Appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix: causes, signs, stages, forms, complications and treatment. What can cause inflammation of appendicitis?

Appendicitis is swelling and inflammation vermiform appendix- appendix, a small, about 5-17 cm long, finger-shaped organ, resembling a pouch, adjacent to the beginning of the first part of the large intestine. Appendicitis always requires surgery.

Causes of appendicitis

Appendicitis is one of the most common reasons for emergency abdominal surgery. It usually occurs when the appendix becomes blocked by a layer thick mucus inside the appendix, feces, foreign objects or (less commonly) tumors.

Among possible reasons The development of appendicitis can also be distinguished:

Infection. Chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils and other infectious diseases can trigger the development of the disease. Bacteria can penetrate the wall of the appendix from its lumen or can be carried by blood flow from another lesion;

Chronic constipation. Due to outflow disturbance feces, they masses harden, become dense, like stone, and clog the mouth of the appendix fecal stone. This, in turn, leads to stagnation of the contents of the appendix and its inflammation;

Nutrition facts. Research has shown that people who regularly eat a large number of meat, suffer from appendicitis much more often than people with high content vegetable fiber in the diet. Fiber improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the movement of intestinal contents;

Anomalies of appendix development. Anomalies in the structure of the appendix, such as bends, a significant length of the appendix, can also cause stagnation of its contents;

Thrombosis of the artery supplying the appendix. In people suffering from atherosclerosis and heart disease with heart rhythm disturbances, inflammation of the appendix is ​​much more common;

Hereditary predisposition. The development of the disease in carriers of certain antigens has been scientifically proven;

Lifestyle. Constant stress, overwork, alcohol abuse, and smoking significantly increase the risk of developing appendicitis.

Floor. The risk of developing the disease in women is slightly higher than in men. This is explained by the close location of the appendix to the uterine appendages, the diseases and inflammations of which can easily spread to the appendix. That's why regular checkups gynecologist, prevention and treatment gynecological diseases may reduce the risk of appendicitis.

Symptoms and stages of acute appendicitis

Feature acute appendicitis is that it develops rapidly and is characterized by several stages, each of which has different symptoms:

The initial stage, or also called catarrhal appendicitis. At this stage, the appendix becomes slightly thickened and inflamed. An attack of appendicitis often occurs late at night or in the morning. The patient's condition during this period may be accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen and nausea. Initially, the pain occurs around the navel, or throughout the abdomen. It has a vague bursting, pulling character. After 3-4 hours, the pain shifts to the right iliac region, where it remains.;

Purulent appendicitis occurs after catarrhal. At this stage, formations are formed in the walls and cavity of the appendix. purulent foci. During this period, the pain moves from the upper abdomen to the right side, becomes constant, stronger, intensifies when walking, lying on the left side.;

Phlegmonous appendicitis follows purulent one. At this stage, there is a significant increase in the appendix and it is almost completely saturated with pus. Nausea and vomiting occurs, usually not profusely, once, and does not bring relief. An intestinal disorder occurs: constipation or vice versa loose stool, fever appears. The higher the temperature, the more pronounced the inflammation.

Rupture of the appendix. Some time after the onset of the stage phlegmonous appendicitis The appendix may burst. At this stage, the pain usually decreases, but after some time it returns with renewed vigor. A ruptured appendix is ​​a very serious situation that requires immediate surgical intervention. Otherwise the disease ends fatal.

Now let's look at the symptoms in more detail. Symptoms of appendicitis can vary widely.

The first symptom of appendicitis in a patient is often pain around the navel. The pain may be insignificant at first glance, but over time it becomes more severe and severe, appetite decreases, and the patient may experience nausea, vomiting and low temperature bodies. Often the pain moves to the right lower abdomen, where it becomes more noticeable.

When inflammation of the appendix increases, the pain tends to move toward the right lower abdomen (right iliac fossa). It focuses directly above the process, at a place called the McBurney point. This most often occurs between 12 and 24 hours after the onset of illness.

If the appendix is ​​broken open (ruptured), then for a short time the patient may experience a decrease in pain. However, as soon as the lining abdominal cavity becomes inflamed, or rather, a condition called peritonitis develops, the pain intensifies.

Patients with appendicitis often prefer to lie down also because any sudden movement causes them severe pain. It is necessary to ask the patient to cough and see if this causes severe abdominal pain; as a rule, this is an important sign of the disease.

Late symptoms appendicitis include:

- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- high body temperature;
- nausea;
- fever;
- vomiting;
- loss of appetite.

Chronic appendicitis

Symptoms chronic appendicitis usually weakly expressed. The patient complains of weak dull pain in the lower abdomen. Nausea and fever may not be observed at all. In addition, unlike the acute form of appendicitis, the chronic form can end with sudden recovery , which in very rare cases is possible in acute form.

When to call a doctor

The pain is very severe, sudden or sharp;
- observed heat bodies along with pain;
- vomiting blood or bloody diarrhea;
- hard abdomen on palpation (palpation with fingers);
- the patient is unable to defecate, especially if he also vomits;
- pain in the chest, neck or shoulders;
- dizziness or loss of consciousness;
- nausea, pain and lack of appetite;
- the patient loses weight against his will;
- yellowing of the eyes or skin;
- bloating for more than 2 days;
- diarrhea for more than 5 days, or, if a child, he has diarrhea for 2 days or vomiting for 12 hours (if the child is under 3 months of age, he has diarrhea or vomiting);
- had abdominal pain for more than 1 week;
- there is a burning sensation when urinating or urination occurs more often than usual;
- the pain began to intensify when the patient began to take antacids or ate something harmful;
- there is pain (and the patient is pregnant).

Diagnosis of appendicitis

If a patient has developed appendicitis, then the pain will increase whenever the doctor gently presses on the lower right side stomach and abruptly releases his hand. If the patient has peritonitis, then touching his abdominal area can cause muscle spasm.

Doctors usually diagnose appendicitis based on the following factors:

Description of symptoms;
- diagnostic examination;
- laboratory tests.

In some cases, other tests may be necessary, including:
- CT scan of the abdominal cavity;
- Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

If a patient has symptoms of appendicitis, we recommend that he immediately contact medical care. It is strictly forbidden to use heating pads, enemas, laxatives, or other home treatments to relieve symptoms.

When the diagnosis is unclear, the doctor may order a CT scan ( computed tomography) or an ultrasound to make sure that the problem is due to an inflamed appendix. In women, a pelvic examination is also performed to rule out pain caused by the ovaries or uterus.

It is very important to exclude diseases with similar symptoms, including:

Meckel's diverticula. This is a small protrusion of the intestinal wall, which is usually located on the right lower area abdomen, next to the appendix. The diverticulum may become inflamed or even rupture. If the diverticulum is inflamed or perforated, it is removed surgically.

- Gynecological diseases. The right fallopian tube and ovary are located next to the appendix. Women who are sexually active can become infected infectious diseases, which affect the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Treatment with antibiotics is usually sufficient and there is no need for removal. fallopian tube and ovary.

- Inflammatory diseases in the upper right region of the abdomen. Fluid from the upper right area of ​​the abdomen can flow into the lower abdominal cavity, where it simulates inflammation and appendicitis. Liquid may leak from perforated ulcer duodenum, Bladder or liver abscess.

- Right-sided diverticulitis. Although most diverticula are located on the left side colon, sometimes they are found on the right. If the right-sided diverticulum ruptures, inflammation develops, with symptoms similar to inflammation in appendicitis.

- Kidney diseases. Right kidney located so close to the appendix that inflammatory process, for example an abscess, can also give symptoms, like appendicitis.

Alas, there is not a single study, with the exception of laparoscopy, that can be used to diagnose appendicitis for sure. However, laparoscopy is used extremely rarely in diagnosing this disease.

Treatment of appendicitis - appendectomy

If the patient has no complications, the surgeon will most likely remove the appendix soon after diagnosing the problematic condition.
Because the tests used to diagnose appendicitis are not perfect, sometimes surgery can show that the appendage is normal. In this case, the surgeon will also remove the appendix and examine the rest of the patient's abdomen for other causes of pain.

Appendectomy is an operation to remove the appendix.

Appendectomy is performed using the following types anesthesia:
- spinal anesthesia. The medicine is injected into the back to make the back numb from the waist down. The patient will also receive a medicine that may make him drowsy (sedative);
- general anesthesia. The patient will sleep during the operation and will not feel any pain.

Depending on the health of each individual patient, removal of the appendix can be performed in one of two ways: through an open incision or through laparoscopy.

At open technology, an incision is made in the lower right part of the abdomen, through the skin, in the muscles of the peritoneal wall. The surgeon finds the appendix, then carefully and carefully frees it from the surrounding structures, trying not to damage them, and removes it.

With the laparoscopic technique, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdominal cavity. A laparoscope, which has a tiny lens with a video camera, is inserted into one incision. An appendectomy is performed by a surgeon looking at a screen (monitor) connected to a video camera. Small devices are inserted into other incisions and can also be used to remove the appendix.

If the appendix is ​​infected or ruptured, then during the operation the patient's abdominal cavity must be carefully treated.

After appendectomy

Recovery from simple appendicitis is usually fairly quick. As a rule, after simple appendicitis, patients recover quickly. Most patients are discharged from the hospital 1-2 days after surgery and can return to their normal activities within 2-4 weeks after discharge.

If there is an abscess or rupture at the site of the appendix, the patient’s recovery may be slower and more difficult; it requires taking medications to treat the infection (usually antibiotics).

Living without an appendix does not cause any known health problems.

Complications of appendicitis

Formation of fistulas between abdominal organs or between these organs and the surface of the skin;
- abscess;
- intestinal blockage;
- infection inside the abdominal cavity (peritonitis);
- infection from surgical wound etc.

Appendix, lat. appendix vermiformis - vermiform appendix, 5-7 cm in length (sometimes 20 cm), 1 cm in diameter, blindly ending, tube-shaped.

Exacerbation of appendicitis can occur at any age. Risk groups include children over 5 years old, adults 20-30 years old, pregnant women. The pathology is equally characteristic of females and males. Very rarely appendicitis occurs in young children, which is explained by age anatomical feature appendix, which has the shape of a funnel and is easily emptied, and the weak development of the lymphoid apparatus of the appendix.

Among all diseases of the abdominal organs that require immediate surgical intervention, appendicitis is the most common. If an attack of acute appendicitis occurs, you need to as soon as possible call an ambulance. If appendicitis is not treated, peritonitis can develop, a complication that can be fatal.

How does appendicitis manifest, symptoms and signs of it? emergency every person should know. Main symptom appendicitis in adults and children - pain. It occurs in the upper abdomen or near the navel; sometimes it is not possible to pinpoint the exact location of the pain (“the whole stomach hurts”). The pain then moves to the right side of the abdomen. This migration of pain is considered very specific sign diseases

Causes of appendicitis

Highlight following reasons development of inflammation of the appendix:

The appendix is ​​a small extension of the cecum. For most people, it is located on the right side of the abdomen, below the navel. The condition of the intestines can influence which side of a person’s appendicitis is on. If appendiceal peritonitis has developed, then the symptoms are pronounced and acute, the localization of appendicitis pain is usually with right side, this is typical for the development of an acute inflammatory process in the patient’s body, which requires emergency medical care and surgery to remove the appendix.

Appendicitis can be located in different ways in the peritoneal area, which gives an ambiguous picture in the localization of symptoms; pain can radiate to the right side and to the lumbar region, or to the pelvic area, the patient’s genitals. The nature of the pain varies in intensity, intensifying or subsiding, cramping, and can last for as long as long time or short term.

Signs of appendicitis

There are many various signs manifestations of appendicitis in adults and children. The signal for the onset of the disease is severe pain. At the very beginning, it does not have a relatively clear location. A person may feel like he just has a stomach ache. However, after 4-5 hours, the pain is concentrated closer to the right iliac region.

It is worth noting that the appendix is different people can be located differently, it all depends on the structure of the body. If the process is in a normal position, pain will be observed in the right iliac region. If the process is located slightly higher, then the pain will be on the right under the ribs. Well, if the appendage is lowered down, it will hurt in the pelvic area. Among other things, the patient may be bothered by vomiting and, in some cases, diarrhea.

Other popular signs of appendicitis include the following: dry tongue, darkening of urine, increased temperature, which can reach 40 degrees; it can occur in pregnant women increased pain when turning from left to right.

Symptoms of appendicitis

In the case of acute appendicitis, the symptoms are pronounced. An attack of pain occurs in the right iliac region, expressed locally and general reaction body. As a rule, pain in acute appendicitis begins suddenly.

At the beginning of an attack, they are often localized in the epigastric region, in the navel or throughout the abdomen, and after a few hours (sometimes after 1-2 days) - in the right iliac region. More often, the pain is constant, does not radiate anywhere, but intensifies when coughing. prevents the patient from falling asleep, but its intensity is usually low; characterized by a decrease in pain when lying on the right side.

In the first hours of the disease, nausea and vomiting may occur. Stool and gas are often retained. Liquid stools are observed much less frequently (mainly in cases of severe intoxication). Body temperature rises to 37.5-38°, less often remains normal. On the first day from the onset of the disease, the pulse increases to 90-100 beats per minute, blood pressure does not change and only decreases slightly in cases of severe intoxication. The tongue is initially slightly coated and moist, but soon becomes dry.

There are also other symptoms with appendicitis. For example, when examining the abdomen, a delay in breathing is often detected lower sections abdominal wall. Palpation of the abdomen should be carried out carefully, starting from the left half. In this case, in the right iliac region, as a rule, there is sharp pain, combined with protective tension of the abdominal wall muscles in a limited area. Most sick lung tapping your fingers in different parts of the abdominal wall helps to quickly determine the location of the greatest pain.

However, the symptoms and course of acute appendicitis are not always so characteristic. It can be especially peculiar clinical picture diseases in children, the elderly and old age, as well as with an atypical location of the appendix. In any case, if symptoms similar to appendicitis occur, it is necessary to call ambulance.

Leaks with aching dull pain in the right iliac region, which can periodically intensify, especially with physical stress.

Signs of appendicitis in women

Slopes to inflammation of appendicitis more women than men, whose symptoms appear more often at the age of twenty or forty years. This is due to the physiological structure female body, pelvis, so it may proceed differently. They are especially different during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the appendix is ​​located close to the right appendages of the uterus, signs of inflammation are twice as common as in the male population.

  1. On palpation, women experience painful sensations, which indicates inflammation of the abdominal cavity.
  2. If you press a point below a woman’s navel, pain may occur, which intensifies when standing up, which indicates the involvement of the reproductive organs in the inflammatory process.
  3. When examining a woman’s vagina, pain is detected, especially when examining the cervix; with appendicitis, it indicates inflammation of the appendages.

When diagnosing and making a diagnosis, a woman is checked not only for the condition of the appendix, but for the condition of the genital organs as a whole.


The diagnosis is made based on characteristic symptoms appendicitis. Confirms the diagnosis of “inflammatory signals” general analysis blood. The most reliable method is laparoscopy.

Clarification morphological form appendicitis (catarrhal, gangrenous, phlegmonous) is possible with surgical intervention: a histological examination of the removed appendix is ​​carried out. From instrumental methods use ultrasonography, abdominal radiography, irrigoscopy, computed tomography.


The generally accepted tactics for acute appendicitis is the earliest possible surgical removal inflamed appendix. After 36 hours from the onset of the first symptoms, the probability of perforation (rupture) of the appendix is ​​16-36% and increases by 5% every subsequent 12 hours. Therefore, after confirming the diagnosis, the operation should be performed without unnecessary delay.

At the stage prehospital care if acute appendicitis is suspected, indicated bed rest, exclusion of liquid and food intake, application of cold to the right iliac region. It is strictly forbidden to take laxatives, use a heating pad, or administer analgesics until a final diagnosis is established.

Currently, for simple forms of appendicitis, laparoscopic operations that do not require an incision in the abdominal wall are preferred. In this case, an endoscopic instrument is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a small puncture in the tissue. Removing appendicitis using this method allows you to avoid surgical trauma and reduce recovery period factor of. Development risk postoperative complications when removing appendicitis laparoscopic method minimal.

In the case of chronic appendicitis, appendectomy is indicated if there is persistent pain that deprives the patient of normal activity. With relatively mild symptoms, conservative tactics can be used, including eliminating constipation, taking antispasmodics, and physical therapy.

Appendicitis is dangerous inflammatory disease which can occur in any person. Without timely medical intervention, this condition can lead to peritonitis and other serious consequences. It is important to know by what signs developing appendicitis can be identified, how this condition is treated, and what factors influence the occurrence of the disease.

What is this?

Appendicitis is called inflammation of the appendix, inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. This condition It happens different degrees and forms, it is one of the most common diseases of the abdominal cavity, which requires surgical intervention.

Most often, the inflammatory disease occurs in at a young age, more often in women, slightly less often in men. In children, the peak incidence is between 10 and 12 years of age; in adults, the majority of cases are between 20 and 40 years of age. However, in general, appendicitis should not be tied to age; this disease can manifest itself at any time.

In general, appendicitis usually occurs in two forms depending on the degree of inflammation and manifestations:

  • acute appendicitis, characterized acute course, usually occurs once; in the acute form, the inflamed appendage is removed;
  • chronic appendicitis, which is characterized by a chronic course, stable remission can be achieved or relapses can be observed.

Acute appendicitis is more common and is removed almost immediately. After removal of the inflamed process, all symptoms of the disease disappear. After surgery, appendicitis cannot reoccur; consequences can only be observed if the surgical intervention was performed incorrectly.

There are also different types diseases depending on the form of the inflammatory process. The variety is usually determined during the examination; the method of treatment may depend on it:

  • catarrhal appendicitis, in in this case the inflammatory process covers exclusively the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • phlegmous appendicitis, in this case the inflammatory process affects all layers, including the serous membrane;
  • gangrenous appendicitis, in this case necrosis of the appendix begins, which gradually begins to cover its surface completely, in this case peritonitis usually develops;
  • perforated appendicitis, in this case ruptures occur.

Externally, without a special examination, it is quite difficult to determine the type of appendicitis. Usually, with the transition of the inflammatory process from one form to another, an intensification of symptoms and the emergence of new ones are observed. However, it is almost impossible to accurately track these processes without the help of a doctor.

All types of appendicitis are dangerous; milder ones can become severe if help is not provided. If symptoms occur of this disease you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Important! The ICD-10 code for appendicitis is K35 – K37, depending on the type of disease and the form of its course.

Experts find it difficult to determine the exact causes of appendicitis. There are several different theories as to why the appendage of the cecum becomes inflamed. One of the most common is the mechanical theory, according to which the inflammatory process occurs as a result of blockage of the lumen of the appendix. This condition occurs due to foreign bodies, in people suffering from constipation due to the formation of fecal stones.

The risk of this disease increases in people whose diet lacks normal amount coarse fibers, fiber, fermented milk products, which stimulate the normal functioning of the intestines and digestive tract as a whole.

It is also believed that some infections can contribute to the development of the disease; sometimes vasculitis is considered to be the cause of appendicitis. However, in most cases, the causes of the development of the inflammatory process are still mechanical.

It is also worth noting that often if one of the parents has had inflammation of the appendix, the likelihood of it occurring in the child increases. This may be due to the structural features of the body, which can be inherited.

How to determine appendicitis at home?

Sometimes it is a little difficult to recognize this disease, since the first signs of inflammation of the appendix resemble ordinary food poisoning. As the disease progresses, symptoms continue to intensify. In any case, only a specialist can determine their exact cause. In general, the following signs may remind you of appendicitis:

  1. Abdominal pain. Painful sensations on initial stage usually occur in the solar plexus area, in the navel area, and are usually localized closer to the right side. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes girdling.
  2. Nausea, sometimes vomiting. Previously consumed food usually comes out, and bile is often present in the vomit. Usually, after the stomach is completely empty, vomiting stops, and nausea occurs in response to abdominal pain.
  3. Often observed with appendicitis elevated temperature, chills This is one of the signs of intoxication occurring in the body. Usually the temperature rises to 37 - 38 degrees Celsius.
  4. Diarrhea or constipation. With appendicitis, stool disturbances are observed, their nature often depends on individual characteristics. The frequency of urination also increases, and the urine is usually dark in color.

These are the main signs of appendicitis, which appear almost immediately with the onset of the development of the inflammatory process. As the disease progresses, other symptoms may begin to appear, the most alarming ones being severe heartburn, the appearance of bile in the esophagus, increased gas formation. The appearance of black stool may indicate the occurrence of bleeding or ulcers. If there is no bile in the vomit, this may indicate a blockage of the gallbladder ducts.

Important! The more time passes before starting treatment, the more more likely the occurrence of severe complications.

If there is pain after acute stage begins to subside, do not relax. Usually similar changes they speak of a rupture of the appendix, in which the contents flow into the peritoneum. In this case, complex specialist intervention is required.

Also extremely bad signs the occurrence of confusion, hallucinations, and an increase in temperature to 39 degrees or higher is considered. If the temperature drops sharply below normal indicators, vomiting does not go away, you should also be wary. Any sudden changes in the patient’s condition, even at first glance positive, should not be perceived that way.

During pregnancy, the symptoms of the disease are often more pronounced, and it is extremely important to conduct a full diagnosis. Such symptoms may also indicate the occurrence of violations on the part of reproductive system which can ultimately lead to the loss of the unborn child.

It is believed that with this disease, pain is always present only on the right side of the body, where the intestinal appendix is ​​located. However, in reality the pain can spread to left side, give to other areas of the peritoneum. An obvious sign may be severe pain when palpating the lower abdomen on the right, but it is best not to try this yourself. An awkward movement can lead to ruptures of organ tissue.

How to determine appendicitis in a child?

The presence of the disease in a child is determined by the same signs, while children often develop a high temperature, and the symptoms of intoxication are usually more intense. Small children experience severe anxiety, become whiny, some try to pull their legs towards their stomach or, on the contrary, stretch them out to weaken them. painful sensations.

In children, all processes associated with inflammation develop faster, so if symptoms of appendicitis occur in a child, you need to contact an ambulance as soon as possible.

It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis solely based on the patient’s condition; a full diagnosis is usually required. When symptoms of appendicitis appear, an ambulance is usually immediately called.

Diagnosis should occur quickly; usually an external examination is performed and blood is taken for analysis. Ultrasound and x-rays may also be performed. If external symptoms are quite obvious, while the patient’s condition is rapidly deteriorating, surgical intervention is carried out without additional research. In this case, the appendix is ​​usually removed, the diagnosis and further treatment are determined later.

Prevention of appendicitis

It is almost impossible to completely insure against the occurrence of this disease, since today experts find it difficult to identify the exact causes of appendicitis. However, since one of the main factors is called mechanical, support normal operation digestive system will help you avoid illness more likely.

It is advised to adhere to proper nutrition, eat more foods with coarse fibers, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables. They will help avoid intestinal dysfunction, which leads to constipation, which provokes an inflammatory process in the appendix.

At the same time, you should avoid products that can significantly load digestive tract. These products include seeds, which are sometimes considered the cause of appendicitis. It is worth reducing their amount in the diet; seeds and nuts should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

It should also be treated promptly various diseases gastrointestinal tract, especially infectious lesions. Presence pathogenic microflora increases the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process. Generally, healthy eating and supporting the digestive tract is the main prevention of appendix inflammation. There is no other way to protect yourself from this disease.


Therapy may depend on the type of disease, with chronic form it can be lifelong. In most cases, the appendage is still removed surgically, especially when running forms, development of complications. However, it is worth considering everything possible options treatments that occur.

Usually, the appendix is ​​removed by laparoscopy, which is also carried out if complications such as peritonitis occur. This operation usually does not cause any special complications and is tolerated quite easily; removal of the appendix is ​​considered the most common type of intervention in the abdominal area.

Before the operation, before calling an ambulance, the person should be given first aid. This should be done in accordance with the following rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you use a heating pad or warm up the appendix area in any other way. Heat promotes the development of the inflammatory process, so use similar methods pain relief is prohibited.
  2. You should not take any medications, painkillers, laxatives or other drugs. Any medicine can make appendicitis worse. It is also prohibited to perform enemas.
  3. If you have appendicitis, you should stay in bed. Fails to get up until the ambulance arrives.
  4. The pain can be relieved with cold compresses, an ice enema and cold water. Also soaked in cold water a cloth can be placed on the forehead to help with fever.

There is nothing else you should do, you just need to wait for an ambulance. After examination in the hospital, the appendage is usually removed if the level of inflammation is sufficient. After the operation, you should also rest for some time; recovery usually does not take much time.

IN postoperative period sometimes an appointment is made antibacterial drugs, especially if present infectious lesion. Other medications and treatments may be prescribed depending on the individual characteristics of the disease.

In the chronic form of the disease with frequent exacerbations, surgical removal of the appendix may also be indicated. Research says that removal of the appendix does not affect the quality of life and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually when chronic course First, they try antibiotic therapy to eliminate the causes that may affect the inflammatory process. If these techniques do not work, the appendix is ​​removed.

In order for the functioning of the digestive tract to be fully restored without complications arising, you need to follow a diet after removal of appendicitis. A similar nutrition plan should also be followed if this disease has become chronic, to avoid complications.

Usually avoided after appendicitis heavy products, which burden the digestive tract. Dietary food, basic foods that must be excluded from the diet: legumes, other foods that cause increased gas formation.

Preference should be given to soft broths, usually chicken-based, low-fat yoghurts, light fermented milk products. Most dishes are advised to be steamed, boiled or baked without the use of additional spices and oil, with a minimum amount of salt. You should not fry after appendicitis. Most healthy vegetables Zucchini and pumpkin are considered after appendicitis.

Over time, you can begin to introduce more fiber, a variety of vegetables and fruits. In general, the diet should be followed during the first month after the operation, then you need to look at the condition of the body. If there were no complications after the intervention, all the doctor’s recommendations were followed, very soon you will be able to return to your usual diet.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of a small appendix of the cecum, which occurs quite often and without timely intervention can lead to severe consequences. What causes appendicitis, you can...

Appendicitis is an acute inflammatory disease of the appendix, the vermiform appendix of the cecum. The only way completely get rid of the source of inflammation - remove this process. It is extremely important to have the correct...

Appendicitis is a severe inflammatory process that affects the vermiform appendix of the cecum. This disease is one of the most common causes surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, without such...

Appendicitis poses a great danger to human life, since untimely diagnosed acute appendicitis is fraught with peritonitis and, as a consequence, death. That is why every person should be aware of the symptoms of appendicitis in order to promptly seek medical help.

What is appendicitis and where is it located?

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a small appendix of the cecum (what this appendix is ​​needed for is still unknown. However, one thing is known - a person can live without it). Location of the appendix - right Bottom part belly. Appendicitis can be acute or chronic. Chronic appendicitis - quite a rare event compared to his acute form. Appendicitis most often appears between the ages of 10 and 30 years.

Now that you know where the appendix is ​​located and are aware that it can become inflamed in any person, let's look at the causes of appendicitis.

Causes of appendicitis - why the appendix becomes inflamed

Experts believe that the cause of inflammation of the appendix is ​​its obstruction, which can be complete or partial. It is in the case complete obstruction urgent surgery is required.

When the appendix is ​​obstructed, bacteria can multiply in it, which, in fact, leads to inflammation and the formation of pus. This can also compress nearby blood vessels. Insufficient blood flow to the appendix can lead to the development of gangrene. If the appendix ruptures, fecal matter can fill the abdominal cavity, which is also extremely dangerous.

One of possible complications Appendicitis is peritonitis - inflammation of the tissues lining the wall of the abdominal cavity. When the appendix ruptures, the infection can spread to other organs, including:

  • cecum;
  • bladder;
  • sigmoid colon.

If the infected appendix does not rupture, the infection is limited to a small area of ​​spread, but in this case an abscess can form, which also poses a danger to humans.

Symptoms of appendicitis that should not be ignored

  • pain in the lower right abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • gas obstruction;
  • abdominal swelling;
  • elevated temperature.

One of the first signs of appendicitis is cramps. Over time they get stronger. Also with appendicitis, changes in stool and, in some cases, urination may occur.

Pain in the right side that occurs along with the above symptoms - serious reason consult a doctor. Remember that appendicitis requires immediate medical attention. In the first 24 hours after symptoms appear, appendix rupture is quite rare, but after 48 hours, appendix rupture occurs in 80% of patients.

Diagnosis of appendicitis: what examinations need to be done

On physical examination, an indicator of appendicitis is tenderness in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. Pregnant women experience more pain. If a perforated appendix occurs, the abdomen may be hard and swollen.

In addition to a physical examination, your doctor may also do other tests to detect appendicitis:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • gynecological examination;
  • pregnancy test (to exclude ectopic pregnancy);
  • Abdominal imaging: X-ray, ultrasound or CT scan;
  • chest x-ray.

Treatment of appendicitis

In rare cases, appendicitis is treated without surgery with antibiotics and a liquid diet.
However, in most cases, surgery is necessary, the type of which depends on the characteristics of each specific case.

Are there ways to prevent appendicitis?

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent appendicitis. However, those at the lowest risk are people who eat foods rich in fiber, i.e. fresh fruits and vegetables.

Estet-portal, realizing that our person seeks medical help last, warns about the danger of appendicitis to life and urges not to ignore possible symptoms inflammation of the appendix, so as not to put your life at risk.

Every person who has not previously encountered this disease should know what causes appendicitis. This is due to the fact that with inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix), which is appendicitis, the only effective treatment is considered a surgical procedure. Knowing the main causes of inflammation of the appendix, you can protect yourself from many problems and not risk your health in vain.

Causes of appendicitis

To understand what causes inflammation of the appendix, you first need to understand what this organ is and where it is located. The appendix is ​​a hollow, unpaired organ 70-110 mm long, which is located in the right iliac region (Fig. 1). It is a kind of border between the large and small parts of the intestine.

Today, medicine is not yet fully aware of all the functions of the appendix, but it is precisely established that it plays a certain role in the formation of intestinal immunity, helping to the human body fight harmful bacteria.

The appendix is ​​not vital important bodies, therefore, when it becomes inflamed, doctors in most cases resort to surgery.

Why does appendicitis occur? The causes of this disease in adults and children have not yet been fully studied. Thus, inflammation of the appendage of the cecum can bypass a patient, for example, with gastritis, but affect an absolutely healthy person.

When considering the causes of appendicitis, you should know that it can occur in acute and chronic forms. The latter is quite rare and develops after a history of acute inflammation appendix, when for some reason it cannot be removed immediately.

The acute form is much more common. The main reasons for its occurrence are considered:


If a person has appendicitis, the symptoms appear immediately and are pronounced. The main symptom of acute appendicitis that requires attention first of all is cutting pain in the abdominal area. Except pain syndrome, the patient may experience: nausea with vomiting, elevated body temperature, malfunction of the digestive system (dyspepsia). Let's look at each symptom in more detail.

Appendicitis hurts quite severely, so that when this symptom occurs, the patient in most cases immediately seeks medical help. The pain is first localized in the navel area, and after a few hours moves to the right iliac region. In this case, the nature of the pain syndrome can be both constant and variable.

Along with pain, a person may experience nausea and vomiting. Rejected masses may consist not only of previously consumed food, but also include bile impurities and mucus yellow color. Vomiting due to inflammation of the appendix of the cecum is caused by the body's reaction to severe pain and is most often accompanied by a lack of appetite.

Another symptom of acute appendicitis is high body temperature (up to 37.5-38°C). In some cases, it can rise above 38.5°C, which is one of the signs of complications of the disease (peritonitis, appendiceal infiltrate, septic thrombophlebitis).

If you do not see a doctor one day after detecting the first symptoms of inflammation of the appendix, the disease progresses to the gangrenous stage. At the same time, appendicitis no longer hurts so much, which is due to the death nerve endings process of the cecum. At the same time, even greater intoxication of the body and pronounced tachycardia are observed.

If you do not lie down on the operating table soon, the appendix may rupture. And this is a direct threat to the patient’s life. Therefore, knowing what causes appendicitis, it is better to follow basic rules than once again subject your health to serious tests.


Treatment of both acute and chronic appendicitis is performed only surgically. Therefore, patients should immediately seek help when the first symptoms occur. qualified assistance and undergo a thorough examination.

If the appendix is ​​inflamed, any laxatives and enemas are strictly contraindicated, as they can further complicate the situation. Urgent Care at severe pain comes down to taking painkillers, as well as complete refusal from food and water.

By considering what appendicitis is, the causes and symptoms of this disease, you can reduce the risk of its occurrence or promptly consult a doctor when the first signs of inflammation appear. It must be remembered that even the slightest delay in treatment can lead to undesirable consequences.