healthy lifestyle and get rid of my diseases. Folk recipes for treatment - for all diseases, these are golden recipes for all times, which means they need to be highlighted.

Only nature and its greatest miracle - the world of plants - can save us from diseases...

Slagging blood vessels leads to serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system: - coronary disease heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, varicose veins, thrombosis.

I read an informative publication about how, using oat treatment, my grandmother, after suffering a stroke, restored her blood sugar level to normal, and was diabetes the second type for many years.

The pressure returned to normal after 2 weeks of treatment, the kidneys and blood vessels were cleansed. The swelling of the legs subsided and sleep returned to normal.

The headaches went away and the hair loss stopped. Oats protect against flu, colds, relieve swelling of the nasopharynx and sore throat, weakness.

Drank oat decoction about a month, during which time I lost weight, became cheerful, and most importantly, my vision improved so much that now I can read without glasses, and it was +3.5.

For all diseases - dill seed...

This folk recipe removed high performance grandmother's blood pressure.

High blood pressure will return to normal, constipation will disappear, pain in the stomach and bladder will disappear, urinary and fecal incontinence will disappear if you pour a heaped tablespoon of dill seeds into a teapot (it is better to grind the dill seeds in a coffee grinder) and pour half a liter of boiling water over them.

Cover the teapot with a napkin or wrap it in a towel for 40 minutes so that the seeds are well steamed and release all the valuable substances into the water.
The resulting medicine should be drunk directly from the spout of the kettle, 3 sips often - at least seven times a day, and preferably 10. Be sure to drink during meals, not on an empty stomach and not after a heavy meal.

The course of treatment is a week, then the infusion can be consumed periodically, say, 2-3 days every month, for prevention.

In addition to this effect, this infusion of dill seed perfectly treats coughs, bronchitis, throat diseases, and also relieves insomnia.

Blood pressure and pancreas- drink dill 1 tsp. Infuse a glass of boiling water until slightly warm and drink before and during meals.

Now almost all people are sick. Cancer just kills people. A burdock cures everything oncological diseases . Treats diabetes, bronchitis, sinusitis, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, osteochondrosis, bone fractures, intervertebral hernia, atherosclerosis, ear diseases, chronic coronary insufficiency.

Absolutely everything in it is useful: the skins, the pulp of the fruit, its juice, the flowers of the tree, and the roots...

Saline solution (10%) has absorbent properties and draws liquid with pathogenic flora from the body tissue...

Young girl with adenoma mammary gland . She had to undergo surgery. I advised the patient to do saline dressings on the chest for several weeks. Imagine, no surgery was required.

from Dr. Bubnovsky - wash your feet at night...

I will be the happiest doctor if I teach my patients to wash their feet at night.

This means -

  • with a hard washcloth,
  • with laundry soap,
  • massage with a washcloth from fingers to thigh with intense movements,
  • sweep hot water,
  • rinse with cold
  • rub with a towel.

And then go to bed.

How to treat a cold at home? Perhaps every person asked this question. This is because absolutely all people, young and old, are susceptible. (at home) is becoming increasingly popular in last years. However, this is not the most safe method. Stopping taking medications can have quite serious consequences. There are several ways at home. This article will tell you about the basic methods and tell you some recipes of traditional medicine.

Before you treat a cold at home...

Of course, a sick person wants to quickly get rid of the signs of a cold and eliminate the disease. However, you should not immediately grab onto known drugs and mindlessly take medications. Before you begin correction, you should visit a doctor. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the causes of your illness. After this, the specialist will assign you complex treatment, the effect of which will not be long in coming.

Before starting treatment, it is imperative to determine the cause of the cold. This may be reduced immunity, a bacterial infection, a viral pathology or an inflammatory process. A cold can also occur due to an exacerbation of one of the chronic diseases. In all these cases, treatment is chosen individually. Let's consider the basic advice from doctors that will help get rid of a cold.

Viral lesion

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the multiplication of viruses? In this case, drugs are used to increase immune defense body. Also, many of them have antiviral activity. It is worth noting that colds caused by viruses are transmitted through the air and by drip. This means that you could get it during a normal conversation with an infected person.

At home? The most popular products are the following: tablets “Ergoferon” and “Anaferon”, powders for preparing a solution “Reaferon” and “Interferon”, rectal suppositories"Kipferon" and "Genferon". Doctors also often prescribe such compounds as Oscillococcinum, Arbidol, and Isoprinosine. All of them affect the immune system and help improve it. In addition, medications fight viruses. They stop the proliferation of microorganisms and remove them from the human body. It is worth noting that all of the medications listed have an individual dosage regimen. That is why before using them you should carefully study the instructions for use.

Bacterial infection

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is caused by the proliferation of bacterial flora? In this case, doctors prescribe medications, to which the detected microorganisms are sensitive. It is worth saying that before treatment bacterial infection It is worth passing some analysis. For this purpose, material can be collected from the pharynx, vein or Bladder. Sometimes sputum or mucus secreted from the nasal passages is used for testing. Infection with this type of cold can occur through saliva or through household contact.

How to treat a cold at home in this case? If you do not have the opportunity to conduct a bacteriological study and identify a drug to which the resulting microorganisms are sensitive, then you should use antibiotics wide range actions. These include “Summamed”, “Amoxiclav”, “Biseptol”, “Macropen” and so on. It's worth saying that it's a relief pathological condition should occur already on the third day of treatment. Otherwise, we can assume that the chosen drug is simply ineffective in your case. It needs to be replaced with a medication with another active substance. At the same time, you should always remember that antibacterial medications have a strong effect on the immune system, suppressing it. This occurs due to the suppression of normal flora. To restore the body’s protective functions, it is necessary to take a course of treatment after treatment. beneficial bacteria. This could be “Linex”, “Acipol”, “Normobakt”, “Enterol” and so on.

Temperature increase

How to quickly treat a cold at home if it is accompanied by fever? Currently pharmaceutical companies They offer such compositions as “Theraflu”, “Fervex”, “Koldakt” and so on. All of them are prepared on the basis of paracetamol. That is why it would be advisable to take this medication to reduce the temperature. Ibuprofen-based products can also relieve fever, chills and headaches. These include Nurofen, Ibufen, and so on. They can be in the form of a suspension, tablets or rectal suppositories. Preparations containing nimesulide are no less effective. These include “Nise” and “Nimulid”. It is worth noting that latest medications They also have anti-inflammatory activity.

Reducing the temperature at home should begin only after the thermometer mark crosses the 38 degree division. If you tolerate this condition normally, then doctors recommend waiting until 38.5 degrees. It is in this temperature environment that most pathological microorganisms die. It is worth noting that some babies are prone to seizures. They require antipyretics already at a temperature of 37.5 degrees. That is why, before curing a cold at home for a child, you need to visit a doctor and get a prescription.

Effective fight against runny nose

Almost always, with a cold, there is a separation of mucous fluid from the nasal passages. This causes considerable discomfort. This condition is also complicated by the fact that nasal congestion may occur. In this case, the person practically cannot breathe. Internal fabrics become very inflamed and swollen. What to do in this case? How to quickly treat a cold at home?

First you need to clean the nasal passages and rinse them. Blow your nose thoroughly. If the pathology occurs in small child, that is, it makes sense to use an aspirator. After removing mucus, rinse the walls internal cavity nose This can be done with the help of drugs such as Aqualor and Aquamaris. Doctors also sometimes advise using regular saline solution. Inject a few drops into each nasal passage, then repeat the cleansing procedure. There are several ways to treat a runny nose. one of the most effective and popular Lately drugs is "Pinosol". It is worth saying that it is made on the basis herbal oils. That is why it can be used even during pregnancy.

If your cold is of viral origin, then it is advisable to use such compounds as “Irs-19”, “Derinat”, “Grippferon” and so on. All of them are active against many viruses, and also help improve the body's immune defense.

For bacterial pathology, doctors often recommend drugs such as Isofra, Polidexa, Protargol or Sialor. Moreover, before each administration of the composition, it is necessary to clean the nasal mucosa of dead microorganisms by rinsing.

Elimination of sore throat and sore throat

How to cure a cold at home? Very often this condition is accompanied painful sensations in the throat. At the same time, the nature of the occurrence of the pathology does not affect this symptom at all. You can relieve a sore throat with medications local use. These may be sprays that need to be sprayed directly onto the larynx or tonsils. Doctors also often recommend using solutions to treat the pharynx and tonsils. A more convenient form for use is in tablets that need to be dissolved.

Among effective drugs You can select "Chlorophyllipt" or "Lugol". These compounds are applied to the tonsils. They are very effective at bacterial cold. Doctors also prescribe the following sprays: “Tantum Verde”, “Ingalipt”, “Kameton”, “Miramistin” and so on. These medications not only eliminate bacteria, but also fight fungal infections. Lozenge capsules have a more pronounced analgesic effect. Among them are “Stop Angin”, “Gammidin”, “Strepsils” and so on. They have anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug “Lizobakt”, which can be used by young children and pregnant women.

Fighting coughs of various types

What to do if you have a cold at home? This condition often accompanied by a cough. However, it can be wet or dry. Often, for this symptom, doctors prescribe the following medications: “Doctor Mom”, “Ambrobene”, “Sinekod”, “Gerbion”, “Codelac” and many others. Before using them, you must carefully read the instructions. Use only the medicine that suits your type of cough.

One cannot fail to mention inhalations. This method is very good and short time eliminates cough. For the procedure, doctors prescribe the following drugs: “Berodual”, “Pulmicort”, “Lazolvan” and regular saline solution. Remember that you must always follow the dosage and carry out a strictly limited number of inhalations per day.

Get rid of toxins in your body

Whatever you choose at home, you must use it strictly according to the instructions. Each medicine can negatively affect the liver and stomach. This only aggravates the course of the disease. What to do in this case? Doctors recommend using sorbents. These drugs will help remove toxins from the body and cleanse it of affected microorganisms, which can also cause a feverish state.

Among the effective sorbents are “Enterosgel”, “Polysorb”, “ Activated carbon", "Smectu" and others. When using them, one thing must be observed: important rule. Never use these drugs at the same time as other medications. The break between them must be at least two hours. Otherwise, it may simply not work.

Drink plenty of fluids

Treating a cold with folk remedies at home always involves drinking plenty of liquid. During use medicinal correction drinking plenty of fluids will also contribute to a speedy recovery.

Average daily norm for a person is 2 liters of water. In children, this volume is calculated in a different way. For every kilogram of weight, a child needs 100 milliliters of water. Along with simple drinking liquid, you need to drink warm teas and fruit drinks. If you have a sore throat, avoid hot drinks. They can further damage the inflamed area of ​​the larynx.

Hunger is the path to recovery

How to cure a cold at home? Very often during a person’s illness, many people forcefully eat food and are surprised that the cold does not subside for a long time. In fact, everything is very simple here. The body devotes its main energy to fighting bacteria or viruses. This causes a person to lose their appetite. Doctors say that you should not force yourself to eat. A couple of days of hunger will not lead to anything critical. However, the body will be able to quickly and effectively overcome the pathology.

Remember that refusing to eat does not mean you need to limit drinking. The fluid must continuously enter the patient's body. This way he will be able to replenish his losses that occur during a runny nose and sweating.

Traditional recipes and proven methods

How to get rid of a cold at home? Many patients prefer to use traditional medicine and grandmother's recipes. However, these methods are not always effective. This is why you should consult a doctor if your treatment does not help positive result within three days.

  • Raspberries can be used as an antipyretic. You can use a decoction of the leaves of the plant or make tea with berry jam. It is also very good to reduce the temperature of rubbing with vodka. To do this, you need to dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of one to one. After this, the composition is rubbed generously over the entire body.
  • Hot milk with honey is very helpful for a sore throat. To do this, heat the milk to a comfortable temperature and add 2 teaspoons of honey to it. The effect will increase several times if butter is an additional component.
  • You can treat a runny nose with onions or garlic. These products are natural antibiotic. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and onion. After that, add a few drops to it olive oil and one milliliter of saline solution. Place two drops in each nostril every six hours.
  • Echinacea decoction is excellent in the fight against viral infections. Buy dry herb and use it as tea. You can also drink ginger drink. To do this, grind the ginger root and brew with boiling water.
  • Means such as mustard plasters, jars, baths and other heating can only be used in the absence of temperature. After this, it is advisable to wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep. You can enhance the effect in different ways herbal teas. Chamomile and thyme, sage and calendula relieve inflammation well.

How to cure a cold on the lip at home?

Often the infection affects the mucous membranes and tissues. A cold that appears on the lips is often called herpes. It's a virus. That is why, to eliminate it, it is necessary to take antiviral and immunomodulatory compounds. There are currently medications for local application. Among them are Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viferon.

You can also treat a cold on your lip at home using folk recipes. Thus, frequent lubrication of the affected area with toothpaste promotes drying. At the same time, you can wash the cold with chamomile decoction or lubricate it with celandine oil.

A little conclusion

You now know how to treat a cold at home. Doctors strongly do not recommend using medications without a doctor’s recommendation. However, often a person prefers to cope with the pathology on his own rather than contact medical institution. Remember that this tactic can cause complications. If after treatment you do not feel better within three days, you should immediately seek medical help.

remember, that antibacterial drugs are not able to eliminate viral infections. The same can be said about immunomodulators. Antiviral drugs are not able to eliminate bacterial pathology. Doctors often prescribe both medications at the same time. This leads to quick recovery and restoration of immunity. Treat yourself correctly and don’t get sick!

Hello! This post will be dedicated to the topic “Improving the body according to the system of Seraphim Chichagov”. Here I posted a video of a practicing doctor Ksenia Pavlovna Kravchenko. I think these videos will not leave anyone indifferent, because... everything that is told in the film contradicts the usual opinion about proper treatment diseases. All advice is practical and has been practiced for decades.

When I watched the video with Ksenia Pavlovna for the first time, I was struck by her statement: “Practice and vast experience show that there is no disease that can be cured faster than cancer.” On Ksenia's account great amount patients who have been cured of diseases that are considered incurable. In her speeches, Ksenia says that if you switch to the regime that she talks about in her films, then a person will never get sick!

I transcribed the video and wrote down the main ideas from her two speeches. The first Conversation is a theory about the causes of diseases and what can each of us do to restore our health? You can watch and download the film.

The second part is specific practical advice how to quickly help yourself, the most common diseases are discussed. You can view and download in full.

The main idea of ​​the first film is that ANY DISEASE is due to dirty, viscous blood, and it is dirty and viscous due to the fact that the stomach does not work correctly.

It is the stomach that maintains a certain quality of blood. If he does this correctly, the person does not have any diseases, including cancer.

The stomach is the main organ that reveals the essence of Seraphim Chichagov’s system.

IN in good condition the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins. All this amounts to gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid and pepsins are very strong acids, dissolving organic matter (for example, a piece of raw meat).

The stomach produces 10 liters of gastric juice per day. Of these, only two liters are involved in digestion. The stomach digests animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. The pancreas digests everything else, dissolving carbohydrate foods and producing alkali.

Of the ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily. At normal functioning The stomach contains predominantly gastric juice in human blood.

That is why blood, like tears and sweat, has a salty taste. All fluids in our body are sodium chloride (0.9%) or saline. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood.

Chlorine is a disinfectant. It thins the blood, dissolves blood clots, plaques on blood vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in gallbladder and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body.

And in general, treatment, as such, does not exist at all. No matter how much you would like, you can never cure anyone with any system: neither herbalism, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, you can only relieve the symptoms.

Some are more dangerous, others less dangerous for humans, but only the symptoms are relieved. Modern medicine gives a pill that relieves the symptom, but does not cure.

When relieving symptoms, a person often does not think about the cause of the symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as a result of these accumulations, which were turned a blind eye, a disease such as “cancer” arises.

Any tablet entering the stomach causes certain complications and side effects. The drug, while relieving the symptom, has a huge amount side effects and effects.

If causal factor circulatory disorders in the body are poor secretion of hydrochloric acid, poor functioning of the stomach, and the drug that gets there further worsens this situation, which means that by relieving the symptom, we aggravate the causative factor.

The Lord created man perfect; our body system is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism often breaks down.

When children are born, there are no moles on their body; they appear after the children are given antibiotics, injuring the stomach chemicals. This causes disturbances and leads to the appearance of moles.

Colds, high temperature (FLU, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections)


This happens when the stomach, in addition to digestive, does not also perform a barrier function, i.e. allows any infection into the intestines. The level of hydrochloric acid allows this infection to enter the intestines.

This infection multiplies in the intestines, because there are all the conditions for this. Everything from the intestines immediately enters the bloodstream. After the infection enters the blood, our temperature rises.

Fever is not a disease, it is a normal reaction of the body to the presence of an infection in the blood, and the more evil it is, the higher the temperature.

If the stomach does not produce enough hydrochloric acid and does not maintain the concentration of chlorine in the blood, then the blood does not have a disinfectant property, i.e. chlorine is not a harmful environment for infection.

How to quickly help yourself:

1. The temperature should never be brought down using any antipyretics or antibiotics, because this is a normal natural fight of the body.

2. While there is a temperature, it is necessary to completely exclude food and water until the temperature subsides. At high temperature Usually you don’t feel like eating or drinking, the body itself tells you what it needs.

3. It is necessary to increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood; to do this, you need to suck on a grain of salt every half hour. At high temperatures, the body really likes it.

4. To increase the concentration of chlorine in the blood, which has a detrimental effect on bacteria and viruses, you need to take one Lasix tablet if you are an adult and half a Lasix tablet if you are a child.

The drug works after 10-15 minutes, a diuretic effect begins, which removes excess potassium and the concentration of sodium chloride in the blood increases.

This all works flawlessly; under such conditions, any infection dies within a few hours. According to statistics and practice, the flu goes away within 4 hours!

5. Final stage, need to do iodine grids under the right and left hypochondrium, where the liver and spleen are located. When it goes colds, iodine networks disappear before our eyes in minutes and we make them as they disappear.

Then, when all this passes, all people’s kidneys will already be replanted, because... the stomach does not work correctly. And the kidneys are not able to actively remove the dead infection.

The kidneys need to be helped; for this, on the second day, when the temperature has already dropped, we introduce propolis tincture. Because alcohol tincture, it must be dissolved in the infusion, 5 drops of alcohol per 50 grams of water, drink every 2 hours, and then leave it 3 times a day for 5 days, just in case, so that the infection goes away completely from the kidneys.

Because, as a rule, when the temperature drops, a low-grade temperature begins to remain, which means that the infection has settled in the kidneys, like in a filter, because this filter is weak and is not able to completely remove it.

This temperature cannot be corrected, it lasts very long and does not respond to anything. Propolis helps to complete this task very quickly and gently.

This is a tactic for managing any cold.

Conclusion: If the stomach works well and we do not eat after 18-00 and the stomach produces strong hydrochloric acid, then no infection or illness is possible.

High pressure


This hormonal problems, the hormone enters the blood and the vessel either narrows or expands, i.e. the pressure either increases or decreases. All this is influenced by the endocrine hormonal system.

Cause high pressure non-filtering kidneys, when pressure increases the vessel narrows. The vessel narrows because urea salts remain, the kidneys have not filtered them out so that it does not get into the head, the vessel narrows and the pressure increases.

Increased arterial pressure consists of two digits, the top digit is renal pressure, the bottom number is heart rate.

To lower the upper number, we give a diuretic and it immediately drops; to lower the lower number, it is necessary to replenish the thyroid gland with iodine, i.e. It is enough to pour iodine onto your hand and rub it in the heart area as it is absorbed after 10-15 minutes. the bottom number falls.

How to quickly help yourself:

1. It is necessary to expand the vessel; the vessels narrow not only in the head, but throughout all the vessels in the body. Therefore, when the pressure rises, the extremities become cold. What needs to be done?

Need to take hot water, put your feet in warm water and slowly add hot water so that your legs get used to it. After this, the vessels begin to expand very quickly and the pressure begins to drop quickly. This very quickly helps to remove the upper pressure number.

The lower pressure figure can be removed by making iodine grids or simply pouring iodine into your hand and rubbing it in the heart area after 10-15 minutes. cardiac second pressure drops. Both the upper and lower pressure numbers are adjusted.

Conclusion: In order to prevent this from happening, you need to restore your stomach, eat often and in small portions, do not eat anything after 18-00 and reduce the amount of fluid you drink.

During the day, up to 500-600 ml., in general, save the stomach and remove hydrochloric acid. Natural pressure returns to normal after 2 weeks.

drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, it would be true if we had water in our vessels and our kidneys filtered plain water The more water you drink, the cleaner your kidneys will be.

But I filter my kidneys not with water, but with sodium chloride, a 0.9% saline solution. If the concentration of chlorine is low, the stomach does not support it, then the kidneys will not filter it and they begin to become clogged: salts, sand, stones, because chlorine is both a disinfectant and a solvent.

If chlorine does not dissolve salts, sand, stones, then urea salts remain, are deposited in the spine, joints and walls of blood vessels and give the upper pressure figure.

Varicose veins on the legs


This is one of the functions that does not run thyroid.

The thyroid gland triggers 500 functions of the liver, one of these functions is raising venous blood With lower limbs pelvis to the lungs for enrichment, against the laws of gravity.

This function is performed by the liver in the presence of thyroid hormone.

If the veins in the legs are blue, there is stagnation of venous blood in the lower extremities and pelvis.

How to quickly help yourself:

— It is enough to feed the thyroid gland with iodine, because there is severe iodine deficiency. To do this, from 20 to 22-00 you need to do iodine grids, you need a large amount of iodine.

The thyroid gland goes out of order, usually due to an emotional factor (anxiety, irritation, stress, taking everything to heart, etc.) After 30 minutes. after stress, the thyroid gland is completely depleted of iodine.

If iodine is not added, the thyroid gland fails, but it does not hurt and does not manifest itself in any way. On the emotional factor, this is usually fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, i.e. The thyroid gland causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

— You need potassium iodide, it can be prepared at home, for this we take a tablespoon of 1 liter of water potato starch without a slide, we fall asleep in cold water and put it on fire.

Slowly brew the jelly, then cool and pour in 1 tablespoon of iodine. You can add sugar or lemon juice to taste. We store the jelly in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass 3 times a day without meals, the last dose between 20:00 and 22:00 during thyroid function. There is no such thing as an overdose.

— We use aspirin bandages, take 4 aspirin tablets, grind them into powder, pour them into a glass and fill them with hot water, because aspirin does not dissolve in other water.

We take two rolls of a wide bandage, immerse it in a glass and squeeze it out so that it is wet, but does not drip. And starting from the tips of the fingers, wrap the leg in a spiral like a stocking and leave it for an hour and every day for an hour.

Within a few days, the color of the veins changes and the swelling goes away, aspirin thins and relieves inflammation. This is external until the thyroid function starts the liver function.

Conclusion: It is necessary to check the thyroid gland for efficiency; to do this, in the interval from 20 to 22-00, do iodine grids on the wrist and see how quickly the grids disappear. If the thyroid gland is not working, replenish the thyroid gland with iodine.


True diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas is injured, i.e. there are no cells that produce insulin - this is insulin-dependent diabetes, of all diabetes this is 8% percent, the rest is insulin-independent diabetes.


According to its origin, this is gastric diabetes, for example, a person eats any carbohydrate product and after digesting the carbohydrate product, our blood sugar rises, but after 2 hours the sugar has risen, it should fall back to normal.

The stomach, after it has digested food and released it into the intestines, hydrochloric acid with pepsins continues to be produced and it all goes into the blood and reduces the level of potassium (sugar) in the blood to the norm, which is normal for us on an empty stomach.

If the stomach is not working, then after eating our sugar is high, we are drawn to sleep, because the sugars are high, in order not to get into the brain, so that it does not burn, the blood vessels begin to close, and we begin to feel drowsy.

And if the stomach cannot remove sugar to normal, then the body tries to do it roughly how? We begin to feel thirsty, the mucous membranes dry out, the body tries to ask for water and, as a rule, we drink not sweet water, but plain water, at least somehow reducing the concentration of this sugar by simply drinking water.

Because the main task is not to release this excess sugar into the blood so that the brain tissue does not burn.

Conclusion: If after eating there is no cheerfulness wellness, if we feel bad, we become weak, drowsy, lethargic and begin to want to drink this is blood sugar, the second most common type of diabetes.

How to help yourself:

— Often eat in small portions until 18-00, if you don’t eat after 18-00 for several days, this situation will go away immediately

— The volume of a single meal should not exceed the volume of two folded palms, and it does not matter what you eat. If you start eating like this, then a person will definitely not feel thirsty or drowsy.

Everything is determined by the amount of food and the ability of pancreatic and stomach enzymes to digest this food. The less this is, the less the amount of food eaten should be. Considering that almost everyone now has squashed stomachs, almost everyone needs to eat this way.

— It is necessary to temporarily remove foods containing potassium from the diet until the stomach is restored, because when the receptors in the vessels are triggered, the stomach will automatically replenish this whole thing with hydrochloric acid.

After this, the body will begin to react correctly; after eating something sweet, it will demand to eat something salty. This means that the self-healing system is working and the body is pulling itself out of difficult situations.

It is necessary to remove products containing yeast, because this is a huge amount of potassium (yeast-free bread, pita bread, crispbread, there are many recipes on the Internet), dried fruits and fruits in large quantities(grapes, bananas, nuts, seeds)

— Try to drink as little as possible; when diabetes occurs, the feeling of thirst is very high. You can suppress the feeling of thirst with a grain of salt (since this is not insulin-dependent diabetes).

After we have eaten, half an hour or an hour later we need to suck on salt, after which it works unconditioned reflex and the body begins to produce hydrochloric acid, which is absorbed into the blood and the sugar level drops and the feeling of thirst goes away immediately.

Conclusion: Eat in small portions, and before 18-00, drink less, up to 500 ml. per day, reduce intake of sugar-containing foods. The more strictly a person observes all this, the faster it all goes away for him.



If the kidneys are not working well and have not eliminated urea salts, then in order to save the brain, the blood vessels narrow and headache there is a spasm.

How to quickly help yourself:

— A Lasix tablet helps remove excess potassium (sugar), sodium increases, the impulse through sodium passes through potassium and the headache goes away. This applies not only to headaches; if something hurts anywhere, Lasix quickly relieves everything.

- You can do the same with Gamasio. Takes sesame seed, white seeds (sold where seeds and nuts are sold), pour into a dry frying pan without oil, lightly brown, when the seeds begin to turn yellow, cool.

And in the proportion of 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds, one tablespoon of salt and all this is ground through a coffee grinder, the result is salted halva according to taste and smell. When you have a headache, just suck one tablespoon in your mouth and the headache goes away.

Conclusion: the problem is in the stomach, since there is no strong hydrochloric acid that does not cleanse the kidneys. Do not eat after 18-00, drink less, eat in small portions.



This is usually the reflux of bile into the stomach, i.e. After each meal, bile (alkali) is thrown into the stomach from the intestines. Bacteria living in alkaline environment, all this lives in the stomach, because there is no strong hydrochloric acid.

- Gastritis and eating ulcers, i.e. it is necessary to eat small and often. Because the stomach starts working at 5 am, producing strong hydrochloric acid and pepsins (stomach juice), which dissolves any protein.

The gastric mucosa is also injured and dissolved, so by 5 pm there is neither hydrochloric acid left in the stomach nor the mucous that produces it. And so that the mucous membrane is not corroded by its own pepsins, it is necessary to eat often and not starve during the day.

— Do not eat after 18-00

- Don't eat too much hot food, because the secretion of hydrochloric acid is disrupted, digestion worsens, food should not be higher than body temperature.

If the stomach has not digested food, then a person begins to develop a tendency to constipation.

Pancreatitis is treated by fasting.

Conclusion: If the hydrochloric acid in the stomach is strong, the bacteria will not be able to live there. Do not eat after 18-00, etc.



Non-filtering kidneys, they do not remove salts, are deposited primarily in the spine, joints, and vessel walls. First of all, in the spine, but not on the vertebrae themselves, but on ligamentous apparatus, which holds the vertebrae.

Due to this, the ligamentous apparatus sags, they stop holding the vertebrae steadily and tightly. The vertebrae begin to move and dangle, during any physical activity, heavy, uneven, when we take something with one hand, our vertebrae shift, the ligaments do not hold them, they squeeze nerve endings There are lumbagoes and pains.

If constant unsustainable physical exercise and the ligaments do not hold the vertebrae, then between the vertebrae there are cartilaginous discs that begin to move out and a hernia appears.

Those. If the kidneys are not filtered, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and Schmorl's hernia appear. This is because the kidneys filter the wrong blood, and the quality of the blood is determined by the stomach.

How to quickly help yourself:

— Aspirin bandages, they thin the blood and relieve inflammation. Dilute 4 aspirin tablets per glass, wet the bandage, and make this bandage the width of the first cervical vertebra spread out in several layers up to the tailbone (3-4 layers are obtained) and leave for an hour and the pain quickly goes away.

Conclusion: it is necessary to free the kidneys, dissolve the salts, sand, stones that have formed there during life. To do this, suck salt 5-6 times outside of meals, do not eat after 18-00, reduce the amount of liquid you drink.

In the modern world, many different troubles await us. But the treatment viral infection using folk remedies at home can be done very easily. You can stop the disease at home initial stage, when symptoms such as weakness, weakness, unmotivated irritability using medicinal methods are still barely felt.

Therapy begins with the patient being put to bed. For infection viral in nature give regularly sweet tea. You can apply a heating pad to your feet at home. Before falling asleep, a patient suffering from a severe viral infection can rub his feet with crushed garlic (about 10 cloves). After this, you need to put on wool socks. You can pour dry mustard into them. It is necessary to ensure that the patient drinks enough during treatment. This helps remove harmful toxins and metabolic products, which intensifies when the temperature rises. The disease gradually recedes. Perfect for fruit and vegetable juices or fruit drinks. And traditional tea with raspberries and lemon.

Herbal treatment for viral infection

Mix the two tables. spoons of cognac with two identical spoons of milk. Give this mixture to drink 30 minutes before meals, three times a day. Soon, a patient with a severe viral infection will experience relief from symptoms.

This folk and simple remedy also has a good taste. One tablespoon of cognac (vodka) is mixed with the same amount of raspberry jam. Add half a lemon (squeeze) to the anti-infection mixture and pour the resulting mixture into a glass of hot water. The patient must drink this remedy, after two hours the procedure can be repeated. The viral disease will gradually recede.

Pass 50 grams through a meat grinder onions. Add 20 grams of vinegar, squeeze through cheesecloth, add 60 grams of honey to the liquid and mix. For a viral infection, take a teaspoon every half hour. Traditional treatment can be combined with tablets only after consultation with your doctor!

To alleviate the condition of a patient with viral disease for a sore throat and runny nose, take 400 grams of beets, pass through a grater, and drip the resulting juice into your nose. 2-3 drops, 2-3 times a day.

As an expectorant at home traditional treatment Honey with lemon and glycerin will do. Boil the lemon for 10 minutes. Squeezing its juice provides an excellent method of treating a patient who has a viral infection. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin to it, add honey to a full glass. Take one teaspoon at night at home. At severe cough– a teaspoon three times a day.

A mixture made from honey is also good for treatment - 2 tsp. , to which add 2 yolks of fresh eggs, spoons of flour and 100g butter. Mix thoroughly and take 1 tsp for viral and even rotavirus infections several times a day.

Traditional treatment with honey is very effective: compositions of aloe cut into pieces mixed with Cahors and honey work well. Let it brew for two weeks, and then squeeze out the mixture; in case of a viral infection, give three times a day for 1 hour. l.

Another composition can also be used: 4 tablespoons of anise seeds must be mixed with honey and added a pinch of salt. Pour this mixture against a viral infection warm water and bring to a boil, leaving on low heat. We filter and take at home three times a day, the treatment will go very well.

Kalanchoe juice Effectively acts on the onset of a runny nose, smearing the nasal mucosa.

Japanese Kombucha - a proven remedy

Infusion kombucha has antiviral property, therefore it helps well with influenza and other complicated viral infections.

Kombucha infusion with honey and pepper

Required for treatment: 100 ml of 5-day infusion of kombucha, 1 teaspoon of honey, 0.5 teaspoon of ground red pepper. Preparation. Mix all ingredients and heat slightly. Take 1 tbsp during treatment of a complex viral infection every 2-3 hours. spoon.

Kombucha tincture

Required to create the composition at home: 2 parts of kombucha infusion, 8 parts of vodka. Preparation. Pour the infusion into a glass container and add vodka. Leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Strain the folk remedy, store the composition for therapy viral disease in a refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp to treat infection. spoon 1 time per day.

Home therapy with Indian sea rice and chaga

Drink from sea ​​rice has a strong antiviral effect, so it is good not only for treatment, but also as prophylactic from infection with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

Prophylactic infusion

Required: 100 ml of rice infusion. The use of folk remedies. For viral infections, take 0.5 cups 2 times a day before meals. Treatment will proceed quickly.

Infusion for treatment

Required: 150 ml of rice infusion. Application. For traditional treatment, drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals.

Chaga decoction and infusion help ease the course of viral flu and infection. They are widely used in alternative medicine as an antipyretic.

Oil mixture

Required: 2 drops of chaga oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of jojoba oil. Preparation. Mix the oils. Application for viral flu And similar infection. Apply the mixture to the forehead, sides of the nose, behind the ears and on the chest. Apply 3 times a day.

Aloe juice and chaga oil

Required: aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of chaga oil. Place 2 drops of juice into each nostril when treating a viral infection that does not go away for a long time, lubricate the wings of the nose with chaga oil. Massage by the people With natural means 3 min.

Chaga oil infusion

Required: 3 drops of oil infusion birch mushroom(mix 2.5 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of chaga infusion), 100 ml of water. Preparation for treatment. Combine ingredients and mix. Gargle for a patient with a severe viral infection. The product softens muscle pain and helps lower the temperature.

A mixture of echinacea and chaga infusions

Required for composition according to folk recipe: 100 ml of infusion of Echinacea purpurea herb (1 tbsp. dry herb per 1 liter of water, pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain), 50 ml of birch mushroom infusion. Combine ingredients and mix. Use for infection and viral disease. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 35 minutes before meals.

Tibetan milk mushroom

When infected with an infection transmitted by airborne droplets, fermented kefir Tibetan mushroom milk can provide invaluable help, since with timely treatment, you can not only speed up recovery, but also avoid complications. To do this, at the first signs of the disease, it is recommended not only to choose proven folk remedies, but also to eat exclusively kefir and drink boiled or mineral water without gas (up to 2.5-3 liters per day). If the temperature rises due to a viral complicated infection, you must overcome the desire to wrap yourself up and cover yourself with only a sheet. In this case, it is necessary to apply compresses from a mixture of water and serum (1: 1) to the forehead, wrists, and ankles. This will be facilitated at home by microenemas of water and whey, taken in the same proportion and administered every 2 hours.

As soon as the temperature drops to 37 C, a patient suffering from a viral infection can cover himself with a blanket. Treatment in a hospital or at home is accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids.


Required: 100 ml of “mushroom” kefir. Preparation. Warm the kefir slightly. Application. Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.

At home, treating a viral infection with folk remedies should not lead to illness in the caregiver. Wear a gauze bandage and rinse your nose weak solution iodine (2 drops per cup of slightly salted water), eat more vitamins.